Fake VF net cards!

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Neo, Sep 21, 2003.

  1. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    I have recently been looking on vf.net and I have noticed there are an imense number of Haou ranked cards. Now I thought that sega had made the system so that for instance.

    1/ both cards need to be registered

    2/ there needs to be input on both joysticks during the match etc.

    Well anyway I decided to test it out and I still couldn't move up to Tsuwamono by playing a dummy opponant.

    As far as I know Chibita is the highest ranked legitimate player one above kensei  拳聖

    Does anyone have any info about this,have they changed the rules??
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I had a friend who purchased a couple of these (for about 30,000 yen a pop, yikes!). I think that they're more than likely made by arcade employees or people who own the game and a net conection - the sort of folks who would have easy access to the game to be able to rig it.
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Why purchase those if you cant live up to em in a fight?
  4. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Well I have probably spent about Y50,000 on just my Aoi card alone. I mean credit wise. Why would you want to buy a Haou card I mean everyone knows that ik is fake so why bother. I would say up to Tsuwamono/Mosa is reasonable but I haven't seen anybody with a Tsuwamono or over card that looked like they didn't get it properly.

    I suppose the attracting of Haou and the other tournament ranks is that you can't demote no matter how rubbish you are....
  5. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    sekaijin usa
    you dont even need to buy them at all man.

    i know some people in japan (who shall remain nameless) who can hack into the vn.net online registration page (intended for PC registration, but through their cell phone, enabling even AU phones to be "on" vf.net) and edit their stats freely. of course they do not do this with their own cards, but can do it for fun. for example, you are not supposed to be able to get above 10-dan unless you are actively registered with vf.net (and pay the monthly fee, not just have the card), but there are some people i have seen who are meishou level with like 1000 wins and less than 100 losses and have NO-NAME.

    its shitty, but people have been able to do it. the real shitty part is if they are actually somewhat skilled and can rank-down other players who legitimately earned their levels...
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    This has been done for a while... at least w/ items/colors, not w/ wins/losses/rank.

    To do the items, just do VF.NET for PC, save the HTML file on your machine, change the 'value' of the item you've selected, and hit send. You'll send the data to the server... worked on Ver. C as well.

    Hacking your win/loss/ranks, will actually take hacking work... not just some goofy HTML BS.

    As for those Haou cards... I mentioned this a while ago, there are quite a few of them. One guy (at least) owns the machine at home, rumor has it. The ones you see for sale on the internet are almost solely made by owners of small game centers. Back on Ver. C., these guys would make a 100/0 card, with a 100-win item on it.

    In terms of the 'rules', both players have to be on connected machines, with registered cards for one to move from 10-dan to Tsuwamono. In actuality, once you move up, you can unregister your card (I think) but you won't move up again until you re-register it.

    Technically, I've heard both stories. Two 10-dan's can fight, and move up even when VF.NET is down (no machines connected) but higher ranks won't move up. I played a guy and lost like 6 times in a row (10-dan) and neither of us budged. I think it depends on the nature of why VF.NET is down.
  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GaijinPunch said:
    To do the items, just do VF.NET for PC, save the HTML file on your machine, change the 'value' of the item you've selected, and hit send. You'll send the data to the server... worked on Ver. C as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WTF? I find it amazing that sega can make such a great game, and yet have so little understanding of basic security. Why haven't they fixed something as simple as that?

    Doesn't this piss off users? I mean, I guess it doesnt affect gameplay ala wallhacks or whatever, but it does seem like it would undermine the incentive to collect stuff.
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    In all honesty, not that many people do it.
    I doubt anyone really cares if other people use fake items. I don't.
  9. judoking

    judoking New Member

    I want to buy a Haou card. Where can I buy one from?

    I already tried searching the net....
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Send me 50,000 yen and I'll buy you one, pocketing the change.
  11. Snake_Eater

    Snake_Eater Well-Known Member

    Trying to find out a place where I could get a game card (and some places where they have VF4 evo arcade machines) I went to vf.net. all it said was vf net, and gave out some e-mail adress. Where can I find arcade machines and cards for them?

    P.S.: I posted something like this before, but no one answered. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Any arcade in Japan that has an Evo arcade machine should have Evo cards. If not, then there's probably nobody there to play against anyway.

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