Has anyone noticed a frame discrepancy on PSN?

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by White_Worm, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I've been noticing something odd in the frames for the last few days on PSN and was wondering if anyone else has noticed it, or if I'm just crazy.

    There seems to be a -2 frame lag if you're playing on 2p side. An example: I constantly get beat out by wolf's spinning elbow (63214p) as the round starts when I'm doing a standing P. That should only work if my standing P was 14 frames, right?

    Also, I've noticed situations where I'll block a 2p and be at +4, then I go for a 14f mid and get beat out by low punch.

    I'm buffering these commands so they come out as soon as possible, yet it seems like if I'm playing from second player side in ranked, there are a lot of situations I get crushed on even though the math adds up and I should have hit first. When I'm on first player side, I don't see it happening ever.

    Has anyone else seen anything like this, or am I just imagining stuff? Do you get beat out by a slower move when on second player side?
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Was it a three bar connection? I've noticed last night that I don't get proper punishes (throws at -10) unless I'm playing on 3 bars. I just accounted it as lag. Online play will never be perfect. [​IMG]

    Test it in the dojo to make sure. Some moves will naturally beat a standing P at the beginning of the round.
  3. King9999

    King9999 Well-Known Member

    If two moves trade, the move with higher damage wins. Not sure how many frames the spinning elbow is, but if it's coming out before your punch, it's possible that the moves are trading and the elbow is beating your jab.

    It could also be lag, too. There are things that definitely shouldn't work offline (like multiple down attacks :rolleyes:).
  4. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Wolf Screw Hook is 14f, it shouldn't beat punch at the beginning of the round unless the punch whiffs or the game lags. Try to do 6_P if it's the first, find better games if the latter.
  5. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Contrary to popular belief you may think you actually attacked at the same time but you didn't. I believe there is an Arcadia article about buffering at the start of the round. Depends on range hit boxes etc... It's on-line too many variables to test properly.
  6. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    Yes, the last time that I was on it. I usually have to approach a concern way that was undesirable, because of it. One of the examples, I was unable to reverse from throws and having to replace that with reckless launchers or jumping to avoid them. Wasn't meant to be perfect, but you either develop tolerance for it or not.

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