Final Showdown Eileen Basic Combo Video

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Xzyx987X, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Just spotted this on YouTube. Should be pretty useful for anyone looking to pick up Eileen in Final Showdown, or just trying to make the transition from VF5 Eileen.

  2. Rikido

    Rikido New Member

    Cool mixups
  3. warui

    warui Member

    Does anyone else want to notation this video? I will if someone else doesn't want to.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    〆(= After Low Bound)
    ・6P+KP(→6P+K+G,→236P+K.It's possible to attack to Fall Recovery to derivation work.)

    ・33P, 2P+K+GK, (back turned) 8K Combos

    D+46 (〆ï¼4P+Kc214K+G)
    <Stable Combo>
    When having begun from 2P+K+GK, the distance is far, so dash a little in front of the 66K.

    ・9P Combos

    <Stable Combo>
    It can be used besides Jeffry's closure stance.

    ・6P+KPP Combos

    <Stable Combo>

    ・46P 236P+KP Combos

    <Stable Combo>
    It can be used besides Jeffry.
    Jeffry is →P3PK.

    ・9K(9K+G) Combos

    <Stable Combo>
    It's necessary to make it →PPc214PPc214K+G (D+47) in Jeffry's close stance as an exception.

    ・3P+Kch, 214Kch Combos

    <Stable Combo>

    <Stable Combo>

    ・66Pch Combos

    <Stable Conbo>
    Jacky, Akira, and {Kage} Open Stance, the biggest combo.
    By the way, even if 3P is changed to 4P+K, 1 damage falls, but likewise, stable combo.

    ・46K+G, 214P+KP Combos

    <Stable Combo>

    ・Side Crumple Combos

    <Stable Combo>
    It's possible to avoid the heavy character.
    And Jeffry's open stance is impossible.

    ・Wall Combos

    D+47 (〆 … 1PK)
    <Stable Combo>
    It becomes stable most. When there are no confidences, it's used.

    This is from the guy who made this video's blog.
  5. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    Good find. During that Vanessa combo (1.34 yellow pikachu), you have to hold [3_] [P] before the [2] [1] [4] [K] + [G] cancel. I was just doing it regularly, like [3] [P] and the game made me hit her as if she was lying on the floor, like a [2] [P] vs downed opponent. That might have been obvious for some people but I thought I'd at least mention it in case anyone didn't get that.
  6. Zephna

    Zephna Member

    Thank you so much for the notations. I've been whining about needing notations since a few days ago trying to find a vid with notations of w/e so i can at least know a few of the moves used in combos generally hehe.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So some of the combos I've been using on most of the cast are:

    9K+G,PP,214PP236P+K,K,66K,_3P,214K+G. You can drop out the 214PP too.

    9P,P,3P,[214PPP or 214PP,214K+G]

    33P, 8P+K+G, PPP, _3P,214K+G.


    9+G,K, 2P, 3P,214K+G


    6P+G6, P+K,P+K, PK

    If their back is to the wall by the time you hit them with the second P+K you can do the 64 wall throw for big damage. (unless they're good at breaking, but then you can just do the PK or another 6P+G6 throw)

    43P+K,214K+G (the link is easier on CH)



    light characters 9K+G, 6P+K,P,[214PP think this hits too on eileen/blaze],236P+K,K, 66K, _3P,K+G

    3K off backdash stagger, 43P+K,PP214PP, 236P+K,K, 66K, 3P,214K+G
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I couldn't get CH 9K, PPc214PP to work. CH9K 214PPc236P+KK work fine against Eileen, Blaze and Aoi (open only for Aoi) though. Huge damage.

    Against Jeffrey, After 9K best damage i could find on NH was PPc214PP214K+G in closed and P3Pc214PP214K+G in open.

    If you don't want to stance check after 9K, P,43P+K (low bound), 214PK worked from both stances for a small drop in damage.

    From CH 9K 6P+KPc214PPc214K+G gave the most damage in closed and 6P+KPc214PPP in open.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So I've been playing around with things to do off evading mid string, so basically side turned situations. Regular stuff off the 9K+G dosen't seem to work, at least for max damage off light weights like 9K+G,6P+KP,zenk K, 66K, 214PK[91 dmg] (4P+K,214K+G [89] alt ender or _3P,214K+G [90dmg]).

