dojo's exercices

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by MakiLeSushi, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Well, i create this thread because i looked for this kind of thread since long time. Like a lot of player ( i guess) i m not a big dojo user just because i obviously don t know how to set the cpu to practice and make improve my weaknesses... So i ask to all the best players of the community: @Lucky_GT @-BG- @MarlyJay @Unicorn @Jide @BLACKSTAR @exzety @koenraku @@Libertine @Chibitox @kingo @Krye @INIero @Mister @Myke @Darksoul173 @Combolammas @Tricky @Cozby and everyone else to share some dojo drills (even basic)to permit at weaker players to improve.
    Could you say what it will make you improve, how to set up the cpu and describe the exercice.
    I hope u won t be too lazy coz it s not a lil post to do. Thank you all
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    oneida and Ellis like this.
  2. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Hi maki. Im not a big dojo user too, only to test meaties and combos mostly but i remember back in time when i had problems against some chars record is the best option for it.. For example record some of strong mix ups a char do against you that gives you hard time, also record some of strings with high follows and learn to punish them and generally the chars most unsafe moves to punish (espessialy their launchers). I record what opponents char could do in nitaku situations or in +4 situations, a good method to learn opponents good moves and how to defense or to reversal them. Also you can practice some of your defensive techniques there with the guard and counterattack 1-2-3-4-5 for example. For example i choose guard counterattack 3( CPU after blocks my move attacks with elbow) so with pai i test some of my defensive techniques, moves like 1P or 2_4P to see if even in disadvantage i could reversal them and yeah i can ( not only against elbow but also against other moves with longer distance) and check also some of your blockstuns moves how to manage to defense or to reversal . Im sure you have with vanessa a lot to test.. :) Generally record is the best method to practice for me.. Im sure the best players would say more than me but i felt to share mine too :)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    Ellis, Riskbreak and MakiLeSushi like this.
  3. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Ty for sharing that sozos... I agree with u about recording i used sometimes to see weaknesses of my own set ups. But the recording to see strings whose finish with high is a good idea... I never though about that
    Sozos likes this.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz

    This are some basic drills I am doing when I have time (what didnt happen much in past 5 or 6 months, I hope to change that FINNALY soon. I need to practice these).

    Go vs Jacky, program him to do dash in => P => 46K+G. Block P, ECD spin kick, punish.

    Go vs Jacky, program him to do dash in => P => 1K+G. Block P, ECDCG low spin kick, punish.

    Side throw escapes
    Go vs Lion, program him to do 1) 6P => P+K+G => 8 => P+G 2) 6P => P+K+G => 2 => P+G. Replay on random. Block 6P and answer with your own 6P. Lion will deflect your elbow, sway and do sidethrow.

    Go vs Goh, program him to do 4P+K max charge into 4P (16f) / 3P (15f) / 46P (14f). Practice your stagger breaking
    Go vs Wolf, program him to do P+K max charge and then practice the break versus 6K (17f) / 6P (16f) / 4P (15f).
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    Ytpme_Secaps, Valakrie, Ellis and 4 others like this.
  5. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Copy-pasta from another thread of mine
    It's for Lion but can be used for any other character (just make sure you're using different moves for punishing after crouch and punishing after evade
    1)Pick Jacky and record A)4P+K+G P+KP b)4P+K+G P+K P+G
    2)Block the P+K and input ECD (833/233) If done right you will either get a successfull evade or you will evade and crouch the throw
    3)If you're getting the evade hit with side PKP if you're crouching the throw hit with KK (make sure you're getting the blue minor counter flash)
    You can do the same thing with Taka blocked 4P+KP/4P+K throw
    Also you can use other move after the evade just don't use KK

    1)Pick Jeffery and record A)PK throw B)PK 6PP C)PK 6P throw
    2)Get hit by the PK and input 33G ECD
    3)Like the former drill if you're getting the evade follow up with everything you want except KK and if you're crouching the throw hit with KK
    A known drill and a bit harder than the former one make sure you punish both the throw after the PK and after ECD with KK
    oneida, Ellis, BlackGeneral and 4 others like this.
  6. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    1) Vs jacky, program him to do PK, 1K+G
    Get hit by PK and then do 2662G or 8662G to block 1K+G, punish it.

