Help with how to train

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by sibarraz, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. sibarraz

    sibarraz Well-Known Member

    Well, now the the game has been released and I hadn't played in years, I feel like I don't know the game, so it will be cool if someone could help with a training routine to learn the game and later how to use aoi, and learn matches

    At least I want to now what I'm suppose to be playing in a match, understand better the options and those things
  2. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

  3. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Heh, I wish I could provide solid advice here on how to help you train with Aoi. But the truth of the matter is that I'm in the same boat in as you guys until I spent some time in the dojo myself to sort out and get a defined read on things. There's been a lot of changes made in the system that I have yet to explore. From my limited experience with FS up to this point I find that some of the tactics I used in vanilla translate seamlessly, but many others tactics do not. That'll change soon, though, as I'm sure I'll be able to come up with some new stuff to work in my game.

  4. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    First build up a rock-solid defense with aoi. i strongly recommend using the record feature in the training mode. Record character's attack strings and practice blocking them. Also it is crucial that you pay attention to where the opponents attacks are landing,because not only will skillful blocking allow you to break down the opponents attacks and counter accordingly but also you might be able to intercept the attack outright with one of her reversals if you know where the attack will land( high,mid,low). And don't forget to learn the throw escapes for the opponents three most damaging throws. Throws can't be blocked!

    Next master movement with aoi. Movement is a part of defense too. Learn to back dash when you are on the defense and also learn to evade attacks. Also be mindful of your positioning at all times because of the walls and the edges of the ring.Now try to blend blocking and movement into a defensive whole.

    Only move on to offense after you have mastered defense
  5. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    OK, this is my training routine, I used it in EVO but have modified it for FS.

    First I should say that I usually focus on one matchup at the time. The person who lives closest to me and plays VF plays Lion so right now I am learning how to play against him.

    1. Play through Aois movelist to warm up (when I have it memorized I choose other characters, right now Lion and Akira). Make sure you have detailed information turned on so you can see the startup of each move! This will help you memorize frame data!

    2. Play through all the tutorials (or at least the last few defensive ones). I skip this step now because I got it down. If you do not, this is a really important step.

    3. I practice either
    * Fuzzy guard
    * Evade throw escape G
    * Punish Lions moves on block
    * Getting out of staggers
    * Combos
    or something else. Sometimes I just mess around in training mode, experimenting with wall combos or record random stuff.

    4a. Special sparring, but I practice something specific, stuff like seeing stance or max damage combos. Okizeme is also something you can practice. Don't waste too much time on this, the AI may be better than the AI in other games, but it will still give you bad habits.


    4b. Online matches with people in my vicinity (close enough so the lag is not a factor).

    What you practice is not important, just that you do.

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