Eileen Questions

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Mackfactor, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    What r her moves that dont throw clash?

    how to apply,
    B P+K+G... is there nething guaranteed after that?
    7 P, anyone know how to apply this?
    Using BB P, when?
    I have been told by Jeneric that u can shoulder ram to evade MIDS/highs, basically it should evade all moves at a small disadv except moves that dont swipe the ground like knees. Does neone know the exact DISADV i can do this to evade mids?Neways, i have been trying to say PPP, G cancel into shoulder ram, or 6 P, G Cancel into shoulder ram.. I noticed that it works, however the timing is very strict.. I feel its easier with the G cancel. Neways, i wanted to know ppl's opinion on how consistant it is or nething else they know about shoulder ram.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Moves that don't throw clash:

    off the top of my head

    9P (I'm pretty sure any move your considered aireborne is not clashable)
    4K+G (pretty sure on this one too)

    Honestly I use 9K+G if I expect a throw and want to abare out the situation.

    2_3P+K is highly evasive, I recommend looking at eileen's wiki stragegy section, I wrote up a few strats which touch on some of your questions. The exact disadvantage you need to be at before you can't evade the move varies A LOT based on what move you're talking about evading. It's one of those things you kind of pick up on from using it in a lot of different situations (the move still surprises me).

    An example that comes to mind is after PP_6P you're at +1 frame, and you can use 2_3P+K to hop under 2P's and most other mid attacks that aren't ground scraping. Now if you are at negative frames i.e. -5 and you try and 2_3P+K you'll get hit by a 2P i.e. after 6P.

    So what have we learned? Well the 2_3P+K is evasive to low attacks on it's 13th frame, it's an 18 frame move (2P is 12 frames for most characters expect lion, but this works on him too so we can say the 13th and 14th frames of 2_3P+K is evasive to 2P's)

    It would actually be nice to know which frames shoulder ram beats what type of attacks.

    Hope this helps a bit.
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    1. I'm bad at testing this, but as far as i've been able to tell. Her jumping moves, 9K+G, 8K+G, 9P, 8P, and 4K+G all won't clash. 236P will clash, as will 236K and 214P (full circular punch. K+G also seems to clash for me, even though it leaves her backturned?

    2. Not good for much as far as i can tell. I terms of single hit damage, it's up there as one of Eileens strongest which can help it beat out other moves, but you'd have to be very lucky. I'd avoid this move.

    3. 44P also backs away but leaves you less vunerable on wiff than 7P (down from ridiculous to very). It will hit opponents rushing towards you and is one of Eileens 2 near useless half circ mids. Walking backwards will get you away faster than 44P and 7P.

    4. Still trying to test this, but i can tell you it will go under the 2P of Akira, Aoi, Goh, Kage, Sarah, Jacky, Brad, Jeffry, Vanessa and Wolf at -5 frames(both stances). In terms of the exact disadvantage? There isn't one. It depends on the speed of the move coming at you. The stance you're in can also have an effect.

    I can get 2_3P+K under Jackys elbow at -7 in closed stance, but not in open. -6 is no problem in either stance, and i can't get it to work at -8 from either stance.
  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    ill test out the shoulder ram and see what i find.
    the best ones to test are 2p, MID punches, 16 frame mid kicks. Ill start off with that initially and work my way up later when i develope a better eileen.

    TRICKY, i read evrything on ur BLOG, printed and highlighted some stuff. Ive learnt alot from ur blog. I have to read the wiki again, but i dunt remember it being too specific on when i can shoulder, but ill look again. Neways, tricky, i have evaded an elbow at minus 5 and 2p at minus 5, however the timing is strict. Its too hard without the G cancel, and buffering it can be tricky.. but ill get it down to a muscle memory eventually.

    Marly are u gonna be on later? u mind showing me some stuff with eileen. btw much appreciated on showing me some stuff with Vanessa. My Van is looking ok now. b4 fighting her was so difficult, but now i see whats coming.
  5. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    forgot to ask, can u tell me her wall combos thanks.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    The shoulder ram will go under 2P at -5 with the fastest input. No timing is needed.
    Try it with the cpu set to 2P on block. If you 2P 2_3P+K (just buffer 3P+K) it will work. I don't think there is any timing for the elbows it goes under either. I'll test mid kick.
  7. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    I also have an Eileen question: HOW THE FOCK DO I BEAT HER?!
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    By playing at least as well as your opponent and not being PREDICTABLE. [​IMG]

