help with Wolf's low drop kick

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by kuneen, Dec 20, 2002.

  1. kuneen

    kuneen New Member

    I'm a newbie to VF. Could some give me some advice on getting Wolf's low dropkick to come out with regularity! Half the time I do it, I get him doing a kick my oppoonents knee/thigh. It seems like it would counter move, unfortunately I can't get it to work on a regular basis.
  2. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    A rather common issue with controls in VF is that motions that LOOK like they should be circular (i.e. [6][2][K] in this case) are actually performed not like the standard Ryu fireball, but rather as two distinct directional taps. In other words, don't roll the joystick from forward to down, but rather tap forward and then tap down. Hope that helps.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    no, it can be rolled, but it has to be quite fast, i think the activation is abit more strict, to pull it off, you have to input the motion quite fast: i.e, tug the stick or pad from forwards to down in a striking motion (kindda like a matchstick) with the kick following on the down motion. sometimes it helps to hold down afterwards (well, it does for me).

    but hey, atleast it's not VF2. sheeesh, it was hard to pull off in that version!!
  4. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    I always perform this move as
    so it should work fine for everyone.
  5. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    try to get the [K] in earlyer,, this move is one of those that must be done quick

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