Evo 2019 - Virtua Fighter Results & Wrap Up

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by MadeManG74, Aug 18, 2019.

By MadeManG74 on Aug 18, 2019 at 5:46 AM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Virtua Fighter returned to Evo for the second year running with another fantastic tournament, drawing competitors from the four corners of the globe to compete at fighting game's biggest show. The competition was fierce, but the rivalries friendly as old and new friends alike caught up to share the love of Virtua Fighter.


    Please follow this man's channel at https://twitch.tv/cymaticSF

    1st. @shiwapon
    2nd. @Renzo
    3rd. @Aopai
    4th. @Lucky_GT
    5th. @adamYUKI
    5th. @De-chi
    7th. @banok
    7th. @MadeManG74

    Image source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B04MgVdnk2w/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

    Amazing showing from all players, with tense and action packed brackets from start to end. For full ranking and match breakdown, please see the event page here:

    A huge thank you to @Shag, who was a tremendous help running the brackets and stream. The tournament would not have run anywhere near as smooth without him. Thank you also to @KilgoreTheFish for providing some essential setups, and Dropkick Events for their help in arranging the tournament and communicating with the Evo Staff. Thank you finally to @cobratron and Cobra Kai, and the Strike First team for further setups for tournament and providing the excellent medals for the top 8.


    Please let us know your favourite memories, shout-outs, feedback, photos and everything else you would like to share in the thread below!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2019
    cobratron, 40i4, Myke and 2 others like this.


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by MadeManG74, Aug 18, 2019.

    1. MadeManG74
      First up, let me say that I was much, much happier with my performance in this tournament than DtN! Despite stress levels being high from a TO perspective for both, I managed to eek my way into top 8 here. Shame that none of my other matches could have been captured before I got unceremoniously dismantled by @adamYUKI , but I had a great time nonetheless.

      We had to scramble to get everything set up in time on Sunday, but shout-outs to @INCIDENT for beating us all to the punch with his own setup first! Was great to finally meet you in person. Also have to note that this was the first time I met @blessROK, @KilgoreTheFish @Blackula, @banok, @AyuFanb0y, @Dandy_J, @Renzo and @Shou after having only interacted online. It was a pleasure to meet you all, even if it was brief in the chaos of Evo. Hope to do so again one day!

      It was also great catching up with everyone I already shouted out in the Defend the North thread, as well as guys like @CIDKID, @Airegin, @Macc, @KADAJ757 who I have met before but not seen in years! One of my favourite things about events like these is getting to catch up with everyone again.

      Special mention to the Japanese contingent for the tournament, who travelled a long way and performed really well! @shiwapon, @nyanta, De-Chi and AoPai! One of the best parts of the tournament was my match with AoPai where I was warned in advance that 'Japanese Virtua Fighter is very noisy' and had a cheer squad going right behind me. Love that atmosphere and spirit!

      I'm really thankful to CymaticSF who saved our bacon with streaming and also thank you to @cobratron and his bro (I don't think he has an account here? Otherwise I'd tag him too) for bringing their mobile internet to get the signal out to the awaiting public. Big thank you to Sega for hosting the channel too!

      Post tournament I enjoyed the most expensive coffee I've ever had ($5.50 are you fucking for real?) and managed to spend a few hours hanging out with the amazingly chill and nice @adamYUKI and @Lucky_GT. I really did have a great time chilling after the tournament and not having to worry about anything other than planning our next international event and trying not to get washed 5-0 by you beasts of VF!

      Again, I've probably butchered this series of events, or forgotten at least one person or two in this write up, so please mention if I did! I had an excellent time, so thanks to everyone I interacted with!
      cobratron, Myke, adamYUKI and 4 others like this.
    2. MadeManG74
      Evo RS.jpg
      Photo of (almost) the top 8, courtesy of CobraKai Tone.
      Pai~Chun and cobratron like this.
    3. Blackula
      Great seeing everyone! I had fun as usual. :)
      MadeManG74 likes this.

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