Here's VFDC's own Stl_Tm acting like a raging baby on PSN

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Nathan S, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. Nathan S

    Nathan S Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, generalripper114 on PSN here. I used to post here somewhat regularly but fell out when Final Showdown died. I'm a casual player with no real investment in fighting games, largely because the FGC is full of toxicity like this:

    Screenshot_20210921-223626_PS App.jpg Screenshot_20210921-223637_PS App.jpg Screenshot_20210921-223652_PS App.jpg Screenshot_20210921-223724_PS App.jpg Screenshot_20210921-223730_PS App.jpg
    Birthua, nou and BlackGeneral like this.
  2. Nathan S

    Nathan S Well-Known Member

    I should expect trolling and verbal abuse when you get upset about losing online? Truly it is a wonder why Virtua Fighter is a shadow of its former self.
    Birthua, Ellis and JinKs81 like this.
  3. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    I just fail to understand the logic of worshiping frame data or the feeling of devastation when you lose online whether because of connection or because you are just not as good as you think.

    It's a fu*ken video game. If it will fu*k your blood pressure and give you a stroke then stop playing.

    I am sorry you had to go through this toxicity. I get some worse or slightly worse with MK and I honestly mainly play local with my friends when we meet and family.

    I do play online but I frequently run across these peeps and it drives me off.
    Birthua likes this.
  4. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    Double post because I am passed,

    The worst type ever is the one who keeps reminding you about those numbers and how your hit should have never landed... well it did... deal with it and go get a life.
    Birthua likes this.
  5. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I thought this would be a thread where we would just laugh at him. Not what I expected...
  6. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    It’s nice to see something’s never change.
    Jay David and Paul68kdmd like this.
  7. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Dissing Tim is ableist
    Jay David and DK like this.
  8. Dhezz

    Dhezz Member

    FYI, I ended up in this thread two years later because my online interactions with him were so toxic I decided to google the user name.
  9. Paul68kdmd

    Paul68kdmd Active Member

    Dang, I can’t believe I found this 2 years later. Thanks, Dhezz!

    I’m sorry that you had to go through this, ripper.

    But how do we know that Tim was fast enough to grab? We don’t, and neither does Tim.

    Is online perfect? No. If I were Tim, I would stop playing online and expect offline result.

    I really like playing with ripper, not only because his Kage has tasty mixups, but he’s a good sport with positive attitude.
  10. Titantony

    Titantony Member

    I can't even front.. Dude helped me learn the game while investing hrs with me on xbl vanilla.. For that I'm thankfull . I still use tips he's taught me till this day. But dammit man lol.. Abare one time, or land a shot that shouldn't have landed and your gonna hear it lol.. I think he just expects everyone to play like him. In the end it's just a game. Can't let it get to you too much.
  11. Paul68kdmd

    Paul68kdmd Active Member

    Yes, Tim is very knowledgeable, and I, too, respect Tim for his effort in his VF evangelism. I truly wish that we can have an intense, yet chill, offline session, some day.
    DomAug likes this.
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    He's a hypocrite and sadly Salty Tim could easily have been the strongest Lion outside of JP with his personality/character matchup & the gap to other Lion players would be substantial. Well the rest is history...
    Setsuna_x likes this.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    @Nathan S, sorry to hear, some two years later, about your experience with Tim. I feel like any credit he earns by teaching new players is quickly and predictably overshadowed with his hateful remarks to individuals.

    It's arguable that his net contribution to the community is negative rather than positive. His unnecessary gatekeeping is irrational at best, and destructive at worst. Don't be like Tim.
    Birthua, Jay David and Blessy like this.
  14. Dhezz

    Dhezz Member

    I blocked him a long time ago after he would send me hateful messages after every match. I'm still sometimes paired with him. Afterwards, I'll get 20+ all-green potential matches (obviously from him) that are then immediately cancelled.

    I know that I'm not an S-level player, but I love the game and have for 25 years, and that kind of behavior just takes the fun out of it.

    Nice to see you, Ripper. I've enjoyed occasionally matching with you over the last decade.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2023
  15. Lashen

    Lashen New Member

    So, uh, lol. I too just logged into this forum for the first time in years because of a google search on this username (first result). Had an open room with two other friends in VF5US last night (I'm Barbarian, my higher friend is Sentinel), guy joins and stays for like an hour despite the obvious skill gap, showboating after each ko, about as toxic as you can be nonverbally, dashing all over like a kid on too much sugar, mirror matches, etc. At first my friends and I were laughing in a shared phone call but it kept going on and after like 12 matches it became obvious he was actually getting something out of all this. Who knows, maybe someone humbled him earlier in ranked. He had no online tournament statistics in his profile.

    In past memory people with noticeably higher skill levels tended to only stay for a couple of matches and leave. There really does seem to be two kinds of people in the broader fgc: people that understand game mechanics who can only enjoy themselves when challenged, and people who chase the high from winning in general. Sometimes it's the latter because they get floored too often in their own skill tier, but I've found more often than not it's just the childish need to dominate or humiliate someone. I remember a handful of jerks back in the arcade era; I'm sure internet anonymity has done nothing but nurture those behaviors and raise those numbers.

    Reading your screenshots he really does seem to be terminally gaming to the point of being offended at whatever he can. Under the umbrella of "I didn't lose; you played wrong." So yeah, haven't played VF5US since the year it came out and the first stranger I meet is a pretentious lobby predator. If Sega doesn't kill this franchise people like him will.
    Setsuna_x, Combolammas and Myke like this.
  16. Paul68kdmd

    Paul68kdmd Active Member

    Hey, Larsen.

    I'm sorry to hear that's what happened in your first vf in years, and hope it didn't keep you from playing again.

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