GCC Sarah Evolution

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by tragic, May 6, 2003.

  1. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

  2. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    <mike90210> that was...
    <mike90210> the coolest thing ive ever seen
  3. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    This guy should be making combo vids as a paid job
    Heh sega should make him do trailers
  4. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

  5. eKiN

    eKiN New Member

    i dont play vf4

    but this is the best vid ive ever seen
    worth the wait
    owned me up so hard
  6. _BMW_

    _BMW_ New Member

    words cannot describe the complete and utter ownage of that movie...
  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Note: I posted another comment before, this is an edit.

    The combo vid sucks, and it wasn't worth my 20 minutes of download. Not too mention all the hype. It's Sarah and it's boring. I don't give a shit about editing also. At least it's not WMV9.
  8. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I thought it was a well done film that obviously took alot of time and effort (this from someone who had to use Adobe Premier for 2 years) and all in all was a fine product. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    That is the best combo video i have ever seen, and i have seen at least 3, two of those being japanese. As such i consider myself an expert, but this vid blows those ones all away. Im not a sarah fan myself, but i was just amazed, and entertained throughout. Great Job. That editting just rocks my pants off, in a nonsexual, but equally gratifying way.
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    At least it's not WMV9.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i'll raise a glass to that.. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  11. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    What a magnificent job, Tragic.

    This is a mind blowing video. Tight combos, great

    editing, coolest musics, and more!

    Thanks a lot! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  12. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    That was by far the best combo video of ANY fighting game character that I have ever seen. Awesome combos, awesome editing, and if anyone complains about the size they need a bullet in their ass (because it's well worth it).

    Tragic; you MUST do other characters too. I hope Brad is in your future lineup /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif.
  13. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member


    I know that was lots of work...lol

    Great video!
  14. Mad1

    Mad1 Member


    The Ura Tapes have been a source of inspiration for me. Not that I have ever played VF3, but that video got me hooked on VF4 (really can't explain why, but somehow i realized what VF is all about, just by watching the Ura Tapes).
    I didn't think I would ever see a video that would be better, but I just did.
    This is the best combo video I have ever seen.

    You know how it feels when you are kind of stuck? Can't get better at VF, no mather what you do. Well, the next time that happens, I will watch the video as a source of inspiration to keep fighting.

    Thanks Tragic. Great work!
  15. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    damn that was awesome!

    Great great choice of music as well.

    And your Sarah looks so damn sexy with her red hair. I didn't think Sarah could look any better, but now I know. lol

    If this combo vid doesn't get my scrub buddies hyped up about EVO, i don't know what the hell will!
    Hell, I was crazy about Evo, and it still got me hyped up now.
  16. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member


    Pretty easy to follow. dmg and stance. Note, some combos may be possible in more than just open or closed (aside from what is listed) but most if not all were tried in both stances.

    ** act 1 **

    JEF: CH d+p+k,k, ub+k (57, open)
    KAG: CH DC, pg, DC, u/b+k+g (88, open)
    SHN: CH DC, pg, DC, DC (89, either)
    LEI: CH (f+p)k, db+k+g,k, fl u+k (74, open)
    LEI: CH (f+p)k, df+pk, fl u+k (69, either)
    SHN: fl f+k+g, FC,f+k+g,k (75, close)
    AKI: CH DC, f+p+k,p,k~G, ppk (76, either)
    LAU: CH u+k+g, df+pk, fl u+k (69, close)
    KAG: CH fl k+g, d/b+k+g,k, fl u+k (70, open)
    GOH: CH u/f+k~G, df+pk, fl u+k (70, close)
    GOH: CH u/f+k~G, pg, d+kk (67, open)
    JEF: CH bb+k, bt pg, bb+p, bt k (72, close)
    JAK: CH d+k+g, d/b+k+g,k, fl u+k (64, close)
    LAU: CH kp, DC, ub+k+g (75, close)
    LIO: fl f+k+g, d/b+k+g,k, fl df+pk (68, open)
    PAI: CH d+p+k,k, pg, pg, d+kk (75, open)
    SHN: CH b+k+g, dash d+p, kk (69, close)
    VAN: CH DC, d/f+pk, fl pg, f+pk (85, close)
    SAR: CH DC, pg, kp, u/b+k+g (82, close)
    JAK: CH kp, FC,f+k+gk (73, either)
    BRA: CH (f+p)k, b+k, fl pg, ub+k+g (64, close)
    KAG: CH kp, pg, pg, f+pk (66, close)
    AOI: CH kp, df,df+k, d+kk (81, close)
    PAI: CH DC, pg, DC, d+kk (94, open)

