FS not going mainstream? Poor sales @ XBL n PSN.

Discussion in 'General' started by SenseiSD, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. SenseiSD

    SenseiSD Active Member

    Konichi wa VF enthusiasts!

    In analogy to the previous post "VF5FS going mainstream" I would like to post a subnote. Maybe it`s to early to validate, but it seems the mainstream-market has no room for FS.
    Costumers didn`t apreciate this masterpiece with their downloads/buys!
    Long term short sense:

    Actually the leaderboards indicates:
    XBL 4000+ gamers
    PSN 17.000 gamers - despite the fact its for free for plus users!

    Sensei SD
  2. nstalkie

    nstalkie Member

    I'm not in the leaderboards, because I don't play ranked. I'll maybe play 10 matches in ranked for the achievements later. but so that's 1 gamer on PSN that you haven't listed bringing the total to 17.001 ! [​IMG]

    So yeah, I wouldn't take these numbers as the actual sales number.
    - some people just don't play ranked
    - some people are having exams (I know in Belgium that's the case, I'm sure other countries will be busy with exams as well).
    - some casual players may not know it's out yet
  3. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    The game has been out how long? 3 days now? Give it some time.
  4. synapse

    synapse Well-Known Member

    There's lots of people who don't play online. I've had VF5 for years now and I hadn't played online until last night.

    Also, yeah, exams. Same thing here in Spain.
  5. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    I haven't played Ranked either, so don't hit the panic button yet. Plus, I saw that the PSN Leaderbroads were up to 18,000 in Ranked something just like 5 mins ago.
  6. scytherage

    scytherage Well-Known Member

    Microsoft hasn't been known to push fighting games at all; if you watch all their marketing is more inclined towards COD / Halo / FPS games, which may explain the low numbers.

    I really wouldn't blame VF itself; fighting games in general are less appealing to the mainstream. They take a lot of effort to learn, and you have to lose a LOT just to get better. With FPS games, you can always blame your teammates when you lose.
  7. SenseiSD

    SenseiSD Active Member

    Thanks for your answers.

    Well, I don`t wanna "hit the panic button" - still good metapher, by the way - and I`m also aware the game is just fresh out of the oven and I cannot take the XBL or PSN numbers as fix and real sales - but they are anyway a first indicator of the games succes.

    Maybe we can still actualize the numbers in monthly intervalls to get an idea.

    Enjoy the game and use the DLC stuff - but still don`t creat to crazy characters, we ain`t at SoulCalibur here... [​IMG]
  8. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Wait for the weekend. I'm sure a lot of people don't have time to play during the week and will be online on the weekend. That will bring up the numbers for sure.

    Does anyone know what kind of numbers are considered good for a digital release?
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    100K is good for a digital release from what i've seen.
  10. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    It's too early to tell. But I have a good feeling about VF5FS. It's an amazing game, it has good reputation among players, SEGA did a good promotion for it, it's very cheap, and it's only out there for 3-4 days. I have both versions of the game, but I only play online on my PS3 because I don't have Gold Membership for XBLA.
  11. spiron

    spiron Well-Known Member

    its early for me so forgive is my point does not come across clearly. i think "mainstream" as a term is a bit fuzzy and often misleading. is something like DOTA mainstream? no but a lot of people play it.

    i want to be clear. i am new to VF really, sure i played a bit of 4 evo but nothing really hard core.i'm going to totally rip of haunts from IPW here. i think VF5 much like most 3d fighters suffers from a lack of easily see-able smoothness and flow of game play.

    Say what you will about MVC3 but that game right away you can see its smoothness and flow. you know with out ever picking it up what you might expect. I really feel, and this point echos even bigger with new players coming in like me that VF looks jerky and odd the first time you see it.

    its a game one needs to play, seeing VF on a stream with out playing much, and then playing and seeing it on stream is like night and day.

    I think however the game is going to grow and some new people are going to come in, i am proof of this. i am here to stay. is it going to be SF or marvel in numbers and sells? nah not even close. its not even going to be skullgirls in numbers, and its self defeating to expect huge numbers. but it can grow, and it will grow even by a little bit. In that spirit its up to us all, us new players too to help foster that growth.

    in the end think of simple math. My favorite kind of math! lets say ps3 week one 19,000 people download and play. 1/10 if just 1/10 people stick with it that is still 1900 new faces, sticking around and wanting to learn more. those are numbers any community can work with.
  12. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Over 20k in 2-3 days for a highly-technical series that's been "dead" for years?

    That's not so bad y'know...

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I hope you are not comparing download sales of an online game to retail sales of disc content to distributive outlets (i.e. stores and such)

    Those are two completely different animals
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    The PSN leaderboard now holds 21,461 players as of 6/8/12 1:32PM. That's really not that bad for a download-only niche fighting game. The only thing to worry about is if you start to run out of people to play online. So far, I'm finding plenty of matches and really quick everytime. Way more often and faster than say SC5.
  15. Righteous_Dream

    Righteous_Dream Active Member

    At least give the game a week guys lol.
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I hope the DLC purchases give Sega a lot of extra padding.
  17. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Are those #s worldwide?
  18. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure those numbers are at least equivalent to KOF's numbers. That may not be enough though.

    Skullgirls struggled to get 50k total between both consoles, and that includes the folks not on the leaderboards.

    That said, if this game flops, at least I know it's time for me to quit the genre, and can do so on a high note.
  19. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    well... ain't this thread pesimistic? give it at least 15 days, fcol.

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