Having trouble w/ Akira combo.

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Calvin, Dec 30, 2002.

  1. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    [2_][6]+[P]+[K], [P], [2_][6]+[P]+[K], [2_][4][6]+[P]. I can get it to come out perfectly, but the m-dblpm doesn't connect by a long shot. it comes out directly after the shldrm though. Any help?
  2. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    forgot to tell you, i'm playing against kage.
  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It's easier to get that combo when the shrm is a MC. I usually hold the first part of the modifier([1]) immediately after I do the shrm. Then after the shrm comes out, I do the rest.

    Here's my method:
    shrm, P, shrm (hold [1] immediately after the second shrm), then just before it recovers, I hit [1], [4], [6][P] quickly. It's just like executing the dblpm in: ST, sgpm, m-dblpm. Some people do [3][3][4][6][P] for m-dblpm, but I like [1][1][4][6][P] because it's faster for me.
  4. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    I think that Combo works only against light opponents
  5. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    on the ultimate combo guide it said up to kage.
  6. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    Okay..just tried
    The combo seems to work on counter hit only
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It also works on a counter hit against Lau. Against Jacky, substitute the first shrm with Yoho.
  8. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    In Version C, this combo works on light weights with a regular hit and on MC, it works up to Jacky (although, it has to MC Jacky when he's standing).
  9. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    One of the crucial things for me with this combo is doing the P-shoulder ASAP after the 1st shoulder, so that it pops them up high enough for the DblPm to hit. Just because the P-Shoulder hits, that doesn't mean you've done it fast enough.

    Like someone else said, in Evo ver. A this only works with a counter hit against girls, so keep that in mind.


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