    ** act 2 **

    BRA: CH kp, f+p+k,p,k~G, fl u+k (65, either)
    KAG: CH d+p+kk, hold f, pg, b+k, fl u+k (72, open)
    BRA: CH u/f+[k]...k, pg, df,df+k, ub+k (76, open)
    AOI: CH u+k+g, pg, df,df+k, df,df+k (89, open)
    SAR: CH DC, FC,b+kk, df,df+k (83, open)
    VAN: CH b+p+k (vs crouch), fl pd+k, df,df+k (70, either)
    LAU: fl p+k (sabaki), f, d+k,p+g, dash d/f+k (45+13, either)
    VAN: bt uf+k (vs rising), bt pg, pg, d+kk (69, close)
    LIO: CH d+k+g, df,df, uf+hold k, uf+k~G, tt pg, b+k, fl u+k (66, close)
    WLF: CH d+k+g, b+p+k (QR), fl d+k,p+g (hit throw) df+k (45+50+13, either)
    SHN: CH (f+p)k, pg, f+pk (wall), u/b+k+g (74, close)
    SAR: CH DC, bb+p, bt pg, bb+p, bt pg (wall), bb+p, bt db+k (87, either)
    AOI: CH DC, df+pk, fl pg, bb+p (wall), tt k, ub+k (95, close)
    LEI: CH DC, pg, df,df+k (wall), k+g, fl u+k (96, either)
    AOI: CH DC, df+pk, fl pg (wall), FC,b+kk, ub+k+g (91, either)
    JEF: CH FC,f+k+g,k (wall), bb+p, tt pg, pppb+k (95, either)
    PAI: CH DC, df+pk, df+pk (wall), df+pk, fl u+k (92, close)
    VAN: CH DC, FC,b+kk (wall), pppu+k, fl u+k (93, close)
    JAK: CH FC,f+k+g,k (wall), bb+p (wall), tt b+k (wall), u+p (103, either)
    LIO: CH FC f+k+g,k (wall), FC,f+k+g,k (wall), u+p (112, close)
    PAI: CH DC, pg, df,df+k (wall), FC,f+k+g,k, u+p (112, either)

    ** act 3 **

    SAR: f+p+k+g (off wall), db+k+gk, fl u+k (85, close)
    GOH: f+p+k+g (off wall), bb+p, tt pppb+k (86, either)
    AOI: CH d+p+kk (wall) p, d+p+kk, d+k..k (stagger), d+p+kk, (75+71, close)
    AOI: CH d+k+g, b+p+k, fl (QR), pd+k (stagger), dash b+k+g, dash df+pk, fl u+k (45+80)
    GOH: CH d+k+g, d/b+k+g,k (QR), fl p,d+k (stagger), u/f+k~G, p+g (49+19+50)
    AKI: CH d+k+g, d/b+k+g,k, (QR) fl G, u+k (stagger), FL G, df,df+k, df+pk, fl u+k (49+87, close)
    AOI: CH FC,f+k+g, bb+p (wall), bb, ub+k (backwards) (87, open)
    AOI: CH DC, pg, DC (wall), bb+p, bb, ub+k (backwards) (92, open)
    AOI: CH DC, pg, DC, pg, df+pk, fl d+k, pd+k (backstagger), DC, pg, DC (wall), u+p (95+97, close)
  17. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Awesome stuff! Sets the mark for other vids to come!!

    (I sounded like a movie critic lol)

    Everyone download this and watch it full screen please.
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Transcript

    All hail tragic.
  19. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

  20. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    Heh, nice work. And was that the "scary" laughing bloke from Thriller I heard at the end there? /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

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