    Also, alternating between ETEG and 2P works well against me. You've basically got a 50% chance of beating what i do at -9 or less. I should be PK punishing from a 10 frame advantage.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Anyone do any testing on wall combos? I tend not to bother, but 214P (stagger), 33P, 236KKK worked ok on Jacky. There must be better stuff though.
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You'd be wrong, what matters is WHEN they are airborne. They have to be when the throw goes active.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Ok that's what I thought (why I use 9K+G mostly since you're considered aireborne from the start)

    Check the vid 4:40 http://www.youtube.com/user/viper28087#p/u/49/fiMVRdSnV50

    It's more than just wall combos, but if you want to just get to the good stuff skip to near the end of the vid, that's where I do high wall combos and mid wall combos. That was really I was able to find (most dmging anyway). Wasn't really thinking about oki when I made the video so maybe there are some combos off the wall that would give you great oki options, dunno [probably].
  12. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    TY, after work ill watch vid. BTW tricky ur on my friends list but u never play. ne chance i can get some games, and play ur eileen. I want to watch how u play and learn.. how to play and how to fight it with goh
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Yeah sure I could do some tonight (eastern) just long as it's before animation domination starts on fox lol. I friggin love that shit.

    I don't play online VF all that much cuz it takes waaaaay too long to find a match worth playing, couple that with my not doing all that well in lag situations equals me not being online that much.

    However I do like playing individuals for sessions. I just don't do PUG's on VF online anymore.
  14. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Thanks for the reply. Great vid as well. Not quite what i'm looking for though. I after watching Myke's VF wall pressure vid, i've realised that Eileen doesn't have too many non knockdown moves that do the required 21+ damage to wall stagger if the opponent is facing you normally.

    The most usable ones seem to be 214P and 214P+K,K but it's what to do after the stagger. 33P may be a bit slow to work consistantly. 6P+K~214P,9K+G works. I was if anyone has come up with anything else for an opponent with their back to the wall?
  15. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    thnks guys for all ur input.
    Tricky, I have a question for u. I read ur blog now twice, i have learnt alot from it. You mentioned the flow chart 6P=K into 236 KK... Is that guaranteed on CH only? does it also work on NH?
  16. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    (Assuming you meant 6P+K i'll answer)
    If it natural comboed on normal hit eileen really would be broken. Major Counter hit only i'm afraid. The 2nd hit in the string also combos into 236KKK on MC.
  17. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    im back to studying eileen again.. i was reading the arcadia by HANABI, i have a question about this line he has.

    "The *fP+KPP on guard will allow the opponent to retaliate with an upper class move, but if you don't make it obvious and use cancels on the second hit you can keep using it. *******There is risk, but if you hit anything more than the opponent's *dP on counter hit, you can go for the below combos."****

    the last sentence... does he mean, if u do 6P+K, P, G CANCEL at disadvantage, my next 6p+K/6p/2p will crush highs thus creating a CH launch?? sorry it doesnt make sense how this works to me


    1. Counter hit *fP+KPP fP+KP ddffKK or stop string and go for 214K for distance (OPEN:VANESSA)

    2. Counter hit *fP+KPP fPPdK

    3. Counter hit *fP+KPP dP PPfP
    (ANY:HEAVY <SARAH: use BK ender)

    4. EVERYONE ELSE use
    CH 6P+K,P - 2p - into okizeme:
    VS TECH ROLL 236 P+K- 3K <OR 2K>. 3K ender will beat foes who TECH and abare into butt stun. PERHAPS beats Foes who sidestep after tech as well.

    Oki: 236 P+K-P+G
    VS. FOE Who wake up and Sidestep/STAND G without TECHs
    Or even better : If the opponent does not tech roll and you stop it at *236P+K it is low risk. If the opponent sees the *236P+K and attempts a rising attack, OM K will cause a side crumple stun.

    plz disregard my side notes.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    169mackfactor, for context it'd be helpful if you included the link to the arcadia post you were referring to.

    No. Neither of Eileen's [6][P][+][K], [6][P] or [2][P] will "crush highs" nor launch on CH.

    That last sentence simply means if you manage to CH on the last hit of [6][P][+][K][P][P], and provided the opponent wasn't doing a [2][P], then the combo opportunities are good. What's significant about the opponent's [2][P]? My guess is that the float height will be too low (because they're crouching) for the listed combos (see link) to connect, but you Eileen players can verify that.
  19. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    ahhhhh. now that u explain it, i feel so dumb... they were talking about all 3 hits, thanks for clearing that up for me.
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    What Hanabi wrote was kind of weird, cause on counterhit the float should be unaffected by whether or not they were crouching. This is vanilla VF5 yes? I should maybe check this out.

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