Eileen Punishment Chart

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Tricky, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Eileen blog is back up from japan and I"m just archiving all the useful information that is there just incase it goes down again.

    +10F … Throw (D25~60)

    +11F … PPP or PK (D31) ← Main

    +12F … 2P (D11)

    +13F … 4PPK (D43) ← Main. You can make a partner be downed by "+13F".

    +14F … 6PP (D31)

    +15F … P+K → +12F ( if "→ PK", D49. But throw is preferred by the situation. ※ ) ← Main

    +16F … 6P+KP (D34), 3K (D27), 4K (D25), 3PP (D36)

    +17F … 9K or 9K+G ( if "→ PPc236P+KK → 66K → 4P+Kc214K+G", D91 ) ← Main of main.

    +18F … 2_3P+K ( if "c214K+G", D37 )

    +19F … 43P+Kc236KKK (D61), 46K+G ( if "6P+KPc214PPc214K+G", D80 )

    +20F … 33P ( if "→ 66K → 4P+Kc214K+G", D77 )
    EvenPit and Daydream like this.
  2. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    I want to say that our wiki says 33P is 21 frames, and in game when I am standing at a range where I would consciously think about using it, it is 22 frames according to training mode, so I don't think +20f is quite right.
    EvenPit likes this.
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    That's because from range your move is not hitting during the 1st active frame. It's hitting during the 2nd active frame if you're getting 22f exe. A move's exe is only as fast as when the active frame actually connect, so from range things hit during later active frames. Makes you move more safe too.
  4. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    Right, I remember you explaining this to me on NYC_VF stream. My point was that the Japanese site claims you can use 33P to punish at +20 when you have to be at +21 (and usually +22 because of the range) to punish.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    If you have blocked Jacky's Flip kick or Akira's bodycheck you have more than enough time. The thing with 33P is that you have to be executing the move during the 1st frame for the punish to work. So if you block something that gives you +20, you need to make sure you've already buffered 33, so that once the block is over you just press P and get the move to come out in the 1st frame. otherwise you'll lose the frames due to the input being two directional inputs. Honestly I'd use 9K instead.
  6. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    Yeah, those are like -26 and -32, but I thought if the move said 21F on the wiki it takes 21Fto come out even with perfect input?
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

  8. Tipzntrix

    Tipzntrix Well-Known Member

    So they should be able to block at -20 if you use a 21F move right? That's what I meant; I don't think a 21F move is a guaranteed punish.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Then no. If you do the 33P move without wasting a frame you can punish a move from +20. The key is not wasting any frames. It's kinda moot in this case though as there are very select cases where you'd want 33P over 9K in this situation.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm adding to this list her punishment when you evade people mid string. Current character on the chopping block is Jean.

    Evading & Punishing Jean’s Strings

    All his charge moves leave you at same adv as his PPP(max charge) or (partial charge) moves.

    Test is 17F move beats 12f 2p while 18f move loses.
    Evade to his front and you get sidethrow, evade to his back you get front throws.

    PPP(max charge) P


    Eileen PP6P punish or PP 214K+G

    4KK [You will be tracked by followup P if evading to his front]

    Eileen PP6P punish or PP 214K+G

    PPP(max charge)K [no frame adv if follow-up used]
    6PP [no frame adv if follow-up used]

    Eileen’s 4PPK


    Eileen’s 6P, but her 4PPK is preferred


    Eileen’s P+K

    PPP(max charge) KK

    Eileen’s 6P+KP 214K+G

    PPP(max charge) PPK

    Eileen’s 9K


    Eileen’s 46P, but 9K preferred

    4PP(max charge)

    Eileen’s 33P hits mCH, 9K or 46K+G preferred.

    PKP(max charge)

    Eileen’s 2K+G mCH’s 9K preferred punish

    PPP (max charge)
    4KP(max charge) [must evade to his back or you will be tracked]

    Eileen’s 66K but 9K preferred

    PPP(charge) K
    33PK(max charge)
    9KP(max charge)

    Eileen’s 6K+GK
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Part 2

    Evading & Punishing Vanessa Strings
    OS PP based strings, beware of her delaying if there is another hit in the string, she can track you if she does. Otherwise you’re safe to hit buttons. You can double evade and get a 15f back hitting mCH or 16f side crumple if she does that in most cases. Also can get a 17f launch after a double evade in this situation. I’ll write (beware delay) when applicable and annotate exceptions.
    OS KP4P (if she delays the last P, so take this placement with grain of salt. You are jailed otherwise)
    OS 6KKP4P(if she delays the last P, so take this placement with grain of salt. You are jailed otherwise)
    OS 2KP4P(if she delays the last P, so take this placement with grain of salt. You are jailed otherwise)
    OS PPP
    OS 6KKP (if she delays you get guaranteed damage, but it depends on how much)
    Test after evade if vane does 2P, Eileen’s 17F move MCH and her 18F move gets beat.
    DS P+KP
    OS PP6P
    Test after evade if vane does 2P, Eileen’s 19F move MCH and her 21F move gets beat.
    OS 2KP (if she does followup you get 11f punishes)
    Test after evade if vane does P, Eileen’s 20F move MCH and her 21F move gets beat.
    DS PK
    Test after evade if vane does 2P a Eileen’s 21f move MCH’s her 24f move gets beat.
    DS 66PP (it based on how much delay she puts between the Punches, not reliable punish but it’s there if she’s delaying it too much. You are in blockstun if she doesn’t delay at all)
    DS 46KP
    OS PP6PP (beware delays)
    OS 6PP (beware delays if evaded to vane’s back)
    OS OS 6KK (beware delays)
    Eileen PP6P punish or PP 214K+G
    DS PP (her K follow-up can hit you if she delays it 2P punish recommended)
    3KK intruder step cancel
    Eileen PP6P punish or PP 214K+G
    DS 6PK (Her mid K follow-up can hit you if she does not delay, you can double evade and get a 15f back hitting mCH or 16f side crumple if she does that)
    OS KP (beware followups use 2P punish to protect against delay followups)
    OS KPK (
    OS 6KKPK
    OS 2KPK (if you duck her P then evade you get 17f punish)
    OS P+KP (iffy move since you are jailed if no delay is done. Take this punish with grain of salt)
    Eileen’s 4PPK
    OS 3P+KK
    Eileen’s 6P, but her 4PPK is preferred
    OS 4PK (use long range punish if she’s going into Intruder stance K to run away If only Intruder stance is entered you get BT 15f punish)
    Eileen’s P+K
    DS 6P3K
    Eileen’s 6P+KP 214K+G OR 4K pushing vane to backturn
    OS 6PPK
    OS KPP
    OS 3KK intruder step (only if you evaded to the wrong way and you used ECD)
    Eileen’s 9K
    OS 6PK
    OS 66KP
    OS 3KK (beware intruder step if canceled early you will failed evade)
    Eileen’s 46P, but 9K preferred
    DS 6PPK
    OS PP6PK
    OS PPK
    Eileen’s 33P hits mCH, 9K or 46K+G preferred.
    DS PPK
    Eileen’s 2K+G mCH’s 9K preferred punish

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