GANRYUJIMA | A VF community ranking system! VF3tb/VF5REVO

Discussion in 'General' started by JED-VF3, Mar 3, 2025 at 12:31 AM.

  1. JED-VF3

    JED-VF3 Active Member


    Introducing the Virtua Fighter Community GANRYUJIMA Ranking System for VF5REVO and VF3tb! This system is designed to foster competition, improve our skills, and create a respectable community ranking. This is currently NA ONLY These events will take place in the VF Community Discord.
    ( )


    Ranking System & Tiers
    Our ranking system consists of five tiers, with the Emperor at the top:

    Emperor (There can only be 1 Emperor at a time)




    Rebel (Entry level)

    New players will start at the Rebel rank.
    Players advance by defeating a higher-ranked opponent (within the allowed challenge range).
    Ranked matches are First to 5 (FT5), except for Emperor and Shogun challenges, which are First to 10 (FT10).


    Challenge Rules & Match Guidelines

    Challenge Eligibility:

    Players may only challenge opponents ranked higher than them.

    You can only challenge within one tier above, except Hitokiri, who can challenge the Emperor.

    The initial rankings will be determined by a tournament.

    Challenge Frequency:

    You can issue one challenge at a time.

    If you lose a challenge, you must win at least one set before challenging again.

    If you lose an Emperor challenge, you must wait 2 weeks and win at least one set before re-challenging the Emperor again.

    If an Emperor loses the title, they must wait 2 weeks and win at least one set before attempting to reclaim it.

    Upon losing a match, you may only be challenged and are not allowed to issue a challenge.

    Defending Your Rank:
    Challenge battle days are Tuesday and Saturday.
    Once challenged, a defender must accept and play within 1 week (on their next available battle day).

    Failure to defend within 1 week results in automatic demotion.

    If the Emperor fails to defend within 1 week of being challenged, the title is forfeited to the next highest-ranked player.

    Match Rules:

    All matches are played on a 3 round setting.

    Virtua Fighter 3tb: The loser of a match may pick the stage.

    Virtua Fighter 5 REVO: Stages will be selected at random.

    Tournament registration:



    Get Ready for Battle!
    This ranking system is built to encourage competition and growth in our Virtua Fighter community. Fight hard, climb the ranks, and claim your place as the Emperor!

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Let’s make this a competitive and exciting experience for everyone!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2025 at 4:19 AM
    fence likes this.

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