Evo2k3 The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by PhoenixDth, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Heres a quick thread I want to start on everyones opinion on evo2k3. Call it a gripe session or props section, it should be an informative thread for a better tournament next year.

    Big PROPS for getting Evo a big screen. This helped get evo a lot of exposure. Nice pool setup. We now know that there are better ways to seed than round robin. Also beer and VF post meets with famous japanese players was amazing. Just to play them was an honor, to share beers was something completely else, then add a 2nd night in a row . . . These are things only people dream about. Yamagishi getting drunk and self announcing his own matches pretty much explains everything that was going on.

    1. One official setup. It was not pleasant for me to drive back to my house and grab my copy after paying a $30 fee.
    2. We all know that tragic loves sarah, but please dont spam it on everything at evo2k3, the character cards, tshirts and the bracket backgrounds. I was really planning to buy a tshirt till I saw sarah on everything. Next year more Variety PLZ.
    3. It really seemed bad to have a burned copy of evo freeze during the tournament in front of the japanese players. Almost embarrassing, but small gripe.

    The infamous pause during the final 8. It felt really uncomfortable that people who didnt know VF had control over the ruling of that situation. What could of been done was let the match finish and since the match is being recorded anyways, have some authority on VF, rule whether the pause was signifigant to the match or not. Implement "video replay" these tournaments next year?

    Overall it was a great tournament and ran much more smoothly than what I experienced at TiT. I hope my small gripes and maybe others along with what I thought was done extremely well, will improve for a better evolution tournament next year.
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    We all know that tragic loves sarah, but please dont spam it on everything at evo2k3, the character cards, tshirts and the bracket backgrounds. I was really planning to buy a tshirt till I saw sarah on everything. Next year more Variety PLZ.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes. Instead, let's have Vanessa love PLZKTHX. :3

    I actually did want to buy a shirt, though, but couldn't find out where to obtain one. I wonder if there are any left over?

    [ QUOTE ]
    It really seemed bad to have a burned copy of evo freeze during the tournament in front of the japanese players. Almost embarrassing, but small gripe.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why the hell were they using a burn anyway? Myself and a few others had brought LEGIT copies which we would have gladly volunteered for use.

    Then again, are you sure it was the burn and not a PS2 system slowly breaking down? It's not like that would be anything new...
  3. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member


  4. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    #1) talk to Myke about the VF setups. It was VFDC's tournament. I organized all the XX setups. Castel organized all the Tekken setups. toohectic organized all the SC setups. I was running around for an hour trying to find another copy of VF. I put VF on the big screen for casual and qualifiers... but there's only so much I can do. When the billing says "presented by VFDC" then you should expect VFDC to make sure there are extra copies of the game there. I was more than willing to set up a 3rd and 4th VF setup... the copies wern't there.

    2) First off, I didn't make the shirt or the cards... I only made suggestions. We could have had a boring ass Akira pic. That was the first card design. Straight up boring Akira half-torso shot. While I didn't make the cards, I made suggestions and a couple of "test" versions. One had Aoi on it, one had a diff Sarah, and one had Brad/Goh. Aoi didn't work because we didn't have a high res shot (had to be 900 pixels high before stretching)... Brad/Goh didn't work because no one wanted "the Tekken chars"... and the other Sarah didn't work because it wasn't large enough. inkblot actually chose the Sarah used, but I did, in fact, request Sarah to be used. I had nothing to do with Sarah being on the brackets.

    Now, a little note about VF at EVO. First of all, it took a lot of prodding, pestering, begging, groveling, whatever... to even get VF:EVO to be considered for the tournament. I saw the budget-ass Akira pics being used... and I'm like fuck that... I say you should use Sarah. Like I said before... I'm not asking for a medal or anything... but if you want to go through all the shit I went through to get VF even CONSIDERED for EVO2003, just to be able to suggest your fav char on the cards.... then go for it. Again, I had nothing to do with the bracket art.

    3) I know VF... and I was sitting the closest to the players when Kofu paused (supposedly Kofu paused). Ryan then proceeded to lose, and complained about it. So Kofu lost by DQ. That was the ruling we made before the tournament even started. Note: when Ohsu and Chibita were playing, and a pause happened, they just unpaused and kept playing. They didn't care... so we didn't care. Ryan made a big complaint about it, so we had to adhere to the rules we stated before hand.

    EVO was a learning experience. This was BY FAR the biggest and best fighting game tournament in the history of the USA. We learned a ton of stuff. We learned to leave judgements as-is for 3S. We learned how to lay out the area better. We learned what sort of additional preparation was needed beforehand. We learned what players liked and disliked... and we got a TON of new ideas for next year.

