Goh grab and then throw

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Necromancer, Sep 2, 2003.

  1. Necromancer

    Necromancer New Member

    I looked at the goh movies on the DVD, but I don't see the [P]+[K], [P]+[G] (grab) used that much, but the coolest moves are performed using the grab, I only see quick jab combos, with normal throws. I had VF4, and I loved playing with Lei, probably because he is pretty easy to get into, easy to string combos. Playing with Goh for a day now, but he freaks me out. Love the attitude and the look of the character, love the completely different fighting style. Just cant seem to get the hang of him. Characters, I like to use is Shun, and Lei. But I;m really into Goh, and I want to understand how to fight with him properly. Any suggestions ?
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I see your new round here. Heres a link to find all the Goh stuf you could ever want:


    I'd also suggested downloading as many possible vids from here too:


    Watching how a character is played well is a lot better than being told how a character is played well, I find. A good starting point is creed's Goh quickstart. Its listed on the first link I gave. I play a little Goh myself and his tips and tricks and that will come in handy. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    Hes the only character I played so far and I use the move a fair amount of time. I love this move because its an easy way to get ringouts. If your back is a few steps away from the edge you can use [4][4][P][G] or [4][P][G] too throw them out once in the catch postion. (Becareful, if your too close - the[4][4] command will walk you right out of the ring). Same if your infront of the edge - u can simply walk them out of the ring /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    Back too using the [P][K] command. Once you played a while, you can tell when a character is going for a punch, and some characters have moves when the punch comes out very slow. Lei has his move when his back is turned and then comes out with a swift Punch and Shun has a move where he backs up and then charges at you fist first. The [P][K],[P][G] is VERY useful in that cause because if Shun hits you with that Punch - you do a stagger.(Sorry, I know its better understood with the commands - but I have nevered played with them before). Vannessa has a lot of charge punches too, Like her [4][P] in the D mode and [4][6][P][K] in the Big O mode.
    Also, If your standing far away, the computer might start a punch combo out of range and then grab them.

    Veteran Goh players must have some other uses for this move - please share.
  4. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    You can also use it for more advanced option-select. When you're at a disadvantage you can use [P]+[K] combined with throw escapes. The [P]+[K] will deflect any high/mid punches and high/mid elbows. The throw escapes will also function as the command for the grab.

    Against Lau, you can use [P]+[K] -> [6][P]+[G], [3][P]+[G]
    This will allow you to inashi all of Lau's high/mid punches, his elbow, and five of his throws. If you learn how to use this technique at the right time, it's very powerful.

    Another cool thing about this move is: If the opponent is guarding, you can simply hit [P]+[K], [P]+[G] and grab them. Even if they're crouching, they're likely to stand and guard because [P]+[K] looks like an attack.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Wow nice tips DRE I didn't realise this. That last tip is especially cool. I just found out through messing around then that if you can float an opponent near a wall with [4][P]+[K] and then hit with [6][P]+[K][P] as a follow up into the wall I think you've a guaranteed ground throw racking up some nice damage. I tested it only against Aoi before and sometimes he'll grab and arm and twist and sometimes he'll kinda warp to the legs position and do a leg throw. All in all its quite a handy idea I think.
  6. Necromancer

    Necromancer New Member


    Looks like I have to do alot of studying...
  7. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    I dont think any ground throws are guaranteed. I THINK they can be escaped at any situation.
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    "guaranteed" is a misleading word to use. True the ground throw can be escaped but when it's referred to as "guaranteed" it just means there is no way for them to avoid having to input the throw escape. ie in this situation it means they can't get up before you ground throw them.

    Ground throws are kind of a 50/50 guessing game in guaranteed situations, since the game doesn't allow multiple escapes it means there's a good chance it'll connect if you use them sparingly.
  9. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    hahha it's still what we call a GUARENTEED THROW SITUATION. exactly like how there are guarenteed throw moves? are you saying those don't exist either?

    [edit] my bad, Elite got to it right before i posted

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