    2) Vs Kage,
    a) record 46P+KP
    b) record 46P+KP with delay
    c) record 46P+KP+G
    Block the 46P+K and then do ECDCG. 833G automatically fuzzy the throw. Against late throw if you get throw just after 2or833G hold P and direction of your guessing to throw escape(actually always after 833G hold P for TE).
    Most of ppl cant deal easily with that string (including me ofc lol ) . Btw after succesful evade ,10(throw) to 17 frames moves are guaranteed but you have also the option select when kage go with throw, for example ECDCG PK(mC) for the easiest input or if you want more advanced we can go with your strongest and fastest launcher. As a pai player i go with K (14f) or 3K+G(17f)(kinda risky tho). :) The whole string is unsafe on block and it seems not big deal but actually this isnt true cause espessialy on happy evaders it is efficient and tracks a lot so i think was nice to mention how to deal with it.

    * As i said you could beat even throw mix up (46P+K, P+G )but you have to be careful and not use it that much cause if kage player reads you he can abare 2_3p as a launcher to beat your PK or any of your moves you choose after ECDCG.

    *edit (more come later )
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  7. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    This is a great thread, so i thank Maki for getting the excellent idea to ask the knowledge of vfdc (our wise elders? :p) for specific dojo training drills. I think i could also really need this.

    With all the information coming from this thread i surely get even less excuses for being lazy with working toward closing my flaws!

    Again thanks Maki, and all the others sharing their experience, both in this thread and in all PMs i have had with some, asking for advice.

    On that note, perhaps we should make a push to get this organized into our already great wiki in some good fashion?
    MakiLeSushi, Modelah and Riskbreak like this.
  8. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I don't actually do any dojo drills but here's some ideas:

    Fuzzy 1: Just set the opponent to guard and attack 5 and do fuzzy after your own pokes. Add benefit by reaction punishing throws.

    Fuzzy 2: Record opponent doing something like P -> throw and P -> elbow and fuzzy that on hit and block.

    ECD 1: Record something like Jacky 1P+K,P,P and 1P+K,P,throw and do ECD after blocking the second hit and punish accordingly. Or try Taka 4P+K,P wit 4P+K, throw and do the same thing.

    ECD 2: Record Jeff doing P+K+G, thread K+G. Block the threat slap and do ECD under threat K+G. If you manage it you know you do ECD at max speed. Pretty sure you get tagged by Jeff if you cancel to CD even 1 frame late.

    Stagger 1: Record Goh doing 4P+K max charge -> 46P. Try escaping Goh's 46P after blocking the charge.
    I'm not sure how the struggling system actually works (is it one input for one less stagger frame), but if you want to make the struggle frame perfectly tight, set yourself against the wall and record Goh doing 4P+K max charge -> P+K.

    Stagger 2: Record Blaze doing 9P+K~K~6, RD K and 46K~6, RD K and try escaping the stagger after getting hit.

    Quick rising: After you get knocked down there's actually an invisible stagger for how fast you can get up. Record Wolf doing 62K, 3P+K. Get CH's by 62K and struggle and roll back to avoid the peoples elbow. Obvious note: this is not possible with a wall behind you.
    Craigbot, Sozos, Ellis and 3 others like this.
  9. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    It is also distance-dependent. If Wolf hit you from minimum distance, it is impossible to escape. From maximum distance, it is "only" hard.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    edit: Only part of the dojo drill you need to see if you want to skip talking. This concept is so important and every move for your char needs to have these ranges figured out, on hit, block, CH.

    Ok I'm going to post this tekken video on movement/spacing in tt2 and from this time point on you can take as a VF dojo mode exercise and applies to our game equally.

    He explains it in the video so you can just follow his talk.

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    Riskbreak and Strider786 like this.
  11. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Once again ty guies for sharing that...
  12. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Forgot about this. It is escapable from point blank (maybe it's character specific?). I just made CPU Goh do it and then made it myself. Dashed in to 62K to get it as near as possible.
    Unicorn likes this.
  13. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Lol rly. I did this test like 2 years ago with different result and did not questionated it ever after. Now I wonder what I was actually testing :(
  14. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    It's so goddamn hard (for me at least) that I'm never going to pull it off in a match. I usually don't even try. I just tried the other downattacks on CPU and aside from 8K they all seemed to work. 8P is only 4 dmg less than 3P+K. On the other hand 8P seems to be avoidable by siderolling towards Wolfs front.

    Also, 3P+K actually seems backrollable even next to wall, lol. I just assumed it wouldn't be. Dashing and then doing it seems to still work near walls but then it probably becomes quickrise guardable.

    So I guess the conclusion is that quickrise and backroll is a good dojo exercise and Unicorn can 8P the opponent if someone actually starts avoiding that 3P+K.
    EDIT: Or the totes guaranteed 3P.
  15. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

    I got a simple but effective drill for learning and practicing to punish characters, especially for practicing to block punish correctly and moreover consistently. Its pretty common sense but I'll put it here anyway and format it specifically for newcomers, cus' most of you guys have probably already done something like this.

