Ground throws.

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by Vic_viper_t301, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. I have a couple of questions regarding Aoi's ground throws.

    #1 Are small ground attacks guaranteed after a successful throw?

    #2 I'm having trouble with the camera resting when I'm close to a wall. This is sort of related to #1 as sometimes I'm trying for a ground attack and get [1][P] instead. Is there a standard why the camera corrects to that I'm not noticing?
  2. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member


    None of Aoi's small ground attacks are actually guaranteed after a successful throw since it's possible for an opponent to get up fast enough to avoid it. However, there is a greater chance of landing one after pulling off certain throws like [​IMG][4][P]+[G].

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">#2 I'm having trouble with the camera resting when I'm close to a wall. This is sort of related to #1 as sometimes I'm trying for a ground attack and get [1][P] instead. Is there a standard why the camera corrects to that I'm not noticing?</div></div>

    Heh, the camera can be unpredictable at times and abruptly swing the players to opposite sides like what occurs near a wall like you mentioned, or during Aoi's position change throw [6][P]+[G][8]|[2] among a few other instances. Unfortunately I don't think there's any clear cut clues to look for or any real way to plan for an abrupt camera position swing ahead of time. You just have to be quickly aware of all situations that this could possibly happen and be ready to adjust then react accordingly.

  3. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I think for #1, he meant after a ground throw, not any throw. And I believe the answer is "technically not", but very people know the timing and roll directions required to avoid a [3][P] followup. I always go for it, and successfully hit almost every time.

    As for #2, the answer is that yes, there are predictable cues that will tell you where the camera will move. But I can't tell you exactly what they are. This annoyed me for many weeks when FS first got release, and then suddenly one day I realized that I could tell, and I stopped ever missing the [1] vs. [3] for ground attacks and throws. Just play a lot, and you should be able to figure it out, too. There seem to be slight differences in camera angle, and if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the camera prefers to swing so that Aoi's front is facing the camera after it moves, so keep an eye on animations and foot stance.

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