Gotham VF4 EVO Early Bird Battle

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by nycat, Dec 13, 2002.

  1. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    <font color="ffffcc"> Let's get ready to rumble! Gotham VF Club is meeting Saturday 12-14-02.
    Little talk, much Battle. </font color> IF we get hit with a transit strike it will be a looong time before I can play again. Goh, Jacky, Lau, Akira, Wolf, Van, Kage and Lion will be there. Send PM if you are attending. so far zero Pai, Shun Di, Sarah or Brad players have responded. Quality Aoi player may attend. (see Aoi dance!) thx
  2. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Deha hajime yo ka?

    <font color="ffffcc"> Sukoshii dake asonde yaru ka!?!

    EVO Battle starts today at 11AM. seeking frame rates and flowchart ideas for GOH.
    thx. sup peeps! </font color> /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Damn, late again.

    I missed my VF fix yesterday, guess I'll run out the house now. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  4. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Damn, late again.

    Hiya Shag! I just missed you. Because of seasonal shopping requirements I had to dash to 32nd St to meet wifey.
    OK, here's what you missed: Eric playing a very capable Pai. He defeated my Goh a dozen times in a row despite Goh's arsenal of hit throws & sabaki's. The hit throws require counter hits, for the most part as you know, but Eric interupted my advancing moves with the Pai forward cartwheel incessantly. Also, while Goh's Sabaki's sabaki quite a bit of stuff in the hands of accomplished players like hiro, this was not the case of my Goh vs HamerHead's fluid Jacky and 4getaboutit vs. HH's Kage! Seldom did anyone get to see Goh go into the Tsukami. wifey coulsd see I was glum after getting my butt wacked at VF4 EVO, so she took me to Kung Suh for some BimBi Bop and Hakudan cold sake to anesthetize my battered ego. You would have only added to my agony /versus/images/icons/wink.gif. All the best. A tall Rasta Bouncer with serious Jeffrey skills to match his size was also their for the Breakfast Club Battle. sidenote:The sticks are amazing and the buttons flawless. The monitor is the highest resolution CRT I have ever enjoyed in an arcade. Deep bow to Andy So and LionMasterAndy. Hopefully, <font color="orange"> hiro </font color> will help raise my Goh game from the depths of madness with some cogent advice and someone will point me to sabaki discussions and frame rate data for Higami.
  5. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I'm trying Goh myself.

    But I'm not doing as well as Adam is with him. Adams Goh got quite a few wins today against NYC elite crew and Jerky who is visiting for a few days. Some great matches today.
  6. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: I'm trying Goh myself.

    that is way cool T!
    I humbly seek Adnan's help with Goh.

    It is interesting that in <font color="yellow"> The City That Never Sleeps </font color> we have three distinct "shifts" of devoted VF4 EVO players. Now I must get back to my Samyang Ramen Kimchi Soup!


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