Here Comes an Old Fart

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by PurpGuy, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    Man, the past 8 years have been some bullcrap.

    I survived Stage 4 Cancer, a surgery that was supposed to kill me, an abusive control freak father, an abusive control freak sister in law, and now an ex wife who still loves me but annoys the crap out of me. I need to play some VF.

    I used to live in Columbus during the VF4:Evo days. Maddy said I was probably the best Sarah player in the States. But that was 8 years ago, and I was the only Sarah player in the States.

    I'm on XBox 360 GT: PurpGuy. I have VF5 but not FS (yet). I live in Lisbon Ohio now, which is approximately 67 miles beneath the middle of nowhere.

    How are you guys?
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Wow, man --- You've been through ALOT

    I was literally at my computer monitor speechless with my mouth hanging. I really don't know what to say, other than I have a ton of respect and admiration for you, having powered through ordeals like that

    As far as VF goes, you're on Vanilla? How often do you play? I've actually been trying to go back and practice in that game

    And do you play Sarah??? :D :D :D :D :D
    PurpGuy and Ellis like this.
  3. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    I haven't played VF in several years. Is vanilla the preferred version? In one of the recent videos I watched it was mentioned that the community is up in the air about FS.

    I've played mainly Sarah when it comes to VF, though my most practical experience was with VF4:Evo. If I start playing again I would stick with her because I'm the most familiar with her.

    (Or maybe I would turn my brain off and pick Jacky) :D

    (Ok maybe not)

    (No offense to Jacky players)
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
  4. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Glad to have you back good sir. See you around on the interwebs.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    FS is pretty much the only played version right now, if for no other reason than its new and (unlike most of the classic versions) readily available and online with lobbies. It's pretty simplified/striped down, which I don't mind too much, and I think it actually has helped introduce VF to new players as intended (somewhat). That being said, FS is pretty scrubby at times, and some(many?) vets absolutely hate it. Many of the great technical aspects of gameplay (like Multi Throw Escapes) have been thrown out or simplified to Fischer Price levels. It's pretty accurate to call it 'the SF4 of VF', if you don't count the whole popularity thing, of course.

    Noone plays Vanilla VF5, afaik. The XBL/PSN version of VF2 is a good port, from what I hear. Online VF2 players exist, but are very hard to come by, and usually are Japanese. There has been a revival of sorts for VFDC players playing VF4:EVO (like me), but there hasn't been much offline competition unfortunately, outside of New York.

    And Jacky players in FS have been hearing for years how braindead he is, so they'll be alright :D (braces for inevitable flaming) That being said, he's also a great choice to blow people up with.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
    PurpGuy and Ellis like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I also should say that, while I don't know much specifics about EVO days, I heard Ohio had a GREAT offline scene and some great players back in the day. I really am madly jealous of you, @PurpGuy
  7. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    We had over a dozen people show up to some gatherings. Many brought their own TVs and PS2s, so we could have 6 games going at once.

    One day, half of our group insulted the other half, who liked to play DoA4 (among other things). This prompted one of the DoA fans to buy a VF4:FT arcade cabinet, and put it into his kitchen (which was barely big enough to contain the cabinet), then invited the friendly half over to play it with him. That was some mad passive-aggressive revenge shit there, and I got to play VF4:FT, so it was win-win.

    (No I wasn't the one who bought the cabinet)

    But yeah I got to play with Maddy, Dandy J, and SH, and those were fun times.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
    Ellis and BLACKSTAR like this.
  8. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I still see Maddy playing FS, you should get in touch with him again!
    PurpGuy and Ellis like this.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Welcome back, PurpGuy! Hopefully it's onwards and upwards from here on out!
    PurpGuy and Ellis like this.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Hey Purp, glad to hear from you. I moved out of Ohio a couple years now. Maddy still plays once in a while on the 360. He lives around the Dayton area. You should look up his 360 tag on VFDC.
    PurpGuy and Ellis like this.
  11. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    I plan to get FS early next month. PKSarah will be sending him a challenge shortly thereafter :D

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Hey, if you want to play some Vanilla or Final Showdown, hit me up too, pls
  13. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    Will do!
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Glad you lived and glad you're back.
    Ellis and PurpGuy like this.
  15. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    I probably should have waited until payday but I went ahead and downloaded FS 2 nights ago. Been mostly practicing stuff in Dojo, there's a lot to catch up on! If ya see me on and want a mobile training dummy I'm game
    Ellis, Manjimaru and BLACKSTAR like this.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Heartfelt welcome and congratulations for surviving your ordeals!

