DPad Vs Stick

Discussion in 'Console' started by Chan415, Apr 5, 2002.

  1. Chan415

    Chan415 Active Member

    Which do you prefer and why?
  2. w00t

    w00t New Member

    Bah- Joystick, EASILY

    The D-pad is fine if you aren't a Akira user - but the m-moves (buffered CD) and DLC are nearly impossible to do. I found Pai, Jacky, and Lau easy enough toplay, but after several futile training sessions with Akira, it's obvious that good play w/ him requires the add of a 'stick.
  3. NeverEnd

    NeverEnd Member

    Let's put it this way, I'm sitting here playing with the d-pad, wishing I had the stick. I'm an Akira player btw, and getting his moves off with the d-pad is a real bitch.
  4. TomServo

    TomServo Member

    Just to add to the Akira action, I've only ever attempted the SPoD at home, never at an arcade, and as such, only with the Saturn pad, the Dreamcast pad, and the Dual Shock. I've NEVER been able to do it.

    Until today, when my MAS Pro Stick showed up, and I FINALLY did an SPoD. WOOT!
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    I personally at the moment play better with the PS2 pad than with a stick & in comparison the pad is muh easier than the stick. I plan on getting the VF4 stick to improve my skills in that area.
  6. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Honestly IMO, the pad is good.....................................but not good enough. You can't do a lot of things with it. Also, when your playing with the pad, You are using buttons with multiple inputs like the R1 button being P+K+G. Now I don't know about other players but I would have a serious problem with a guy using this in a tourney. When I have to use all three buttons to tech roll. Most tournies and official gatherings will probably be using sticks, so I suggest you get one =). A guy moving with a pad can't compete with a guy using a stick for CDing and Super Sonic Lightning Squat Dashing =). There's really no comparison. later.
  7. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    thx C for starting this thread. using buttons with multiple inputs like the R1 button being P+K+G. - Blonde_One. wifey loves the one button push for P+G+K and P+G... I refuse to use this option as it will kill my mano mano arcade instincts. My son likes the gamepad. <> my question: Private message or email me if the answer is long or already available here somewhere ( please give directions). There are several command and control buttons on our sticks: turbo, start, mode and program. How do I use these to set up VF4 three button array I prefer? I tried to do this configuration on my own and screwed up royally. BTW- we just got the VF4 PS2 version for ourselves last night at gamechamp. gamechamp will order any sticks we could want. message me if any of our members are working in NYC stores so I can give them the biz. thx agn. gg <.> We really liked the DC Sega joysticks...the penguins we have now are a second best.
  8. CaptnWacky

    CaptnWacky New Member

    I personally hate using a stick. I've just never really got comfortable with using one, so I obviously stick with the Dpad.
  9. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    There are several command and control buttons on our sticks: turbo, start, mode and program. How do I use these to set up VF4 three button array I prefer? I tried to do this configuration on my own and screwed up royally.

    nycat, if your prefered control method is different from the rest of your family, go the the control edit option in the character edit screen. You can change the controler config there, and it will overide the system settings whenever you use your kumite character to fight with.
  10. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    thx Yupa. excellent. I chose configuration C. It is perfect for my finger spread ( natural) w/ PS2 arcade stick by pelican. i will order a VF4 specific stick from gamechamp this weekend. Diagonals are iffy on one of the two sticks we use.
  11. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Honestly IMO, the pad is good.....................................but not good enough. You can't do a lot of things with it.

    I have yet to find anything I can't do with it. That includes Akira's Knee and his specials, and circular moves like Kage's Shinsodan.

    Also, when your playing with the pad, You are using buttons with multiple inputs like the R1 button being P+K+G.

    That's easily taken care of -- don't use them. I don't...

    Now I don't know about other players but I would have a serious problem with a guy using this in a tourney. When I have to use all three buttons to tech roll. Most tournies and official gatherings will probably be using sticks, so I suggest you get one =).

    What if an online Virtua Fighter game appears in the future? Won't that give those who use a pad a special button pressing advantage that we may all need to live with? What if someone spponsors a new VF4 tournament using the PS2? Unlikely, but possible.

    A guy moving with a pad can't compete with a guy using a stick for CDing and Super Sonic Lightning Squat Dashing =). There's really no comparison. later.

