evading throw escapes

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by baltocat22, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. baltocat22

    baltocat22 Member

    im trying to get jacky's yellow uniform but in order to get it you have to do a evading throw escape and every time i do it it dont reconize it but while im in training it does can anyone help me get this thankx
  2. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    The only thing I can think of is that you aren't doing ETE properly in the fights....
  3. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    your evade has to be successful.
  4. baltocat22

    baltocat22 Member

    i do everything right but it just dont give me credit for it
  5. stealth_fox

    stealth_fox Active Member

    Are you sure its not a evade triple throw escape?
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    baltocat22 said:

    i do everything right but it just dont give me credit for it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You are obviously doing something wrong, the game isn't out to rip you off....

    Are you sure you are putting in all the throw escapes in time?
  7. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    I think you are confused. You must do this the following way:

    Do an evade (a successful evade) > then enter three throw escapes, for example; evade > [P]+[G], [6][P]+[G], [2][P]+[G].

    If you want to specifically do this, hit your opponent with an attack that isn't with long duration and isn't guaranteed, then when they try to counter-attack enter an evade command and then quickly enter the throw escape commands. Remember, you must enter the throw escapes rather quickly.
  8. SliceOfPai

    SliceOfPai Well-Known Member

    I think it's a typo in the game. Like stealth_fox said, and Akira_PH showed in his post, they want you to do an evading <i>multiple</i> throw escape in stead of a single throw escape. At least that's what I did when it finally worked.

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