    • Go to the wiki page here on VFDC and go to the section for YOUR character. look for and make a note of your punishment moves. If they aren't on the wiki, look around on the character forums for them. If you cant find them then you'll have to figure out the correct moves to punish, ask someone who might know in the character forums or message somebody. we're all a friendly bunch on here so don't be shy.
    • Choose a character you want to learn to punish.
    • Make a note of all the moves that are punishable on block for the character you want to learn to punish (everything -10 and more on block, or -9 and more if you play wolf as he has a 9 frame throw he can punish with)
    • Go to free training mode in the dojo and use the recording tool to record: p ==>__(punishable move)__ then HOLD guard immediately after executing the move for a second or two. Use all 3 slots by recording different punishable moves (in the same format) and then play them through randomly.
    • Block both moves and punish the punishable move with your correct punisher. If done right you should hit your opponent before they block.
    • When you can react and punish consistently to all 3 moves, record another 3 moves and do the same thing.
    • Repeat until you have covered the entire punishable move list of the character you want to punish. Then do it ALL again another 2-5 times each day depending on your commitment.
    Grinding this way can help you a bunch in learning character match ups, but I think it helps most in improving your overall reactions to blocking unsafe moves and retaliating with the correct punish... Happy grinding!
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
    Myke, MakiLeSushi and Riskbreak like this.
  16. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    what a great thread...This warm up drill has allready been mentioned for the most part..

    CPU set to Guard and Counterattack 5 (set throw direction as desired,I recommend forward)

    Now attack with a variety of moves, if you are at -5 or less, practice fuzzy guard (33~G)
    If your guarded attack leaves you at -6 or higher, practice either GTE (guarding throw escape)
    or ETE (evade throw escape)

    Most that will read this already know these terms, but just incase...

    FG (fuzzy Guard) (crouch dash forward~guard) , will duck under a throw attempt , but stand in time for a mid to be guarded. works at -1 thru -5

    GTE(guarding throw escape)-Press guard first (as usual), then while guard is being held down , also press down Punch, now just hold both buttons down and you will be both guarding and protecting form a neutral dont need to time anything (hold a direction as well for directional throws)

    ETE (evade throw escape) Input an evade, immediately followed by the GTE technique, and you will evade the linear attack AND protect against the throw .
    Riskbreak and Strider786 like this.
  17. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Anyone wanna list some other ECD-able "moves"
  18. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I still can't do this one perfectly. From noodles post of arcadia

    Evade Throw Escape Cancel
    Home Version Training Mode Technique 2

    Currently this is amongst the top tier of defensive techniques. In any event, entering the commands quickly and accurately is essential.
    *- skipped a bit here, was going over my head -*

    1. Choose an opponent other than Brad or Jacky who has a low full circular attack (Lion is used in this example). Go to free training and command record.
    2. Record 1. [6][P] > [6][P][+][G], 2. [6][P] > [2_][3][P], 3. [6][P] > [2][K][+][G]. You can swap [3][K] for number 2 and [4][1][2][3][6][P] for number 3, but you will have to evade to Lion's back side.
    3. Choose playback and eat the [6][P] crouching. Then input Evade > [6][P][+][G] > release [P] (still holding [G]) > [6] > [2][G] asap. If you do this correctly, you will cancel your failed evade in time to block the low [2][K][+][G].
    In reality, after a cancelled evade you can also guard mid to avoid a delayed mid attack. If you record number 3. as [6][P] then delayed [3][3][P][+][K], then you can also practice applying mixup after guarding a mid move or guaranteed punishments with successful evades.

    Further, you can leave options 1-3 as they are, and use [K][G] cancel into [2][G] crouch guard as a way to practice avoiding the mixups.
  20. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    @Tricky i know u got some tuto vids to practice steps. Do u have a dojo drill to practice my back dash evade cancel. When i try to use spacing with backdash i usually get ch by akira s 666p for exemple and other moves with big range. I tried in dojo for exemple with goh to record 6p > 1kp then 6p > 5 then 6p > 1k> p+g but after few tries it was too easy. The exercice was guard the 6p backdash & evade the 1kp. Success the cancel if go stay at 5 and add a fuzzy if he throws. In fact i want an exercice which if i succeed tthat means that i did my backdash evade the fastest possible, cancel and block or avoid a move also as fast as possible. I hope u understand what i mean.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014

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