from pad to stick

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by pkg_inc, Jun 20, 2003.

  1. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    I`ve been playing Akira on pad for ages, and I finally decided to get myself a stick. Problem is, I just can`t seem to pull off the more difficult moves. I`ve practised for quite some time now, with no progress. Could anyone give me some advice?
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing you have a good stick (Hori Evo Stick, ASCII FT2 stick).

    Go to free training mode.

    Display your inputs so you can see where you're screwing up.

    Practice Knee (the hard one) - a lot (15 to 30min. a session).

    Practice SPOD, DLC, AS3 - a lot (30 to 60 min. a session).

    Practice your combos (Knee, P, m-shrm, m-dblpm, etc.) - a lot (1 to 2hrs a session).

    If you have Evo, do your Tactics Advice.

    Do not underestimate the importance of Knee.

    You'll get there.
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    What stick are you using for a start?That weighs heavily on what you're trying to do.When you say practised for some while how long?A few days...months?
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah i'd have to say Plague has the right idea.Knee is essential in evo imo and the only way you'll get combos like shrm>p>DLC consistently in matches or whatever is to be prepared to pratice an awful lot.Practice until it comes second nature and you don't need to think.Practice over and over... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  5. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    I use the Namco tekken stick.

    thanks, practised some more, got nowhere, got a big headache /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  6. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I found Akira's knee easy to do with a stick cause of the big buttons (press [K] and [G] together but just slide across [G] and hold [K]). SPOD is also much easier. It takes a long time to adjust but in the long term it's worth it especially with Akira.
  7. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    i use a pad and i can pretty much do everything on it (except akira's knee) without changing the way i hold the controller. Because with the default set up the knee is like impossible without holding the controller funny. The one thing i can't do well and i probably could do with a stick is lots of modified moves in a juggle. Like with akira doing a modified double palm or Pai's modified rising palm thing. throwing a few of those in a float combo is so hard for me!

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Solution = Sell your stick and go back to pad.

    Pad POWER !! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    hmmmm...I don't know much about namco sticks as I use a Hori myself but I'm guessing you use the traditional [G] [P] [K] buttons placed in an arc on the right hand side?
    I'd then advise using thumb=[G],first finger = [P] and obviously second finger = [K].Instinctively and after time your right hand will get acustomed to this set up ( if it hasn't already ) and instead of wanting to do a throw, throw escape whatever you'll no in to be simply " thumb and first finger " and so on.
    Presumably the buttons are quite sensitive so find out exactly the right amount of pressure you need to apply to them to get results.
    I hold the stick with my thumb, first and second fingers with my left hand as I find it gives me greater control over commands.
    When you say " practise" what exactly does this entail?When I say this I mean be really anal about everything you do and describe exactly what troubles you and why you think it does and I'll try and help you.
  10. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member


    first off, when I say "practise", I mean trying to do a move multiple times in free mode, in normal speed, with the show-what-you`re-pressing thing on (I prefer mode A). And to answer to your first post, I`m "only" been trying for days, not months

    second, yes, I`m using the button configuration you mentioned

    third is, I`m beginning to make some progress. I`ve done SPoD, DLC, AS3 and the knee several times now, but I still can`t do the (modified) doublepalm. I`ve tried [1][2][1][4][6][P] and [3][3][4][6][P], but I`m doing it rather slow, so it`s no good. Tips?

    last, I`m often having problems with putting in [2][K]+[G] in AS3, resulting in pressing [3][K]+[G] instead. Of course, I`ve tried doing it more correctly, but when doing it quickly, I start screwing up again.

