European VF'ers

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Gnug315, Sep 4, 2000.

  1. Gnug315

    Gnug315 Well-Known Member


    There's still two of us alive over here in Copenhagen that play VF on and off (the others being either exiled or dead, I kid u not). We have a machine here with flawless jap controls set at best of 9 rounds, 200/normal damage, for about US$0.60.

    If anyone from UK, poland or god knows what ever comes by Copenhagen to sample some danish chicks or whatnot and wants to get some games in, do drop me a line.

    Anyone from Namco Wonderpark in London still playing, btw?

    - Jan
  2. clopin

    clopin Well-Known Member

    omg, jan posted!

    if you're coming out here again, let us know. we'll get some games in.

    // clopin
    join #vfhome on the EFnet IRC network
  3. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    Heya Jan WTF!! only 2, i would think you are refurring to you and vikas??, im there right beside you man, given up on tekken and everything, and pratice'ing late hours on my DC. so make note 3 still alive and kicking in Copenhagen, ehh maybe i should mention we only have "VF3" in copenhagen, and not the "TB" edition, but hey if you are in copenhagen drop in anyways..btw. how was "romeo must die! for the second time jan lol.
  4. Gnug315

    Gnug315 Well-Known Member

    Heh, hi Soeren (chucky). You have the gall to call yourself a VF player, u Tekken nerd!? j/k ;)

    Hey clopin :)

    I did so misrably back in the summer of '99 that I didn't dare call on any of ya' when I visited recently ;). No, seriously.. having been so spoiled with flawless jap controls since VF1, it's just depressing for me to play on US arcade sticks, and even the nice DC controls sugoi had (or was it BD? I forget, sorry) just don't compare to the reliability of the life-size arcade version I'm used to. I suck :|

    Funnily enough tho, it also works the other way around... I remember Rich just couldn't play his best on the jap controls at the London Showdown in '97, being used to crappy NA stuff. To his merit he didn't complain about it once, even tho I'm sure he was dying to give us all his best.

    - Jan
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    that wasn't me in london. that was doug. if it had been me there and i was having trouble with the stick i would have been screaming, smashing things and picking up and tossing the smaller vf'ers across the room while foaming at the mouth. just like i was at NYG2.

    hey everybody! you can see doug and lars at that very london (97) gathering here:

    extra points for guessing which one is which. i know, and i won't tell you, but i'll leave this absurdly easy hint: don't let the t-shirt fool you!

    "A chem bla deshembla blurr fuh bli fouzh"
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Where are they now?

    Anyone know what Doug is up to these days?

    As for Lars, well, he still lurks here, and occasionally posts too! ;)

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  7. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    oh Doug...icky photo. He must have *just* taken off his
    Animaniacs cap for the picture.

    I remember when the Toronto crew went to Detroit to check
    out TB doug just having the hardest time dealing with his
    friend who was pretty whiney and always complained about
    the sticks or the buttons. Doug was a real nice guy and
    I really can't remember him ever chalking up a loss
    to anything but his own faults.

    that wasn't me in london. that was doug. if it had been me there and i was having trouble with the stick i would have been screaming, smashing things and picking up and tossing the smaller vf'ers across the room while foaming at the mouth. just like i was at NYG2.

    I'm a joystick baby too. I've seen people make do with bent
    sticks. I can't do that. I only need small variations to screw
    up my game. Once I can't control my character I get frustrated. I
    get frustrated I screw up. I screw up I get frustrated. ooog.

    Actually, it's funny. I hate to play in the arcade because the
    TB machine sees so many losers grab the stick like its a rodeo
    bull and you can never be sure they haven't mashed Gummi Bears
    into the buttons...The sticks I've become comfortable with are
    the ones most people would hate. Purely american. Large
    neutral (Adam told me that there was too much work involved
    when he tried out the sticks we made for Llanfair's DC).

    Although, I have to admit. Rich, I loved the sticks for
    your Arcade TB. sweet.

  8. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Adam told me that there was too much work involved
    when he tried out the sticks we made for Llanfair's DC

    Actually...I thought your custom made joysticks to be the best thing among NA-type sticks. Of course I'm still all for the Japanese joysticks for the same reason as yours: pickiness.
    (Not to mention that my command inputs generally suck. So I need an every little bit of help)
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Actually...I thought your custom made joysticks to be the best thing among NA-type sticks.

    well, thank you. We seem to like them.
    (Not to mention that my command inputs generally suck. So I need an every little bit of help)

    Well I have a little problem believing this. I missed
    you at the Chicago gathering but all I heard was Shota
    that and Shota this! I finally got to play you when
    New York and others came to Toronto to visit and you
    seemed without fault there.

  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    HEYYYY i resen that remark jan im alway there but ur never there so how the hell can i play someone else but the stinkin comp........ but u keep talkin bouy my DP in tha face heehee come in there on friday16/9 and ill WHOOP ya ass =P heehee take a hint to whom i am now ......
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    emmmm had a small problem with the spellin =P but then again i am at work a bored to death
  12. Gnug315

    Gnug315 Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    heehee take a hint to whom i am now ......


    Ooooooohhhh... Thomas "Dooble-Palm"? :)

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