Future DLC?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Burning_Typhoon, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    I wanted to ask you all about how you felt about future DLC for the game...

    I feel like it's lacking as far as content goes. But, for the core game itself, it's better than what I've been playing for a long time...

    But, I'd like to see things, like the stages from VF5R, for example. Do you think we'd ever be able to get those through DLC? Or, how about the other features lacking from the arcade version?
  2. def

    def Well-Known Member

    agreed, i too would like to see the VF5:R stages. maybe, have more items for customizations.
  3. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping for the addition of auto throw escape/tech roll gems.
    PaiChun and FuryofFrog like this.
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'm content with what we have, but it would be nice to have the option to select VF5R stages.

    I also hope that they continue to release more DLC as I'm sure tons of people are snagging them up.
    UroboroSx and Jinzer0 like this.
  5. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    I know it would be asking way to much, but I'd like a replay upload feature similar to the one in 3rd Strike Online, not necessarily a YouTube upload but at least a in-game replay browser where you could watch and upload replays I have a bunch saved from day 1 and 2 that I cant rip since I don’t have any HD capture device.

    I’d also like to see old stages come back, I liked Wolf’s vanilla stage.
    Jinzer0 likes this.
  6. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    WTF??? You can upload replays. Do you actually own the game? Go to the main menu. Click "Terminal" then click "Replays" . It doesn't take a brainiac. Even you can do it. Good god man.
  7. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Just want more items for super barbie fighter.

    What I'd really really love but probably won't ever be done due to balance issues - ability to use old movesets from previous games.
  8. def

    def Well-Known Member

    YES I AGREE on the old movesets. It is one of the reasons why i go back and play the past VF games unlike games like Tekken and Soul Calibur which usually updates the movesets as each new installment comes.
  9. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Woah really? I barley even looked at the "terminal" yes i do own the game, why else would I be here.
  10. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    How about a 5.1 DD or uncompressed audio DLC? The biggest fear I had was the audio in this game, and I was right. Game sounds like ass.
  11. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    I want vanilla & R stages, but what I want more is...the Quest Mode. I know this lack of contentt is due to "1st party regulations" what explains 99% limitations in VF5FS, but if avaiable at a low cost, I know mst VFers would just buy the Quest Mode DLC in no time.

    Well...the hope is the last to die!
  12. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    I miss some stages from VF4.... oh, well...... one can only hope.
  13. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    I have heard no such sound issue.
  14. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'd want DD to be saved in case there's another revision.

    If there isn't, I want more customizations.
  15. Chestnut_Bowl

    Chestnut_Bowl Member

    More customizations (for characters not named Eileen, especially), more stages, and the option to set the music for specific stages. Really, I'd be fine with just that last one.
  16. ghostphacEZ

    ghostphacEZ Member

    I'm not so sure about this, seems like only 1 out of every 5 people I play online has the item packs, if that. I'm a little disappointed not more people wanted to customize their character. I definitely think that just like everyone said before, the dlc packs would sell themselves if everyone could see them, not just the people who bought them.

    Chestnut Bowl? I believe I played you a couple times the other night, gg if you were that aoi player [​IMG]

    As for some future dlc, I'd love to see the custom intros added even though that'll never happen. Item win poses for people who have the packs and subtitles for character's intro and win poses shouldn't be too much to ask for I think. Hell, how about some avatars or themes that aren't psn+ exclusive would be nice.
  17. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    There's another thread for patch-updates. I'd like to leave the DLC discussion separate, please.
  18. Watson

    Watson Member

    I want intros before fights from arcades.
  19. RandomGuy

    RandomGuy New Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm a little disappointed not more people wanted to customize their character.</div></div>

    A lot of people want to do that (myself included) but 2400 mp is way too much for aesthetic changes. Should have been 100 mp each for individual packs and 800 mp whole bundle.
  20. mahmood1982

    mahmood1982 Well-Known Member

    i want the RANK match to be offline, give a reason to play this shit, i dont want to spend all time playing the stupid sparring mode, also please fix the AI, they so offensive on HARD and the only way to beat it is to button mash and if you change it to NORMAL the AI so easy to defeat, where is the balance? since when VF become TEKKEN?? and what the hell happen to evade hits? why its difficult to evade hits?

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