    It was up to VFDC to make the rules for VF this year. It was also up to VFDC to reside over the pools, quals, and finals... but it was instead taken care of the other staff because I don't think Myke was interested.

    Next year will be ridiculously awesome. This year was awesome... but next year... BIGGER, BETTER, MORE AWESOMENESS!

  5. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    It was up to VFDC to make the rules for VF this year. It was also up to VFDC to reside over the pools, quals, and finals... but it was instead taken care of the other staff because I don't think Myke was interested.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you're saying that tournament rules were up to VFDC too? Stuff like how many players go out of the pools, loss-carries-over thing, semis etc.? If that's true, shame no one cared.
  6. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member


    Everything was great. I think people forget how bad Texas was handled. I had no idea VFDC was in charge, but Im not sure VFDC knew either.
    So here are some things I liked and didn't like.

    -Tragic beating me to send me packing (next year will be much different u made the canadein angry) /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    - Ryan being a bitch and complaining. If I remember correctly on another match he was in... it paused and nothing happened. This makes him look like shit.
    - People ** /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif** saving every damn WINNING replay they could.
    - Using a copy of the game for the finals...bad show
    - Hardly any FL or Ny representation..what happened guys?

    - VF after parties
    - BT dude announcing
    - VF after parties
    - Joystick signed by everyone
    - VF after parties
    - Taking alot of pictures
    - VF after parties
    - Getting an EXCELLENT on Chibita
    - VF after parties
    - Meeting some new and old faces in the VF community.
    - Socal group namely Sean for throwing the parties. Its not easy to get a gathering and I believe he did it 3 nights in a row....awesome job you made the socal scene look great. Plus you probably have a few Japanese friends now. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  7. Curify

    Curify Member

    Good post, Ben. I was surprised the Cannons consented to let VFDC have VF4:Evo at Evo2k3, in the first place. But aaannnywaysss......

    I must say, I absolutely loved Chibita's earring. I want it. He looked punk-rocker-cute with it. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Who was it I asked to tell him I liked his earring? Whoever you were, if you didn't tell him, oh well =P Oh, and I loved watching Ohsu's Akira. I sat right behind him during the finals. woo!
  8. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    THE GOOD: Everyone who showed. All the Cali peeps having that at home feeling certainly helped rub off on the rest of us...y'all are a great group of individuals to throw down with, both in & out the game. Shawn (Sean? Shaun?) big grins for you /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Turns out the STL fellas drink water pulled from wells tapping the same subterrainean aquifer that we BRLA guys rely upon. We're 70% the same or something. Much love for extending your room as the launching point for post-tourney lounging & whatnot prior to the alcohol poisoned dipshititude next door. Shou...me & William are prepared to break'em in half...I might even grab a coupla' pipe cleaners and some insect repellant. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    CO/TX Twins: Good stuff from y'all...both from the monk & them teeth put in Jacky's ass. ROAR!

    I saw Dom & some of the texas tekkenites tearing it down on the 4th vf setup Saturday....Bigboy ate a SPoD or two...keep it up.

    Ghostdog: Supernice to meet you & can't wait to catch up with you again.

    Vulcan: Knee, Knee, (wall) Knee! Just too fucking cool. & Bigboy has something for you next time we make it to the city.

    Zero-Chan: Usagi-San rocks! And thanks for clearing up the Vanessa guard cancelled kick question/debate Will and I had. In the midst of a sausage festival like evo2k3, I thought is was really nice to have a girl around. Much love.

    Myke: You rock like Ted Nugent wishes he used to. Thanks for making the trip & kicking so much ass. Oh...that OhsuvMyke Brad mirror match deserves some capping!

    & getting the opportunity to sit down with VF pros & play was a real treat...so thanks Ryan, all the fellas from Japan & everyone involved in coaxing them over.

    THE BAD: Flying. It actually isn't so bad...just thinking you might die four times in one day ain't so happening. & somebody shoulda told the union food perveyors that hundreds of hungry boys would be just upstairs everyday for 4 days. Too much pizza! Oh...Pai is much sexier than Sarah, if you ask me.

    THE UGLY: I touched on this before. Fucking sausage festival. Next time a videogame tournament happens that I say I'm going to, everyone do me a favor & BRING YOUR SISTER. I ain't trying to be your brother 'n law or anything but DAMN...that was a serious lack of females.

    See y'all next time! Kisses!
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Buktooth's good, bad, n ugly.

    I really enjoyed reading this post on srk -


    If reading about SF stuff bores you, you can skip straight to the description of chibita and the japanese gang.

    Foos were doing Virtua Fighter moves into the pool, like Kofu Megane actually did a giant swing on some other dude and threw him into the pool. While he was swinging him around the guy's head was like 2 inches off the floor. I was just waiting for his head to get splattered all over the concrete.

    Ha /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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