El Blaze combo thread.

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by Seidon, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    This has been a while coming. After a lot of work I'm pretty confident that I have the max damage combos here. I'm gonna put them in a couple of different forms. Basically the first list I put up will be combos that work on all characters., Basic beginner stuff. Then I'll go onto combos which work regardless of stance per character. Then Finally I'll have stance specific stuff.

    I lost my notes so I only have some of the combos here which I had to redo this afternoon (thankfully I remembered most of them). I'll likely update tomorrow with the rest of the combo starters and CH relevant launchers. Ones still to come are [6][K]+[G] (see the spit on your face thread for some nh and CH combos at the moment) and Rocket discharge Knee on a staggered opponent. Low dropkicks too, but they're largely [2][P][6][P][K] and [2][P] [3][K]+[G] anyway.

    Without further ado:


    Combo starter: [​IMG][6][P]+[K] (Shadow Hammer)

    Combo: [2][P]+[K], [6][P][K] (57 damage)


    Combo starter [8][P]+[K] (Jumping Hammer Knuckle)

    Combo: [P] [3][K]+[G] (47 damage)


    Combo Starter: [4][K][P][P] (Face Smash)

    Combo: Dash in [P],[K][K][K] (57 damage)


    Combo Starter: [4][1][2][3][6][P]-on hit [K] (Venus Diversion)

    Combo: [6][P][K] (59 Damage)


    Combo Starter: [4][P]+[K][​IMG]Counterhit! (Volcano Upper)

    Combo: [2][P], [6][P][K] (66 damage)


    Combo Starter: [4][6][P]+[K][​IMG]:i:Counterhit![/i] (Hammer Smash)

    Combo: [6][P][K] (51 Damage)


    Combo starter: [​IMG][6][P]+[K] (Shadow Hammer)

    Combo: [4][6][K]~[6],[K],[6_][P], [6][P][K] (74 Damage)

    Works on: Eileen, El Blaze and Aoi.


    Combo: [2][P]+[K],[6_][P],[K][K][K] (73 Damage)

    Works on: Pai, Lion, Shun, Vanessa, Jacky, Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh and Lau.


    Combo: [2][P]+[K],[K][K][K] (68 Damage)

    Works on: Akira, Jean, Wolf and Jeffry.


    Combo starter [8][P]+[K] (Jumping Hammer Knuckle)

    Combo: [6_]P:,[2][P]+[K], [6_][P], [K][K][K] (76 Damage)

    Works on: Eileen


    Combo: [6_][P],[2][P]+[K], [K][K][K] (75 Damage)

    Works on: El Blaze, Sarah, Lion, Vanessa and Aoi.


    Combo: [6][P]+[K][P], [6][P][K] (62)

    Works on: Pai, Shun, Jacky, Kage, Goh, Lau, Akira and Jean.


    Combo:[P][3][P][P][K] (63 damage)

    Works on: Lei and Brad.


    Combo: [6_][P][2][K][P][K] (62 Damage)

    Works on: Wolf and Jeffry.


    Combo Starter: [4][K][P][P] (Face Smash)

    Combo: Dash in [P],[2][P]+[K],[6_][P],[K][K][K] (70 damage)

    Works on: Eileen


    Combo: Dash in [P],[2][P]+[K],[K][K][K] (69 damage)

    Works on: Pai, El Blaze, Aoi, Sarah, Lion, Shun, Vanessa, Jacky, Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh, Lau and Jean.


    Combo: Dash in [6_][P], [K][K][K] (57 Damage)

    Works on: Akira, Wolf and Jeffry.


    Combo Starter: Normal Hit [4][1][2][3][6][P]-on hit [K] (Venus Diversion)

    Combo: [6_][P],[2][P]+[K], [K][K][K] (85 Damage)

    Works on: Eileen, Pai, Aoi, El Blaze, Sarah, Vanessa, Lion and Shun.


    Combo: [6_]P:, [K][K][K] (75 Damage)

    Works on: Jacky, Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh, Lau, Akira, Jean and Wolf.


    Combo: [6_][P], [6][P][K] (66 damage)

    Works on: Jeffry


    Combo Starter: [4][P]+[K][​IMG]Counterhit! (Volcano Upper)

    Combo: [P][P], [6_][P], [2][P]+[K],[K][K][K] (88 Damage)

    Works on: Eileen, El Blaze


    Combo: [P], [6_][P], [2][P]+[K],[K][K][K] (86 Damage)

    Works on: Pai, Sarah, Aoi, Lion, Shun, Vanessa


    Combo: [2][P], [6_][P], [K][K][K] (82 Damage)

    Works on: Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh, Lau and Jean.


    Combo: [2][P],[K][K][K] (77 Damage)

    Works on: Jacky, Akira, Wolf and Jeffry.


    Combo Starter: [4][6][P]+[K][​IMG]:i:Counterhit![/i] (Hammer Smash)

    Combo: [2][P],[2][P]+[K],[K][K][K] (80 Damage)

    Works on: Eileen, El Blaze, Sarah, Aoi, Lion and Vanessa.


    Combo: [2][P],[3][P][P][K] (68 Damage)

    Works on: Pai, Shun, Jacky, Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh, Lau, Akira and jean.


    Combo: [2][P][2][K][P][K] (67 Damage)

    Works on: Wolf and Jeffry

    NOTES: There is more, but I'm tired of typing at the moment. I'll do the rest of this when I get the chance. Got a list of what works on who in which stance as well. The intermediate combos are non stance specific. It's worth noting that the beginner combos are all Taka combos.

