evade thow escape guard - frame range

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Kylin, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. Kylin

    Kylin Member

    what frame range for successful execution of the following techniques if your move got block

    Can you put in number under x and y

    evade triple throw escape guard (x-y frame disadv)
    evade double throw escape guard (x-y frame disadv)
    evade 1 throw escape guard (x-y frame disadv)
    just triple throw escape guard (x-y frame disadv)
    just double throw escape guard (x-y frame disadv)
    just 1 throw escape guard (x-y frame disadv)
    not able to escape or guard at all (x-y frame disadv)
  2. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    it depends on
    -how fast you can pull off the throw escapes
    -the recovery of your move
    -which move they pull of next

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