Harada teasing VF character for Season 3 of Tekken 7?

Discussion in 'General' started by Adamay, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. Adamay

    Adamay Well-Known Member

    Cryptic message from Harada and people going nuts! What does it mean for the future of VF?

  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    nothing it means nothing
  3. Thesch28

    Thesch28 Well-Known Member

    But...... What if........ Your're......... WRONG?
  4. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Tricky likes this.
  5. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    Not interested much, but it can be cool. But i'd rather Harada focus in Tekken and Sega on brining VF in the map, but if this sh1t can bring interest on VF again well why not, even tho i don't think that's what VF necessarily need right now.
    beanboy likes this.
  6. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    All he's saying is that he had the chance to bring TTT to Dreamcast but chose the PlayStation instead and in hindsight, he made the correct choice. Somewhat related but the DOA Twitter account straight up said they will be unveiling their 2nd season pass for DOA6 on July 20th. If Mai came back, I hope Akira and the VF characters also have a chance.

    Tricky likes this.
  7. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    It's obvious that Harada, was just replying to a question.

    But if I remember correctly, I think Harada wanted to port, a special version of Tekken 3, onto the dreamcast. Something tells me that if he did, it would have looked cool.

    As cool as VF characters in Tekken might sound, if Virtua Fighter characters did appear in tekken, eg. Jacky, or Akira, the sad thing is, they'll unfortunately, be watered down, toned down, not so indepth, overly basic, poor mans versions of themselves. Them appearing in DOA5, is a good example of this.

    Also, the Tekken team, will have to super improve, the cartoony basic level gameplay of tekken, and make Tekken alot more realistic, by adding in real combat mechanics and stuff.

    Eg. A proper dodge evade mechanic, a proper sidestep ability, the ability to crouch run, under your opponents moves, the ability to duck under an opponents high attacks and attack him, the ability to block an attack, and then immediately attack before your opponent can continue his/her attacks etc. and the list keeps going on, and on, and on, and on, and on. It's too much for me to write.

    I remember playing the VF characters in DOA5. And I will admit, I was almost disappointed, with how watered down Akira, Jacky and Pai were. The reversals were nice though, and not too far from real life. But holy crap, they were dumbed down.:p
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2019
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I honestly think there is a good chance we will see VF characters back since Mai was in the game. We also might even get new characters (hope for Eileen). It's sad I'm more hopeful to see Eileen in a different game than I am in her appearing in VF6
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Tekken is morphing into a 2D or 2.5D fighter. They're going in the direction of Street Fighter. I don't think there will be any VF characters in Tekken any time soon:whistle:
  10. Thesch28

    Thesch28 Well-Known Member

    And how is 2.5D going to be a factor in that? Isn't VF2 a 2.5D game? even VF4 games are a little like that.
  11. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I think what he means, is that the tekken series is emulating, the over the top mechanics seen in 2d fighting games, such as rage arts, super moves, super meter type game play, dark EX special supermoves, seen in games like Killer Instinct, Street Fighter 5, Samurai Shodwon, King of Fighters, Darkstalkers etc.

    But then again, looking at the history of the tekken games, tekken from the start from tekken 1 upward all the way to tekken 7, always had over the top cartoony stuff, such as fighting bears, boxing kangaroo's, farting baby dinosaurs, genetically altered jurassic park inspired dinosaurs, fighting with boxing gloves, people turning into monsters firing laser beams etc. Normally, you'd expect to see stuff like that, in 2d fighting games. But that is what makes tekken, tekken.

    As the director of tekken Katsuhiro Harada himself said, "tekken was never a realistic fighting game." It got alot of inspiration, from Jack Kirby and Stan Lee superhero comic books and various 2d fighting games etc.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
  12. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    But, they'll make her jiggly.:p
  13. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

  14. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Oh no, I don't know if I can endure a year of "Bro! You should play Tekken 7 now, look it's got Sarah from that Virtual Fighter that you like!"
    Jason Elbow likes this.
  15. Thesch28

    Thesch28 Well-Known Member

    Just say "I don't care''
    beanboy likes this.
  16. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Fuck nawl. We need to keep Tekken 7's natural juices from contaminating VF's purity. I oppose.
  17. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    It gets tiresome.

    I don't really care if VF characters end up Tekken because I'm not playing it anyway, I just hope they keep guests out of VF!
  18. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Same here.

    PS: Also, after playing Tekken for so many years, I'm literally bored of Tekken. Like literally. That game is so bland and basic, and needs to innovate alot.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
  19. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    beanboy likes this.
  20. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Who are you telling!!! There so much to not only innovate, but to fucking update too! Like:
    - Scrolling backgrounds to give to add the "illusion" of dept to infinite stages, which of course aren't ."infinite" Lol (what the fuck am I playing Tekken 2?!!!)
    - The stupid ass prolonged crouch state after performing certain attacks, or getting hit by or blocking certain attacks, thus forcing you to only do from crouch attacks.
    - Not having access to your entire movelist from crouch.
    - Can't side step towards the screen from crouch.
    - Super jank ass inconsistent hitboxes.
    - The ability to be grabbed out of attacks start up (that might be a me thing, but it's still fucking stupid).
    - Throws being linear. (Again, maybe I play VF too much, but still fucking stupid).
    - The whole concept of being "off-axis"...
    - Mishimas naturally being weak on player 2 side due the right punch they execute electrics with hitbox being slightly off depending on P1 or P2 side.
    - Lucky Chloe. (Cancer as a playable character.)
    - ARMOR KING. (I actually love AK. But the fact that his throw mixup game isn't that good as King's dispite being a wrestler is asinine...)

    Im quite sure there's more, but this is the shit I know myself. Anyone wanna chime in and get a few free stomps while Tekken is on the ground feel free.
    beanboy likes this.

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