    Help apriciated
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Okay.The moral of this story is probably that everything WILL come with practise some time or other.With some people it will be sooner rather than later but this is inconsequencial.
    First the SPoD:
    Apologies if you do this in a different way as there probably a few different ways of thinking of it but here's what I do.Press all the buttons together but be sure to be very gentle and simply "tap" them.As soon as you have released this tap you need the throw motion[4][3] very smoothly then to tap the [P] and [G] guard buttons together before jamming the stick backwards [4] followed by a [P] tap.The way I see it is that the [4][3][P]+[G]>[4][P] is pretty much all one motion and so if I get the throw I should get the dbpm at the end.I've been playing as Akira for about 6/7 months now and there was a period when I would religiously do his infamous set of moves over and over for a couple of hours a night.Then reverse the direction to make sure I could do it from p2 position.
    DLC is tough to get down and it just takes time.You should push the stick into the [3] position and tap [K]+[G] at the same time ( I keep hold of the stick though some will let go of it ) let the stick go back through neutral then push forward and tap [P].Your right hand fingers really have to work fast in this motion.As soon as you've pressed the [6][P] for the elbow jam the stick back and make sure you tap twice [6][6] then [P]+[K].Maybe try it a slow speed to get a sense of what the motion feels like.
    AS3 is similar and probably easiest yet they are all easy to mess up if you don't concentrate.You gotta make sure the stick goes [2] and NOT [2]/[3][2] etc as you will see this on the screen if you mess it up.Then put it through neutral then its a case of [6][K] fairly quickly then just a stpm move [4][6][P] to finish with the overhead smash.
    However this is only half the story.Unfourtenately after you have these under you fingers you can't simply use them as they are ( well...maybe 2/3 of DLC in evo ).Now you must do them after various floats eg
    ohdbpm>DLC etc...
    And yes I'm afraid you have to practise these over and over but the thing is once they are programmed into your fingers its not that bad putting them in combos.
    Now for the dbpm.First off how's your crouch dashing?I mean using [3][3] or [1][1] to "slide " around and cover ground quickly etc.You need to be decent at this before you try m-dbpm ing or m-shrm ing imo.If you simply do [3][3][4][6][P] then you will see a crouching animation.However if you guard buffer ( hold [G] , enter the commands then release [G] at the last secong ) then the dbpm will come from standing as it were.There will be no crouching animation at all and this happens in combos as well.
    A staple Akira combo is
    and done correctly you'll see no crouching animation.This is done by entering the [3][3] immediately after the [P] then its a case of a smooth stpm motion ( the move that opens the combo ) and het presto a dbpm will come from nowhere!Ending a float combo with [3][3][6][P]+[K]>[3][3][4][6][P] is a sure fire way of racking up big damage!The more you get use to modifying a move the less you need to think about it, the only problems I have had really are stiff joysticks or letting my hand get out of contol and seemingly not doing what I want it to do but these all come with....yes you've guessed it do you find his other moves and combos any way?If you can do them ok I wouldn't worry too much about doing his 3 big moves for now, they'll come with patience.Hope this helps to an extent but feel free to PM me or whatever and I'll try and give you some real long advice about the situation as I know exactly where you're coming from trust me! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Hey pkg_inc, dude you have to get sparring time with human players. All your achievement in getting out Spods, DLC, AS3, modified double palm, even the knee means nothing in free sparring mode. It's all good using free training to practice your moves but if you keep freezing up when trying too hard to get a move out it's pointless. You're be lucky to even get a single palm on a human player with decent D. So grab a dead beat wanker or a AdamYuki freak and start your real training.

    Fellow Akira Pad player without button modifications. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  13. pinking

    pinking Well-Known Member

    hey csnape! i have also just purchased a stick and i am too moving from a pad... My question is u no then guys such as POS Akira and shinz.... how the hell do they become so good?practice for long periods... that must cost them loads! I am also facing the above problems...Please continue to put up more information regarding the stick!

    keep up the good work!
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    No problem tell me waht your problems are and I'll try and help /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif btw check your PMs I sent you some before.
  15. pinking

    pinking Well-Known Member

    where i cant find them?
  16. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    I know it's hard to believe, but PRACTICING will help. Go into free training everyday for two hours and in a couple months you should be able to knee, spod etc. pretty well...if you still can't do it, just give up and pick jacky /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif!
  17. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    after a few months at a few hours a day, phew that's quite a training regiment. I guess with akira that's kind of necessary but i couldn't see myself doing that, i'd rather get the practice from actually matches.
  18. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Unfourtunately I think its the only way.Well thats pretty much what I did for a few months and I'm ok now I suppose but its like anything, playing an instrument training for a sport etc...Thing is no matter how hard you train yourself you've gotta be able to do it in a match.Its better in evo as you can use the first 2 arcades as "sparring" places seen as though they're pretty straight forward, then you can develop your skills as you progress through to higher and harder arcades.But yeah to play Akira well ( i suppose I'm barely decent with him) takes a lot of time and patience. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  19. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    hey smurfy boy. The reason I asked the question in the first place, is because I only pull off simple moves, allright? Plus meeting not-quite-proffesionals-but-not-newbs-either is not easy with such a small "community" that`s up here in the cold north! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    Plus, I play mates weekly. (smock)
  20. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    I started out Evo with Brad on a pad(I'm a poët offline /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif)
    Then got a stick and f****up with him every time. I grabbed Akira 4 a change and amazed myself that his moves were actually POSSIBLE (so if you pull his shit off on a pad you certainly will on a stick) When I go back to Brad now I'm as good with him as on a pad cause his moves are still in my head while my hands adapted to a stick. So my advice is to park your Akira in the garage 4 a while and look 4 a character you're not familiar with: the newbies in evo should be excellent since you hàve to start from scratch with them.

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