    Sorry if this looks a bit of a mess at the moment. When I'm less tired I'll clean it up.

    Some additional combo notes here as well. For weight classes up to about Lion you can get away with [4][6][K]~[6][K] into [P][P][K] after Shadow hammer ([​IMG][6][P]+[K]) for nice wall push and ringout potential. Near a wall after shadow hammer go for [4][P]+[K] into [8][K] or [2][P] for awesome damage vs most of the cast.

    I've still got to put up the rest of the combos and from some other launchers. Also have a list of guaranteed throw attempt situations, and some other stuff regarding oki, rocket discharge and some general nonsense.
    EvenPit likes this.
  2. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    good stuff sir, i'll have lots to do in the lab tonight! and nice clean notation!
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    awesome work, man
  4. Shouta

    Shouta Active Member

    So Seidon, I checked up on what were talking about earlier in the shoutbox. The 2P after the Volcano Upper does result in a low throw even if it's a normal hit or a counter hit, if you correctly time it. However, the opponent can do an attack out of it or do a sidestep immediately after the 2P to get out of it. If they do nothing but block they'll have to eat the low throw.

    It'd be nice if it was guaranteed but it's a pretty neat option.
    Seidon likes this.
  5. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    Super neat list, Seidon, thanks

    Gotta work on your picture soon [​IMG]
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Thanks, guys. Still a bit left to put up. Will do so next time I'm on a computer!

    That's awesome, Shouta! Gonna see about working that in! I'm gonna assume 2P+K works in a similar fashion?
  7. Shouta

    Shouta Active Member

    2P+K should work in theory, I think but for some reason I haven't ever gotten it myself. I think it's because the advantage on 2P+K is 20 frames with only a 5 frame advantage on hit while the 2P after a volcano upper is 16 Frames with a 6 Frame Advantage on Hit.

    2P+K on Counter Hit gets the same situation though, Low Throw if they do nothing or block but you can break out of it by mashing buttons for an attack or evading it.
  8. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    For Taka you can do Shadow Hammer - P - 3PPK for 61 dmg
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Thanks, man! [​IMG]
  10. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    Just tested these variations of the shadow hammer combo.

    [​IMG] [6] [P] [+] [K], [6] [K] [+] [G], [6_] [P], [K] [K] [K] (76 Damage)

    Works on: El Blaze, Eileen, Aoi, Sarah ,Vanessa, Pai, Lion, Brad, Lei Fei, Lau

    I first saw this combo in a match vid from Evo with Shironuko playing El Blaze. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [6] [P] [+] [K], [6] [P] [+] [K] [P] , [K] [K] [K] (69 Damage)

    Works on: Akira, Wolf, Jeffry


    [​IMG] [6] [P] [+] [K], [2] [P] [+] [K], Delayed [P], [K] [K] [K] (73 Damage)

    Alternatively you can crouch dash before [P] rather than delay it.

    Works on: Jean
    EvenPit and Seidon like this.
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    will there be combos for more starters? Will be nice to have them actually [​IMG]
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yeah, I have them in my notebook. I'll try and get them up thursday or Friday. If I get put through as one of the blaze specialists I'll clean up the initial post here with everything.

    Guys, I've dropped a few of these as max damage but more pointas have been found so feel free to have a play about and see if you can sneak in a few extra points.

    I don't knownif you guys saw my rocket discharge stuff but I have anlitrle bit more to add to that as well.

    The next big thing I've been looking at is Blaze's wall game and wall combos. So that will likely be the next big step for the blaze forum. I would make a tutorial but I don't have the equipment.

    What I was thinking of doing is asking my mate Walter if I could use his stream setup ome night and just recording some online roomatches with UK/EU talent and maybe some dojo mode. The streams get recorded so it would always be there for reference. Any interest in that?
  13. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    I would be interested. Would it be just regular matches or creating specific set-ups in a match?
  14. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    [3] [P] [+] [G], [3] [K], Guaranteed throw

    [2] [P] [+] [G], [8] [K], [6], [2] [P] [+] [G]
    - Low catch throw from Rocket Discharge if opponent side rolls
    - Doesn't work on some characters. Can use [6] [K] in place of [8] [K]

    I was gonna add a few other little things, but I haven't tested them on most characters, so I'll leave those out.
  15. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    A shorter version of his awesome, but breakable, Bronco Buster combo from Vanilla is sorta in, starting from [3][P][+][G]

    [3][P][+][G], [4][K](this needs to be buffered right before you hit the ground), [4][6][P][+][K], [2][P][+][G].
  16. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    First, listen to the first 6 second of this.


    Then practice this.

    EDIT: This a combo video going over side-turned situations on the wall, however there's another buff El Blaze wall combo to add to the repitore.

    Starts at 4:50

  17. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    Holy shit I know it's breakable but that is hilarious
  18. UgLee

    UgLee Member

    Anyone want to drop some notations for this one? I'm trying to get them down myself.
  19. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    looks like

    9k+g, 43p+k on hit p+g, rd 9p+kk, 3p+k on hit p+g, 9k+g4, backturn k, 6k+g, 4p+k, backturn 8k, ppk

    haven't tried it though
  20. UgLee

    UgLee Member

    I've got the notation on the second video with the wall combo. Breakable but still swag.

    3P + KP + G dash> KKK (CH)> 9K + G> 43P + KP + G> 6K> 6K + G> 9P + K> crouching 8K> 6K> behind 4P + K

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