Guard in modern 3D fighters

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by nascarbryant, Oct 27, 2000.

  1. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    I was thinking if the different ways to inplement a guard function in a modern 3D fighter are equal or is there an ideal method......

    MAny of my friends(tekken-copany) say that guarding with holding the stick back is better then with a guard button..........i don't believe that for example if the stick is already used in that manner you won't be able to input a lot of different moves with the stick during guard(i love to input commands and let the guard button lose at last momment...sort of back,forward,(release guard),forwardP+K )....i think the introduction of a neutral guard doesn't solve that problem either, same for Escape functions(tekken down twice)..........or if you expect an attack from your opponent....holding back the stick can alter the distance to a foe even if that isn't planned............what do you think...............

    P.S funny dead or alive 2 opts for both............

    brumm,brumm,brumm.....big sister sarah is watching you..
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    It's all about preference.

    The Guard Button also adds functionality though as opposed to its absence. VF3 throw commands, crescents, little things like that :p

    It's all about preference though. I prefer the Guard Button, you're not motion-tied from the defense, but it's not even that big of a deal in 2d fighters (well, charge characters in Capcom vs. SNK may be a tad of an issue).

    Anyways, preference, preference, preference... People accustomed to their games tend tot hink their games have a better system. They simply like it better.

  3. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    i'm note sure if only preference counts...........maybe games are like science,a bunch of variables in a complex system but if you can discover some objective flaws in a complex system.......than no subjective opinion can go against such prove............okay the old phylosophic discussion is there something objective or is everthing subjective(opinion,preference).........for 2D fighter it's probably no flaw......but occuping the stick for such functions(guard,evade) should decrease significantly the possibilities of inputing a lot of different orders during does frames of guarding,evading(the only way is to input different button-commandes).........i find it interesting that many 3D fighting games did opt for guard button(VF,FV,last bronx,soul calibur-soul edge from the tekken team....beast worriors...anarchy in the nippon.....) .....

    P.S LP,RP,LK,RK didn't find that kind of arrangment in many or any 3D fighter......I think it's easier to remember with G,P,K,(E)....maybe i played to much sega arcade and sega saturn......

    brumm,brummmmmmmmmmmmmm......good night... everybody

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