Executing the Toryu Tenshin Hazankai

Discussion in 'Akira' started by adverse, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. adverse

    adverse Active Member

    The Toryu Tenshin Hazankai, aka df P+G+K, back df P+K, forward or backward quartercircle P, back forwards or forwards back PK.

    Now I've found that the easiest way to do this is df P+G+K, back df P+K, backward quartercircle P, back forwards PK but I have been unable to get all four hits yet. I am also very inconsitent with the first two steps. Sometimes I wonder if it's my joystick's diagonals not registering properly because I have about a 30% success ratio for the first two steps. If I can get past that, I get the QC punch.

    So, any advice for doing this series? Are the inputs as tight as they seem or is there a little room to breathe?
  2. Mr_Rellik

    Mr_Rellik Member

    I've found the best success by making sure the stick goes back to neutral between the first two commands. So: 3+P+K+G, 5 (let go of the stick) then 4/3 P+K. for the qcf p doing what you're used to is fine just make sure you hit 4 or 6 on the stick before the button press. Then the 4/6_6_4 P+K is easy and even mashable for the last hit.
  3. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    i just input the commands and shit goes out nicely. don't panic and try to "mash" and keep the inputs clean.

    By the way i'm kinda wondering why i would do this instead of just regular guardbreak and 46p combo. this does 70 damage while the 6pkg guardbreak 46p combo can do more than that
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I don't think you can shortcut the inputs. As far as i can tell if you do [2][1][4] your next input needs to be [6][4]. I have lots of success that way and none the other.
  5. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    It could be handy to do this off a forward crouchdash, it will have more range than 6PGK and it will crouch under highs. I think so at least, didnt test against highs, but you can input it as [3] [3] [P][G][K]

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