    CDing with a pad is trivial. The pad is also better in general with hitting diagonals.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. I find some moves/combos are easier to input with one than with the other; but none are impossible with either. I personally find it easier to do a DLC or rolling attack into a Dragon Punch with a joystick, but much easier to do an Akira Knee, SPoD or Kage Shinsodan attack with a pad. I am training myself to use both methods. Be prepared for the future, or prepare yourself for the consequences.
  12. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: DPad prepares you to get spanked in arcade

    with a pad you are training yourself for a beating at arcade. (imho).(^^) PS2 is fun and has great depth for training, but, I prefer arcade battles. Maybe I will change my mind after I get better joystick than we have at home. thx for your awesome input past several posts elsewhere. What if someone spponsors a new VF4 tournament using the PS2? actually, I believe Shadowdean won a signed by Yu-san VF4 arcade machine in contest recently using pad... Most ,ur, all the stuff you responded to was said by someone else/versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  13. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    "Diagonals are iffy on one of the two sticks we use" -nycat
    Hehe, same problem here. Actually, more like "I tried for 10 minutes and got Dural's triple-flipkick combo ONCE" /versus/images/icons/smile.gif I prefer to think of my Pelican stick as being good training for trashy American arcades /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    A stick for me always! I won't touch VF without a stick. The reason? I'm an Akira User. My friend brought over VF4 on his PS2 and by the time i got finished doing the SPoD and DLC on a controller my fingers felt like i had stuck them under an SUV and let somebody run over it then i put it in a blender. I refuse to play VF without a stick. Hell truthfully i don't play any fighting game with a controller. The only game i will play with a controller is Tekken and even then when somebody brings a stick i automatically switch to the stick.

    I'm pro Arcade Stick for life.
  15. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to make this a big post, its very simple really. The best player in the US will be using a STICK!! Guys on the controllers can sit and watch the PRO's =). If your hardcore you use a stick. Nycat- thats really cool that your wife plays VF with you, I've got to find a G/F that can tolerate me playing so much =). HEY EVERYONE HYDRA VIDS SOON!!!!! be on the look out!!!
  16. Albatross

    Albatross New Member

    Until today I thought that using Akira with the Dpad was next to impossible. But after hours of training, I can easily pull of the SPoD and DLC. The problem is not speed. I think there's enough time for most people to enter the commands within the time window after enough practice. It's the button timing that's hard. The DLC was problematic until I realized that I was entering the P+K too early or too late after the last f in the b,f,f+P+K, or that I wasn't pressing the last f at all.

    First off, don't use the shoulder buttons. I rest the first, middle, and ring finger over the default G,P, and K buttons respectively. You gotta use all fingers to do DLC! 2-finger position switching messes up timing and hinders fast response. As a former tekken player, my first and middle fingers were well-developed. But after strengthening the ring finger, it all felt very natural.

    The key was to be deliberate in my tapping and to coordinate my left thumb with my fingers. Spazzing and hoping that the move would come out ensured failure. Don't "mush" out directional commands, a la Street Fighter. Make discrete taps. Mushing locks up thumb muscles, making it slower. The command input graph was essential for catching and correcting mistakes.

    Slight thumb calluses definately helped in nailing the diagonals. You can play with a corner of your shirt covering your thumb if you sweat too much. Some people use the hardness of the thumb joint instead of the fleshy area.

    Dpad Akira users, do not dispair! The stick is a crutch for the weak! Muhahaha! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif


    P.S. The flying knee can be consistenly had if you quickly rake the G button with the nail of your index finger while pressing the K with your ring finger. Trying to tap does not work. Again, use the command input graph while practicing.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Those instructions for using a controller with Akira sounds almost as complex as changing a transmission on a car, i think i'll just stick to using a stick.


    *still is trying to untangle fingers from stint with controller*
  18. minh

    minh Member

    Stick for me... played VF2 in arcade and on Saturn with homemade stick (using Happ controls joystick and buttons and the PCB from a Saturn controller). Now with VF4 on PS2 and using the D-pad, I have done the SPoD several times, but the DLC only ONCE with the D-Pad (of course there was no DLC in VF2 on Saturn so it may be due to inexperience...). So I am building another stick (PCB from original PS controller, not the dual shock 2)...
  19. Fate

    Fate Member

    my only problem with using a stick is that most ps2 sticks blow.. horribly.. the arcade sticks are godly compared to the 20-40 dollar things u can find at stores.. besides the arcade sticks are made for the game... and are very precise (when i use a stick i often go for a move in a split second and miss because of faulty directional programming)
  20. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Having experienced the tactile sensation of the pad's vibrating function, playing VF4 now without it is like watching Star Wars with the sound system turned off.

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