Goh's tsukami throw -- questions

Discussion in 'Goh' started by kbcat, Oct 18, 2002.

  1. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Goh's tsukami throw (aka judo throw).

    For people that have played Goh -- what are your thoughts on the timing and ease of escape for the throw? When a high level CPU Goh gets me in the throw he always lands it. However when I try it on higher level CPU opponents or estute human opponents (i.e. GE) it's almost always escaped. So, is it really easy to escape or is my timing for entering the commands (i.e. f,b+P+G, b,b+P+G, u+P+G, etc.) too slow? What the heck is the timing for entering the command -- it's different for the low versus high entry (you have to wait longer befor entering the first push command for the low entery one) -- but, I haven't nailed the timing yet.

  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I've been meaning to post some stuff from Arcadia for a while now, but I kept getting sidetracked with other stuff.

    Anyway, one of the things I wanted to post was the uniqueness of escaping Goh's Tsukami followups. Unlike normal throw escapes where you enter the last command to escape, for Goh's tsukami you must enter the opposite command direction!

    So if Goh ends with [8], you escape with [2]. If he ends with [6], you escape with [4]. And so on. Also, the escape command simply consists of (opposite) direction+[G].

    Hope this helps.
  3. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Ah ha!

    Do they have a 10 frame window like normal throws? Can multiple escapes be done? Thanks for the info. IF you have anymore I would certainly appreciate it!

  4. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    If you are talking about the Tsukami followups, then I think I might know what you mean. I think if you try to input a certain followup like you do for a regular throw, it might not work. Example (If any of this is incorrect, I apologize, but that's what I thought I learned by the brief Goh sessions I had when Evo was here):

    Tsukami >> [6][2][G]+[P]. If you press [6][2] quickly you will not get the throw, and chances are you will either push him out or your throw gets escaped. What I then understood is that when you see [6][2][G]+[P] as a Tsukami folloup, it means a forward push [6], then a downward push[2] and throw, which is not the way you input commands for regular throws. Current Goh players should help in confirming that /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.

    Sorry if this is not what you meant by your inquiry, and I hope someone can confirm it as well.

    And Myke, thanks for the info regarding the escape commands /versus/images/icons/smile.gif. Special escapes for Special kind of throws.
  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    This is a good description of how it works. Like BuJasoom siad, it's like 1, 2, 3 for f, d, P+G. But, I'd say to tap the P+G right after Goh starts to move in the final direction. In the case of single direction throws, just tap P+G right after you input the direction, these are often easier to get off.

    Also, to escape the P+G "push" follow up, just push G. To escape the direction+P+G throws, you don't need G, just tap away from the direction Goh is pushing (imagine that you're resisting the way he's pulling/pushing you).

    I'm working on a basic Goh tactics document that should be up soon.

  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for the correction, spotlite.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    !@#$% no wonder Wilson keeps getting those throws on me.
  8. jherb9000

    jherb9000 Well-Known Member

    How do you get into Tsukami ?
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    jherb9000 said:

    How do you get into Tsukami ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Reading the command list helps.
  10. jherb9000

    jherb9000 Well-Known Member

    can someone send me some Goh media on irc...please? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  11. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Join #vfhome on EFnet and talk to CreeD. :p (I don't know if the !vclips trigger still works for his fserve)
  12. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Just wondering about something here...

    Do the escapes work in the same fasion as normal throw escapes, IE... can my opponent push [8] [6] [2] [4] quickly to get out of all of Goh's push variations? Or do they just get one attempt to break? It'll be pretty weak if they can just mash out all 4 directions to escape every time.
  13. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I'm fairly positive you only get 1 chance at a direction break per movement of Goh.
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    This is correct - at least according to 1/60th.
    You cannot enter multiple escapes and your opponent must enter the correct input within 10 frames of your drag attempt. There's also a note that says something like "even though a joystick icon appears, the time you're in the hold cannot be shortened".

    I'd had the wrong impression before, so I'm glad someone revived this - I'd always though you could whirl the stick to get as many escape inputs as possible in the 10 frame window.
  15. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    The main thing you have to remember when throwing someone in sukami, is that you not only have a huge advantage cause they only have a 25% chance of breaking your direction, but you have to take your time.

    Dont go slow, but you dont have to rush your imputs. If you do, you might imput too much and you wont get your throw off. Mix it up, dont always go for back as your first push.

    Also [P]+[K] [P]+[G], the first part doesnt have to be succesful, you can attempt to go in tsukami, even though you dont inashi anything.

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