    I live in the far corner of Europe so we two will never get to play meaningful online Vf, but I still wanted to say hello and welcome.

    I'll be happy to answer questions you have about FS on the forums same as these other guys. :)
    PurpGuy and Ellis like this.
  17. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    Well after 3 days of practicing FL 2k Hit Throws, 4PK Just Frames, and other various assorted combos and setups, tonight I started constructing a defensive Dojo program to get my defensive techs up to speed.

    I pick Jacky as my opponent, and set him to do the following:

    1- PK, Throw, Guard
    2- PK, Elbow, Super Fuzzy (Crouch Dash, Guard high, Guard low)
    3- PK, Sweep, Guard

    I let him hit me with PK, then I practice the various defensive techs. In addition to the practice, it shows me the inherent strengths and weaknesses of each type of defense.

    LTEG- Beats the Elbow, and one direction of Throw. Gets hit by 2 directions of Throw, and the Sweep. It is the weakest defensive option.

    ETEG- Beats the Elbow, and one direction of Throw. Gets hit by 2 directions of Throw, and the Sweep. Remarkably similar to LTEG when you quantify it as such.

    Fuzzy- Beats the Elbow, and all directions of Throw. Gets hit by the Sweep. Lets you mCounter the whiffed Throw with your own PK.

    Backdash- Beats the Elbow, all directions of throw, and lets you do Dragon Cannon to mCounter the whiffed Throw or Elbow. This is ridiculously good. Like Fuzzy, it gets hit by the Sweep. (Nero says it will also get hit by Jacky 33P, and 3K too. So it does have weaknesses, thanks!)

    Super Fuzzy- Beats the Elbow, all directions of Throw, and the Sweep. However, cannot mCounter the whiffed Throw with PK, nor can it Backdash Dragon Cannon the whiffed Throw/Elbow. (May get hit by delay Throw (Forward Dash Throw), and delay Mid (Forward Dash Elbow, Backdash Dragon Cannon), will test later).

    In addition to allowing the practice of all of these techniques, it also offers training to recognize which type of attack I defended against, and to respond appropriately. (Inappropriate response got defended by Jacky).

    PK Throw - If using Fuzzy, respond with PK. If using Backdash, respond with Dragon Cannon. If using Super Fuzzy, respond with Throw.

    PK Elbow - Can respond with a slow mid (4K+G), or a delay mid (such as Backdash Dragon Cannon). The key here is if the opponent is using Super Fuzzy, the slow/delayed mid will hit them during their low Guard. But if they were using normal Fuzzy, they would defend it (but be vulnerable to the Sweep option). So this one depends on the type of defensive tech you expect the opponent to use. Alternately, simply use your +5 to do something fast, though nothing is guaranteed in that situation. (I think "Delay Throw" as in dash forward into Throw may catch their Fuzzy, will test later).

    PK Sweep - The only way to beat this is Super Fuzzy. The frame advantage you get is tremendous (+18 or more, vs Kage it is +21!) Obvious response is your 17 frame mid launcher (Dragon Cannon), but you can one-up this since they are considered crouching. I like to respond to this one with guaranteed 4k, which causes Crouch Stagger, into the FL version of Dragon Cannon.

    One of the biggest things I learned tonight is that PK Sweep is an extremely dangerous option, if your opponent uses Super Fuzzy. If they don't use Super Fuzzy, it beats all other options. Or they could just Guard low and do nothing else, that beats it too I suppose. But then you get other options.

    I also played my first set of online games tonight with Kobe. As he is in Canada, the game was a bit sluggish for me, and I couldn't even land a single Hit Throw or Just Frame. Hopefully I'll have better games with closer opponents. It was still pretty GG though. :)

    I'll probably be practicing Super Fuzzy for at least the next week. I really need to start incorporating it into games. Doing it in Dojo is one thing, actual match is another thing altogether. Maybe I will just Backdash into Dragon Cannon. I still can't believe how good that is.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
    BLACKSTAR, PoisonKid13 and Strider786 like this.
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Technically, you can beat jacky out of the sweep with an elbow speed attack ([6][P][K]) or you could jump over the sweep with something like [8][K][+][G] I think? punch-kick on normal hit is +4 and Jackys sweep is 19 frames. This leaves 19-4= 15 frame speed moves to interrupt it with.

    But 'super fuzzy' is not a bad option.

    I might prefer a [4][K] -> FLA [3][K] combo since its slightly faster and thus opponent is less likely to recover from the stagger in time. But most of the time just take the guaranteed damage with [1][K]
    PurpGuy likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Yup, readin' this helped me out a ton. I needed a refresher

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