highest rank? what is your rank

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by leifizzle, Jul 9, 2003.

  1. leifizzle

    leifizzle New Member

    Is thier anyone here ranked really high. please post your rank and the character you used to get thier.

    im a 2nd dan with lei fei
  2. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Before someone flame you, I would like to warn you: Don't post here if you don't know the "rules of the house". They are harsh. But since you're new here I think people won't mind. Don't wonder what you "did wrong". Just read more posts in the forum, and after you read, read more..

    Sooner or later you'll find out that noobies only have a chance to talk after they get to a certain point of "knowledge". It's not just being knowledgeable in the game, it's being polite and smart about what you write in forums.

    Who warns you, your friend is.

    Following your question, and the reason why people don't like those types of questions: There are like LOTS OF POSTS like those. And really..they don't contribute to anyone's intelligence.

    By the way, I heard you got the game some weeks ago. Do something: Sell it. lol. Get VF4: Evolution. Or at least wait a little until it comes out. Another tip: if you want to get addicted, get an arcade stick, it's easier once you learn to use it.

    Thank you for you kind patience on this matter.
  3. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    I was stuck at 2nd dan for a whole year with Lei Fei! But I raised to 7th dan in just the last week... this website will help alot, (espec. the forum...) just watch out for them so called elitists.
  4. Stephen_J

    Stephen_J Active Member

    I'm a high king with Lei-Fei. I have all the orbs. finished the trial. I have won around 1300 some fights and lost around 330 some. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif but only have 24 items. Not sure how to get anymore.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    vf 4 ;
    Akira:High King

    vf4 evo;
    Goh:2nd Dan
    Aoi:1st Dan
    Lei Fei:1st Dan

    but I've only had it for a month.I'll try and find the ORIGINAL post...


    btw what do you mean you have all the orbs???When you get 7 you get an item.Some chars have more than one special orb item ( wolf has 4!) but after you have all orb items you can still collect them but they do nothing and if you lose a fight you will lose an orb at a time.After getting all orb items they become pretty much obsolete.
  6. CookyYuki

    CookyYuki Member

    well ive been playing this game for about a year, but when summer started, i started playing like 4 hours a day


    and im around 1st and s2n dan with jacky and aoi, i dont use them that much

    my goal is to be a highking with akira at the end of next week
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Please don't take this the wrong way but depending on where you are in the world I'de make it my business to get a copy of evo if I were you.I've waited soooo long for it to ( officially ) come out over here and quite simply its far better than vf 4 ver c in every possible way.

    Good luck with the Akira High King rank though.I got mine in about a month of solid play but I got Champion rank in evo i about 2 weeks...which kinda shows how hard I was playing it!
  8. CookyYuki

    CookyYuki Member

    Oh yeah dude, ive been losing sleep over evo(well not really), but it doesn't come out til like the 15 of august right?, and thats not for a couple of weeks, so i think i wanna get to high king before that comes out, cuz im gonna play that all the goddamn time

    by the way, what is the exact date that its coming out
  9. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    The 12th in the US, though most stores probably won't get it until the 13th. Just call a local EB or Media Play and ask them when the shipping arrival is estimated.

    Or (heh), you could just read my sig /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif, forgot about it......[P][K][G]
  10. CookyYuki

    CookyYuki Member

    Well im a thunderlord right now and if i counted correctly, its i think 21 days til evo, well, i think in 21 days i can climb 2 ranks, so this will work out fine
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Usually when people post asking "what rank is everyone else?" it's just an excuse to say "hey everyone, look at what rank *I* got!!!!"

    Unfortunately, this is in the list of common topics to avoid (try the third post on the main board, junky's jungle). To quote zero:

    "I GOT TO "X" RANKING ON PS2" - Congratulations, we don't care.

    Sorry to be mean about it, but ... this forum isn't for bragging about ranks, it's for helping people learn their characters and train for vs. human play.
    So I'm nuking the thread.

    Maybe you can read some of the other threads where people talk about the ranks they got. A lot of people have reached the highest one.

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