Evo USA 2020 - Virtua Fighter Call to Arms

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by MadeManG74, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Evo USA 2020 is scheduled for 31st July.

    We've had some good success in the last two years with getting Virtua Fighter as a side-tournament and I think it would be a great idea to do it again!

    I would volunteer if it were feasible for me to travel to the US again this year, but as it is let's put the call out for someone to run it.

    Let's brainstorm ideas and suggestions for getting the best results we can.

    Some suggestions for things that I would have changed from previous years if it were in my control/in hindsight;

    • Get setups at the venue floor, all weekend
    This is probably #1 on my list for things to change, having the game available for casuals, money matches etc for the whole weekend is a huge thing. The casual players and even brand new players will see it and get a chance to enjoy the game, or you might even get new sign ups. A lot of people don't see the online promotion, and there will almost certainly be people who find out VF is being run only when they see the game running on the event floor. Please try to have setups available for play all weekend and not just in the hotel rooms etc.

    • Get payment in advance!
    Allowing cash on the day and free sign-ups results in ~50% of the bracket being a no-show. It sounds high, but it's accurate. Both DtN and Evo last year suffered from this, causing us to have tons of byes or even having to rebuild the entire bracket on the day. When you create the sign up page, make sure that registration requires payment! You'll save yourself a ton of headaches and allow yourself to seed and fine-tune the bracket a week in advance.

    • Lock down stream, better yet, do it yourself
    Last year we had an extremely chaotic time trying to get the stream set up. Lock down a streamer, preferably in writing well in advance. This also goes well with the having setups on the venue floor plan, since you can do test streams and stream casuals all day on Friday/Saturday to iron out any bugs and ensure everything is working before you have to go live with the tournament.

    I'll also tag some people I think might be able to contribute to helping run this event; @cobratron @adamYUKI @Macc @IcKY99
    Anyone have the Dropkick Events guys to tag?
    IcKY99, -nero-, Macc and 2 others like this.
  2. Macc

    Macc Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting this up here. As I noted on Twitter I am willing to help out with what ever is needed to run this at Evo (equipment, running brackets, streaming, etc) or taking point on getting this organized. Definitely want to see VF back again. I started speaking to a few others in Vegas about providing equipment as well so that would keep the amount of setups people would need to travel with to a minimum (if at all). Also if we wanted to do this putting in the Evo Community Championship application (https://evo.shoryuken.com/ecc/) as soon as possible would help to increase the chances of reserving table space and possible stream time on one of the main stages.
    jimi Claymore and MadeManG74 like this.
  3. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Thank you for a good reply, and offer! So far nobody else has stepped up, so might be a good opportunity to submit the form to Evo. I think the earlier we get in, the better. With two years of running the game there, we got a decent chance of being approved too.

    It would be great to have a local be able to provide setups etc especially.
  4. Macc

    Macc Well-Known Member

    Application has been put in. Will let you guys know on the results. Until then in terms of the game stations (hoping to secure at least 6) and stream setup I should be able to cover that, but anyone willing to help out with commentary, monitoring stream, or assisting with brackets please let me know. Having some commentators and an extra hand running some stuff will definitely help to keep things running smoothly.
    IcKY99 and MadeManG74 like this.

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