Dural, Taka, Aoi

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Guest, Jul 4, 2000.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This is Javier Smith, a newbie to the world of Virtua Fighter. I was reading the Virtua fighter Character info on http://lunch.simplenet.com/vf I was a little confused as to why Aoi, Taka, and Dural were not present. I'd really like to know what their characteristics are (ex, birthday, nationality, height, weight, hobby etc.) and a little about what they have to do with the VF Story starting in VF1. I found this site while looking for a move list for Akira and found it pretty interesting. It is like a community. If one you could help me I'd appreciate it. If you do not know this information could you please tell me where to find it. I am a fellow Virtua Fighter fan, looking for the past (that he missed) of this great game. Oh, yea, the game itself does tell some of the characteristics of Aoi and Taka- except height and weight (which I'd also like to know)- but it doesn't tell you anything about Dural. I was just curious.

    Thank you in advance, or if you cannot help me, thanks anyways,

    (P.S. If possible could you tell me a litte about how the "Tournament started" in VF1 and the results of the three tournaments or whatever. At first, I had only one reason to dislike Virtua Fighter and it was that I didn't know that there really was a story. Now, the more I learn about the characters, the more they feel like the Tekken charaters felt to me after all of those intro movies and ending movies in the game [and even Tekken: The Movie] that I had seen. VF really is a great series. Too bad I was too caught up in Namco's Tekken fighting games that I missed the whole reason I was playing 3D fighting games-the Virtua Fighter Series. Thanks again.)
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'd really like to know what their characteristics are (ex, birthday, nationality, height, weight, hobby etc.) and a little about what they have to do with the VF Story starting in VF1.

    Aoi and Taka weren't introduced into the series until VF3.

    Sorry I can't provide you with any of the information you asked for (simply because it doesn't interest me) but I'm sure you'll be able to find what you're looking for by either searching this or other sites, and the web in general.

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Like Myke said, if you dig around the web, you'll find all that info; the DC VF3tb manual also has background stories for everyone. Here's a little that I know:

    Lau won the first tournament (VF1)

    Akira won the 2nd by defeating Lau I think (VF2)

    akira and wolf have a friendly rivalry, but wolf usually looses.

    One of the neat things about VF is that as opposed to having a lot of flashy secrets or hidden characters or cool action figures (being a proud owner of the King action figure myself), all the rewards and secrets actually come out in the gameplay, and after you've played for a while, you'll see it doesn't need that stuff. Have fun.


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