drunk'n VF

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by MADrox, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    curious,, with all the gatherings that have occured,, why is there never much drinking at any VF gatherings???
    most of us are definately of age , no??
    why can't our tourneys involve money and alchohol ,, like losing teams / players take a shot after every round..

    Anyone even play vf drunk ??

  2. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member

    yeah why can't there be more VF blazers.

    Come on now....

    Damn you all partypoopers.
  3. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    I have a nickname of "a real life Shun" after an incident in LA on a alcholic VF night(or morning as we played till 6-7 AM....OUTSIDE). That was hemma fun.

    That said, I am all for the idea of alcholic VF in Chicago.
  4. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Hey, everyone knows I'm no stranger to booze.
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Maaan...especially back in the VF3 days I really did have a problem of drinking and playing vf...it got to the point where I was better playing drunk than sober.
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MADrox said:

    ...why is there never much drinking at any VF gatherings???...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Add to that the possibility of


    Too scary for me.

    For me, the fun of a drinking party isn't worth the risk. I've never said "no alcohol" for the get-togethers at my place. Every once and a while a new player will bring some, and the idea never really caught on with the regulars. I'm glad it happens that way.

    People look to be having a blast without drinking, anyway. It's VF, after all. Save the alcohol for boring events. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    * I'm not trying to make fun of you - I really like the way you sign your posts.
  7. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    haha,,, I totally understand. But i think the VF crowd tends to be a bit more respectful than the standard drunk'n crowd.
    I remember when shota had us doing the following for losing teams because i think he said they crews did that in japan:
    we did:
    drank very hot sauce shots
    and i cant remember what else.

    anyway,, it was an interesting twist on the standard vf play.

    i think ill bring some tequila / vodka to this weekend - where losers take a shot.

    ill post results >

  8. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    yeah why can't there be more VF blazers.


    Pass that shit NOW or [4][6][6_][P]+[K].

    Your choice.
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Hell, me, shaggie, Elusive and ben go drinking every chance we get. Well in regards to everyone else they are just a bunch of pussies except Kazu since he drinks with his jp friends. hehehe

    Sad thing is that I'd probably drink the most out of everyone and the only thing that prevents me from drinking more is lack of money. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  10. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    MADrox said:

    ...why is there never much drinking at any VF gatherings???...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Add to that the possibility of


    Too scary for me.

    For me, the fun of a drinking party isn't worth the risk. I've never said "no alcohol" for the get-togethers at my place. Every once and a while a new player will bring some, and the idea never really caught on with the regulars. I'm glad it happens that way.

    People look to be having a blast without drinking, anyway. It's VF, after all. Save the alcohol for boring events. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    * I'm not trying to make fun of you - I really like the way you sign your posts.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed. I think that drinking at VF meetings would kinda ruin play, but I guess it would depend on what type of meeting it was. If it was just a local meeting where 4-5 people are getting together to have 'a bash' at a few games, then sure, do what you want. If it was a more serious event, a ranking battle or a tournament or something, I think it would get a little bit rowdy if everyone was wasted on beer....

    I don't drink that shit because I get pissed on 3 beers; I prefer to watch everyone else drink and then make them do crazy shit that they won't remember in the morning...
  11. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Your idea is interesting, but from what I have seen happen at parties this isn't a good idea. I myself grew up in Europe and was allowed to drink at a young age. Although I had no restrictions that did not cause me to behave irrationally as do most teens/people here in the US. I think you have to start to consider the mentallity that is present in America; since alcohol is restricted to young people, that gives way to the mentality of acting out and "sticking it to the man."

    I think that's the main reason as to why alcohol has had such a bad reputation in America. It's kind of like this: you throw a piece of meat to a pack of really hungry wolves. You know what the results are going to be with alcohol and teens. If you go to europe, or any other country besides America for that matter, you would see that alcohol isn't considered a taboo and people are more responsible about it. Since they know they can have access to it they will not go binging.

    However here in the US we are told at a very early age that alcohol is evil-and-it-will-to-this-blablabla. I can still remember when they were showing me an anti-drinking movie in health class, the movie was so cheesy that it just made you want to drink even more. Anyways, my point is that we should not start to jump the gun with alcohol right away. Instead we need to educate youn people about it in a sensible manner, instead of just telling people DO NOT DRINK!!!

    But I guess it comes down to the saying, can people handle it responsively?
  12. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    I did all my drinking when I was 13. It's all out of the way now.
  13. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    it does depend on the gathering,, but i find that currently the vf scene is 40-50% social unless its stated a tourney.
    I'm just mentioning this because it is curious that we tend to have a great time when we go out .. just combining gameplay w/ something differnt.

    unfortuanately -- i honestly didnt drink until age 29,, so now it is kind of fun .. especially at an older age. This should be my last year for drunk'n drinking.
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I have realized the few times I have played VF while buzzed that I'm relaxed and I tend to have a better focus. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    Of course the downside is my input decreases just slightly. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    What's your poison mad-stino? If we ever face off, I suggest every 10 matches we do a shot of Patron. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  15. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Wow.,, Patron Anejo is very nice.
    i'm very much into belvedere / grey goose.
    now im really liking Buchanan 18yr (very very nice)
    and for the fun drinks besides martinis, some bacardi limon. and yes i love girly drinks as well.

    I do tend to get very freindly as well when i'm buzz'n
  16. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    Want a girly drink? Here you go:

    1 & 1/2 oz. Vodka
    1/2 oz. Triple Sec or Cointreau
    1/2 oz. Lime Juice
    1/2 oz. Sprite/Sierra Mist/whatever
    1/4 oz. Orgeat Syrup (Bar mixer, you can only really find it at liquor stores)
    2 oz. Cranberry juice
    2 oz. Pineapple juice

    Pour ingredients into a pint glass full of ice, shake & serve. Tastes delicious.
  17. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Well, the title is a bit of a misnomer in this thread since the whole point seems to be not to be entirely "this cliff looks cute lets hold hands and jump" drunk. But rather to be intoxicated and simply having a ball.

    I have to echo MAXIMUS on the fact that Europe produces a lot of casual drinkers who can take a number of shots and still act normal, if slightly less inhibited. Depends on the crowd though, I got attacked by a guy while going out once, nothing happened really since I'm not the type to start a brawl, he was drunk as heck so I simply skipped off and waited half a street away for the guy's friends to reel him back in.

    Besides the fact I've got no-one to play with/against in the area I'd probably prefer an alcohol allowed get together over a fully sober one. It always depends on the crowd, whether sober or not.

    It's a proven fact btw that the upstart toward intoxication goes hand in hand with an increase in reflexes. And if well practiced the input coordination should be no problem either. So yes, alcohol can improve your game...

    How's that for a newsflash that would never make it to the paper in the US?

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