Fighting outside of the Ring

Discussion in 'Console' started by DarkBlaze, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. DarkBlaze

    DarkBlaze New Member

    Has anyone ever noticed how restricted movement becomes once outside of the ring? You can only smack someone so far outside of the ring's boundaries. Even with Wolf's Giant Swing or a TFT combo, you can't really smack your opponent more than 2 or three meters outside of the ring. The game’s obviously been designed this way so that AM2 wouldn’t have to worry about players trying to touch or manipulate anything in the background. I'm really curious how much collision detection Sega's made to the game's backgrounds (this only really applies in stages that allow for ring outs).
    Hey, does anyone know if it’s possible to enable out of the ring fighting? Maybe you'd use pro action replay or some other device; you could disable the restricted movement that the game puts on characters outside of the ring. I haven't heard much talk about it around here; it’d be weird and cool.
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    There has been interaction between characters and areas outside the ring in previous VFs. In VF2, it was possible to knock down the torches on Kage's stage with a giant swing or TFT float. In VF3, the light bulbs on Jacky's stage could break and reduce the lighting - although these were located within the ring.

    Fighting outside the ring? Ok, as much as I want to flame you for suggesting the idea, I won't. I will however point out that it's not possible. Sure, it may be *possible* to do some modifications using an external device, but to be honest, it's not something worth discussing, imo. If someone really wants to continue fighting outside the ring, they should pick up a game called, ahem, Dead or Alive. :p

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>

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