FT Orange Book

Discussion in 'Store' started by vf4akira, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Didn't see this posted already but a new FT mook is coming out on Friday Nov 11th. It's called VF4 FT Orange Book Junkies' Last Stand. Price is Y1659.

    It supposedly has all the frame data for every move. Of course I'm going to pick it up once I see it.
  2. Ken_I

    Ken_I Well-Known Member

    where do they sell this?
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    the FT master guide also has all the frame data.

    although i'm curious to find out what this book will spill out.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Here's the link to the book, though I'm not sure if the Enterbrain site handles international orders.

    Based off Version A, has frame data, and has contributions made by many famous/strong Japanese players.

    Those looking to order it online can try the Japanese book store chain, Kinokuniya, which has branches around Asia, Australia, and North America.
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Thank You Sexy Aussie. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  6. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Hmm. I got the Orange Mook, and have also had a chance to browse through the Master's guide. It seems that the Orange Mook went the whole hog with frame data this time (total frames, initiation frames, active hit frames, situation on guard, hit, small, medium and large counter.) [Still don't have Lei Fei's [6][6][K]+[G] active frames, I've always been curious about this. ] I got to have a look at Master's guide while I was at the arcade, and my feeling is that Orange Mook is a better guide, but then looking back I used the VF4Evo Softbank and Arcadia books about equally.

    One thing, there is no DVD attached. There's an explanation as to why this is in the current arcadia, but I think what it boils down to is money. The Mook costs 1580yen (about the same or slightly more than Green Mook, and that had the DVD attached.) But the DVd is being sold for 6090yen separately, released on 22/12 this year. Kind of disappointing, because it seemed like an amazing line up again, with about 92 matches recorded. Mind you, my hero Heruru went down to Chibita 3-0 so it could be a good thing that I don't get to see it.

    The guide seems okay, if a little rushed. There are a lot of mistakes (I picked up about 4-5 in Lei's combo page, and that's without being able to test the combos.) They are just typos, but it makes it a little difficult to know what the writers are trying to say at times.
    Also, it's probably going to need to be revised should version B come out. Not sure how they'll deal with that, seeing as Arcadia doesn't really do updates, maybe they'll do a purple mook or something.

    Book is 240 pages. P.4-13 basics of the game, 14-123 explanation of moves, 124-193 tactics, with about 4 pages for each character, except Lei Fei (6) and Vanessa (8). Generally, 2 pages of strats and 2 pages of combos.
    Rest of the book is frame data.

    Writers are pretty much the arcadia regulars.
    Akira, Lion! - ossu, Jacky, Lau - chakki, Sarah, Jeffrey - H.L., Pai, Shun, Aoi - 矢永 (Myke help, I've forgotten the reading again), Wolf, Goh - Astro, Kage - Yorou Kage, Lei - Hanabirei, Vanessa, Brad! - Kurita.

    There are random little things on the way through, about some tournaments, VF history and frame data recording etc.

    All in all, a good book, seems to cover everything a bit better than the green book did (it assumed a higher level of understanding, probably because it was more of a sequel to the Red and Blue, whereas this one seems to stand alone a bit better. Point in case, there is a section explaining Lei's five stances and how they interconnect.) The mistakes are present, and I wonder what will happen with Ver. B, but in spite of all of this, it's probably still the best guide out, and worth the money.

    P.s. The DVD I mentioned is called Rise of the Youth, as I said it's coming out 22nd of December, playes include Homestay Akira, Minami Akira, Inochi, Ossu Akira, Haijin, Mask de Hijitetsu, Anii, Muscle Sarah, Punch the Senbon, Hakushou Lau Haoh, Tsuchikumo, 矢永 (Mr Satan), Segaru, Chemuru, Magnum, Yorou Kage, Jin, Itobashi Zangief, Shu, Chibita, Arumadillo brother?, Buddo, Nuki, Kofu megane, Heruru, Hanabi rei, Kashin, Tokyou megane, Kuraita, Gamecentre arashi, Itoshun, Neo Tower.
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The Pai, Shun and Aoi sections were written by Yanaga.

    Yanaga did extremely well in the recently Ote4 tournament, making it to the semi finals only to lose to the eventual tournament winner, Jin.

    Thanks for the comments on the Book, noodalls.

    My take on FT Ver.B is that if a guide does come out, it'll be a light/small book that just covers the changes in this version along with any new additions discovered since. Or, for the optimistic among you, if a home version comes out next year then there will most likely be another comprehensive guide to cover that, just like the "Complete Guide" did for Evo on the PS2.
  8. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Just little corrections here and there on names..

    [ QUOTE ]

    P.s. The DVD I mentioned is called Rise of the Youth, as I said it's coming out 22nd of December, players include Homestay Akira, Minami Akira, Inotchi, Ohsu Akira, Haijin, Mask de Hijitetsu, Anii, Muscle Sarah, Punch the Senpu, Hakushou Lau Maoh, Tsuchikumo, Mr Satan(AKA YANAGA), Segaru, Chemuru, Magnum, Yorou Kage, Jin, Itobashi Zangief, Shu, Chibita, Arumadillo, Fuddo, Nuki, Kofu megane, Heruru, Hanabi rei, Kashin, Tokyou megane, Kurita, Gamecentre arashi, Itoshun, Neo Tower.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's some great group of players. I see MINAMI AKIRA in the list. Hmm.

    Oh, btw, thx a lot for the post.

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