    Against the girls what I'm finding so far:

    9K+G,PP zenk K, 66K, 1PK 82 dmg works all stances (tested on sarah)
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    On girls probably

    9P, P, 6P+KPP [60dmg (sarah tested)]

    9P, P, 43P+K, _3P, 214K+G [68 dmg sarah tested]

    9P, 214PPP, 3P (ground hit) [61 dmg on pai]

    CH 2_3P+K, 6PPK [ 57 dmg Pai tested open stance]

    214P+KP, 6P+KP, 236KKK [71 dmg sarah tested] if they tech 46P+K mixups

    Wall Combos:

    positioning is you're perpendicular to the wall
    CH 2_3P+K (wall splat), 9K+G, 214PP, 236K+G, 66K, 4P+KK [88 dmg tested on sarah]

    When parallel to wall with eileen's back facing wall (tested on vane)
    CH2 K+G(wall stagger) K (wall splat) , 4P+K, 236KKK, 66K, 4P+K [101 dmg] can set up 46P+K tech trap or finish it for a lil more dmg.

    4PPK(wall hit), 66K, 4P+K, 236K+G [94 dmg]

    Wall Carry Combos [taco tech]

    9K+G, PP zenk K, 3K (low wall hit), 66K, 4P+K, 214K+G [84 dmg sarah]

    CH 9K+G, PP, 9P+K+G PP (low wall hit), 66K, 4P+K, 214K+G [90 dmg tested sarah]

    4P+K+G (sabaking 2P at -2), 46K+G, 6P+KP, zenk K, 3K (low wall hit), 66K, 4P+K, 214K+G [87 dmg sarah tested]

    Taka combos

    46P, 66K, 4P+K, 214K+G, 3P (down attack) [78 dmg open stance/67 dmg closed stance]

    9K+G, 43P+K, 6P+KPP [79 dmg]

    WINBACK Active Member

    ^Superb taco tech.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Thanks I pulled together a lot of it from eileen vids from japan. Wall combos are still a bit of a mystery to me so I figured might as well look at what people have been doing.
  13. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    After a bit of dojo practice, I confirmed these tidbits.. [9] [K] is the ONLY move, There is NO [9] [K]+[G] Any difference in execution is due to your distance from opponent, from max distance it is 20 frames, from closest 17 frames. pressing [9] [K]+[G] IS [9] [K]

    Just thought I 'd clear that up, also there is No [8] [K]+[G] move, only [K]+[G] maybe they meant [8]+[G] >[K]
  14. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    For wall combos they most definitely mean 9K~G (often just notated 9KG), not 9K+G which is different. Just know that 9K and 9K+G are the same thing because it'll probably be notated with the K+G from most of the older players. You gain or lose nothing from the additional input.

    Thread related:

    High Bound…236P+KK
    Low Bound…66Kã€43P+Kã€8P+K+GPPP
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    General note eileen's 4P+K+G sabaki catches all high punches/kicks that aren't full circular and all low punching moves

    More combo testing on Jean today. Everything listed here works on Jean.

    9P, P, 43P+K, 4P+K, 214K+G [65dmg]
    9P, P, 43P+K, 4P+K, 236 K+G [66dmg but terrible oki]
    9P, P, 43P+K, _3P, 214K+G [66dmg]

    2_3P+K CH, 6PPK [61dmg closed stance]
    2_3P+K CH, 214K+G [45dmg]
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    More combo testing on Jacky. even though he's supposed to be the same weight as Jean combos don't work on him the same way. He actually feels heavier than Jean in terms of combo-ability.

    9P, PP, 214PP, 214K+G [61 dmg closed stance, 67 dmg closed stance]
    9P, PP, 214PPP [63 dmg]

    2_3P+K NH, 214K+G [ 33dmg]

    2_3P+K CH, 6PPK [57dmg closed stance]

    214P+KP, 6P+KP, 236KKK [71 dmg ] if they tech 46P+K mixups
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Someone made another combo video for eileen

  18. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    That is the same combo video that KKnator posted here mate.
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    my bad. it belongs in this thread for combos anyway.
  20. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    This combo might be known to some, but I just tested this combo on every character and haven't seen the results posted.

    46K+G, 8P+K+G PPP, _3Pc214K+G for 76 damage. It is quite good damage for 46K+G.

    It is not stance specific and works on Eileen, Blaze, Jean, Lion and Brad. I wonder about this pattern though. Is there any other specific stuff that only works on these particual characters? I mean, why does it work against Eileen and not Pai? Seems unfair. I guess it's some hitbox data thing but it the pattern looks completely arbitrary to me.

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