Epilogue: Akira Combo Video

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by ApocryphicV, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member


    My latest combo video featuring my main, Akira.

    With this video I decided to not restrict myself with weight classes (don't expect too many heavy weight combos in this one)and pretty much aimed for tons of 1 frame knee enders and dirty wall rape.

    Had to dedicate this combo video to my esteemed company of combo makers for putting out content that makes me work even harder to put out good videos.

    Bonus trivia: 1:23 combo- I tried to time hitting Dural with the bells in the song. The final combo, I also tried to time the hits with the beat for that extra 'oomph'.

    Comments, critiques are always welcomed.

  2. ELB

    ELB Member

    Awesome stuff dude! Nice work! [​IMG]

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