Help working the wake up game...

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Masahiko, Jul 12, 2002.

  1. Masahiko

    Masahiko Member

    I'm fairly new to VF but have gotten quite a bit better in the months since I started. However, it seems the weakest part of my game is wake up. When I get knocked down I almost always techroll (thank you Tekken) -- though sometimes I fail and just get the quick rise, which I get punished for -- which often gets me into trouble. I only play against one person and he plays Pai and just kills me very easily after he's knocked me down. I was trying some new things the other day to mess up his timing and stuff, but I'm not sure i know the game well enough to come up with a really good solution. Perhaps I should have posted this as a Vanessa (who I'm playing right now) Vs. Pai strat thread, but I seem to do alright, sorta, except on wake up. My problems seem to grow right out of Pai's nature, as in her style and attacks. She has all these fast, damaging spinning kicks which are very safe to do and just kill my evading game. Also, moves like uf+k,k and f+k+g (her cartwheel kick) seem very fast and unpunishable, even if i do manage to block them. My friend is also either very good at timing them to hit me when I techroll, or the timing for them to hit me on the techroll is pretty lenient. I have a very hard time connecting strikes on techrolling opponents with Vanessa.

    So, if I techroll i'll just get smacked by uf+k,k or f+k+g plus juggle for big damage. if i manage to block she recovers so fast i have trouble countering, though i'm sure the cartwheel kick is throw counterable, and often get counterhit by k,k for more damage.

    If I try to rise and evade I get smacked by those same attacks or her evade move or other spinning attacks. If i delay my get up, or whiff a rising attack, he can get in very fast and throw me for huge damage.

    So, I 'm not sure what my best course of action might be -- hence my inquiry. If i could do multiple throw breaks and evading throw breaks easily I think it would help a lot, but that stuff is super tough.

    Any help is appreciated, even just versus Pai stuff. I take like 90% of my damage from getting beaten by k,k plus heavy down attack -- d+k,k (which beats d+p) -- and wake up stuff.
  2. TomDC85

    TomDC85 Well-Known Member

    Nice post, nicely asked. There are many FAQs/ guides etc... that deal with this, just use that search button at the top. ETP wrote a brilliant Vanessa FAQ, but maybe it's too heavy. Look around, there'll be something.

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