GVN Summer Jam VI - Aug 25&26 - Philly,PA

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by FightClubHuBBs, May 17, 2012.

  1. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    GVN Summer Jam 6, August 25th- 26th 2012. RIGHT HERE in Philadelphia, PA at the beautiful Sheraton Suites Hotel.

    Sheraton Suites Hotel
    4101A Island Avenue,
    Philadelphia, PA 19153
    (215) 492-0400
    *Located 2 miles from the Philadelphia International Airport.

    Hotel discount link for Aloft Hotel: $95 a night before taxes


    Online Venue Registration


    GVN Summer Jam 6 T-shirts

    Coming soon…


    There will be a $25.00 online venue fee, $35 at the door
    Spectator fee is $20. You pay that at the door.
    Door registration starts at 9am, both days.

    Contact Information:

    Eric “Big E†Small

    Robert “FightClub†Hubbs


    Big E Gaming
    Gaming Vision Network
    Namco Bandai Games


    Raffle Giveaway:

    We will be raffling off various prizes to be won throughout Summer Jam. You must purchase a ticket in order to win. Tickets are $5 each.

    Pot Bonus:

    There will be a pot bonus for the following games:

    Time Table


    It should be no surprise to everyone that has attended our tournaments over the past couple years that they are constantly growing. With that said it’s becoming increasingly more difficult on ourselves to stick to our time schedule just out of the sheer number of players entering each tournament. Please try to help us out and be on time (especially for the biggest time killer…teams) so we can in exchange provide you a smoother and less chaotic tournament experience.


    Main Games:

    Soul Calibur 5(PS3)
    SSF4AE 2012(PS3)
    KOF XIII (PS3)
    Mortal Kombat(PS3)
    BlazBlu CSEX(Ps3)
    Gulty Gear XX AC(ps2)
    Virtua Fighter 5 FS(PS3)
    Arcana Heart 3(PS3)
    Melty Blood (PC)
    Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3)
    Persona 4 Arena (PS3)


    Side Games:

    Garou – Neo Geo
    Super Turbo – Super Gun
    Golden Axe Duel – Sega Saturn
    Eternal Champions – Sega CD
    Vampire Savior – Arcade
    Killer Instinct – Arcade
    Mortal Kombat 2 – Arcade
    UMK3 – Arcade



    Team Tournament games:


    AE 2012 — 3v3– 11am– Single elimination till the top 8
    MVC3 –3v3—11am – Single Elim till top 8
    SFxT – 2v2 – TBA
    BB – 2v2 — TBA
    SC5 – 3v3– 12pm


    KOFXIII – 3v3 – TBA
    3S – 3v3– TBA
    MB – ? – TBA
    AH3 – 3v3 – TBA



    Singles Tournaments:

    Game – Entry Fee – Start time

    SSF4AE2012 – $10.00 -tbd-ps3
    Tekken 6 – $10.00 - 2pm ps3
    Blazblue CS2 EX – $10.00 -1pm–ps3
    Soul Calibur 5 – $10 – 2pm–ps3
    KOF XIII – $10 – 3pm– s3
    GGXXAC – $10 – 4pm–ps3
    UMVC3 – $10 – tbd– ps3
    Arcana Heart 3 – $10 –2;30pm
    MbCC — $10– 3pm
    MK9 – $10 – 3pm
    VF5FS – $10 - 3pm
    P4Arena - $10 - TBA
    DOA5 - FREE - 3pm


    Sunday 8/26/12

    SfXTekken –TBD–ps3–$10–1v1
    Cont of SS4AE2012 –12pm
    Cont of UMVC3 — 12pm
    Cont of SC5 – 12pm
    Cont of KOF XIII – TBA
    Cont of VF5FS - TBA
    3S — tbd
    KOFXIII Teams – TBA
    Various Side Tournaments – TBA, check with TO’s
  2. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    Okay Heads up! We might be having a date change! Please be patient!
  3. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Making me miss home...
  4. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    Please Take notice! it is now tentatively planned for Aug 25th and 26th. It can still change!
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    If you're going to have Final Showdown expect to see me here!
  6. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

  7. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

  8. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Count me in on this one too. VF just got a brand new injection of players / hype. So we have no excuse to not represent at tournaments now [​IMG]
  9. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    You guys can not reserve your hotel room at either the four points or the sheraton suites hotel. $95 a night before taxes. You can only get hte discount price online.


    DO NOT CALL THE HOTEL TO RESERVE YOUR ROOM! YOU WILL NOT GET THE DISCOUNT PRICE! ONLINE ONLY! If there are no more rooms available either call me or Eric and we will contact the hotel to add more rooms.
  10. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    Persona 4 has been added to the line-up of games.
  11. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    over 80 rooms sold so far. reserve them while you can guys. ^_^
  12. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    It is with great honor that I make this major announcement. On behalf of Free Step Dodge, Gaming Vision Network, and Big E Gaming, we are proud to announce that we will have a near final build of Dead Or Alive 5 at GVN Summer Jam VI. We will have the game a full month before its release. The event will be held on August 25th to the 26th. Tentatively we have plans to run both a singles and a team tag tournaments. We would like to extend an invitation to all current and former DOA players, and those interested to please attend the event as this will be one of the few non IGN Pro League events to have Dead Or Alive 5 playable to the public.
  13. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    I'll most likely be there.
  14. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    Let's make a big push for VF5FS at summer jam! I want to see a 64 man bracket!
  15. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    what do ya think? get over 50 for vf5fs at SJ6? I think so.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think so too.
  17. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    Gonna make a nice little announcement for VF5FS end of the week. I think you guys will like it.
  18. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

  19. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    Alright my the announcement!

    I am giving VF5FS a $250 pot bonus. If we have 64 people or more I will double that! $500 pot bonus for a 64 man bracket or bigger!

    Get Hyped for Summer Jam!!!
  20. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Yo did the date of this change or am I f'in nuts?

    If it's actually Aug 11-12 I'll be mad hype.

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