Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Discussion in 'General' started by Koenraku, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Anyone know if this is out in the UK or not? Can't seem to find it anywhere.
  2. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Out on Friday man. Much excitage!!
  3. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Sweet, although I feel like a bit of a tosser for spending 30 mins in Game looking for it the other day (asking for help is for pussies).
  4. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Asking for help in game is for pussies. You know you've gone beyond desperation when you have to do that.
  5. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I wasted 30 mins of my life and left without what I went in for but I'll be damned if I'll admit that to the tramp behind the counter. Stubborness is manly.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Just a wee warning in case you're expecting it to be similar to the PSX version, because in many ways it isn't.

    This may not bother some folk but I found the story annoyingly kiddy - so much so that I found it hard to continue playing. The PSX version actually has some adult elements to the story, but not this.

    The gameplay is as you'd expect and very addictive, so if that's your main concern then I'm sure you'll love it. As for me, I'm a sucker for story and atmosphere, so wasn't to impressed.

    I'm ordering Tactics Ogre instead now.....I played it briefly on an emulator and it seems more down my street story-wise and the gameplay is almost identical.
  7. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think the original FFT was developed by the Tactics Ogre people, hired by Square.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jackeh said:

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think the original FFT was developed by the Tactics Ogre people, hired by Square.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yea, I think I remember hearing something like this too. Would make sense as FFT's rules are almost identical to the Ogre series, from what I've read anyways.

    This is the title I've ordered:

    No UK release unfortunately, but I managed to nab one off ebay for a tenner!
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I have to be honest and say this is the one game that i've been playing obsessively on the GBA..... not because it's a good game... the older PSX version was leaps and bounds better. FFTA has really crappy story and plot progression. The characters and monsters gets old after about 10 mins of play, and overall it's not very tactical at all... the game become ridiculously easy after a few hours of play. Despite it's faults, I can't stop playing the game. I've logged over 60 hours on this stupid game and I don't know why. So take that as you well..... I guess...
  10. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    instead of playing FFTA, I'd recommend everyone play A.) the original PS version, or B.) Disgaea, which is the true evolution of this genre, from what I can tell. FFTA is incredibly stiff and boring. No story, no cool characters, almost no secret characters until after you finish the game etc.

    and if this doesn't dissuade you, know that of the "300 missions!" the game advertises, only about 125 are actual playable battles, the other 175 are "dispatch missions", where you send a character off for a set ammt. of time to do something. Of the playable 125, onlt 24 (I'm pretty sure) are required to beat the game.

    Also, the game limits your abilities by making many weapons/armor (from which you learn skills) unavailable until later in the game. IE, even though I've been playing for 35 hours, my Thief still can't steal weapons, because the item that teaches the skill isn't available at a shop, and of course, I can't steal it from another character... :p

  11. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    i havent played final fantasy tactics but Shining Force for (i think) Genesis was a very good game. its gameplay is similar to FFT (from the looks of it at least). the story is decent too. its something about a couple of heroes out to save the world. same old. if i remember correctly, theres no love story or 30 min long cutscenes. just straight up classic gaming like mario bros. (cept not as good lol).
  12. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    I'd say also go for Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis. It's great fun, and has a decent story unlike FFTA.
  14. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    Yes, Knight of Lodis is a very nice game. You can choose different routes as well to diversify the plot. I like it...

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