So, kokei has not been a large part of my game, in part because I don't know a lot of safe ways to get there. But, hit confirming into kokei seems like what I want to do, so, I've been trying to practice that in the dojo. I know + finishes in kokei, and you can ++ into kokei off several strings, including and , which brings me to a thought. is a common pressure string, and if the hits, you can add the second punch. During practice I have no problem hitting ++, but for some reason I'm having issues with ++. is it sloppy input or is there something I'm missing? Also, what are your favorite times to get into kokei?
An important point about moves that shift into kokei is that you receive a frame 'bonus' when going into the stance. For example for , , if you shift into kokei you will gain a +2 frame bonus, on top the standard frame stats on guard/hit/counter. You can test this out in training mode by turning on the detailed stats and seeing the frame difference displayed when you shift into the stance compared to just inputting the attack by itself. From kokei you can use (which is very fast at 14 frames) to beat even the fastest attacks. With the frame bonus there are some attacks into kokei which even if they are blocked, you will still have enough advantage to use this move to beat s and other attacks for a combo. Think getting the (),+... to work is just a matter of practice, which of the inputs is giving you trouble?
Just the very end. I can do the p,g,elbow,punch string and I can do elbow, punch, kokei, but for some reason, I seem to have issues with the kokei off p,g,elbow,p.
Ah ok, if you can do the sequence already except for switching into kokei it's probably just a case of practicing the motion, there isn't any specific timing for it.
Annnnd, when I got home today, I discovered I was adding a punch. Hooray commands view. Now that I've beaten my errant finger into obedience, it's going into kokei much more smoothly. A part of it is the timing. If I'm going to go into kokei, I've got to make that choice about the time the elbow flash finishes. Not a lot of delay timing. If I wait to watch the 2nd punch connect, it's already too late.