Dojo Options Limited? & XBL features

Discussion in 'Console' started by davidd, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. davidd

    davidd Active Member

    They don't have the training like they didn VF4 Evo? The Dojo taught you much more (probably basic stuff) I don't see that anymore.

    Also can you get into a XBL match. and just keep playing the same person over and over? (Private session maybe?)

    Anyone want to help me a bit.. i'm HORRIBLE online like 0-40 now.. :-(

    I play Aoi, is she just bad? everyone seems to be either Jacki, Sara, or Akira.
  2. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    You can rematch in no-ranked matches against someone on your friends list. I think you have to invite them, or have them invite you, but I am not totally sure.
  3. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Yeah, unfortunately the dojo mode is extremely lacking compared to Evo;; Fortunately, a lot of the info from Evo still applies to VF5, if you still have access to it.

    Regarding Aoi... she's definitely not bad, but she is extremely technical and not new-player friendly. You might want someone faster/simpler to learn the basics of the game with, all of the characters you mentioned tend to have some more natural advantages at beginner levels of play (assuming you have the finger dexterity when referring to akira, of course).
  4. Gooombay

    Gooombay Active Member

    Davidd, I am new as well, this the first VF game I have ever owned. I would be happy to meet up online and practice with you. I use Kage. My gamertag is the same as my name here, feel free to add me to your list if you want to.
  5. davidd

    davidd Active Member

    I'm not new per-se.. I've played VF4 and VFEvo heavily since they came out.. but really only against one or two people.

    I know most of the mechanics of the game.. Grabs, Grab Counters.. Evades Reversals. Etc etc.

    Only thing i'm not real great on is Frame data (really have no clue on that) and my timing/input is fairly bad. Again I do well with AOI against most of the CPU opponents (still adjusting to craptacular 360 d-pad) I just can't seem to reverse ANYTHING on live.. i'll sit there spamming reverse and never catch anything. Can't block or throw. Its a nightmare.

    Anyway if somone wants to play / give me some tips.. I'd be glad to hear them. my GT is TheDimm. Just make sure you mention your from VF forums or something.. Otherwise i may think your some random halo 3 troll i owned ;-)

    Edit: I could also use some help with input advice.. I can't ever tell if i'm just not inputting the moves properly. or if its timing.. or what. I'm on now if anyones around :)
  6. hardcorewolf

    hardcorewolf Active Member

    i sent you a friend request i play el blaze and lei fei so far my GT is "silvergear"

    we are kind of in the same boat
  7. ThePattern

    ThePattern New Member

    How long does the balloon trick last for?
  8. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    uhm, check the proper thread?

    In short:
    The balloon gives 10 item matches and if you quit after the tenth win (win/loss numbers will end the same again) there's a chance of it looping and getting another balloon.
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Well not extremely cause it has some new options like footstance and what throws to counter with. But it IS lacking.
  10. davidd

    davidd Active Member

    Yeah I was looking for the training options. That show you combo's / practice Evade Throe Escapes and stuff like that. And give you feed back on whats wrong.. It used to say things like "you're not inputting the right command" or "your timing is off"

    that was very helpful.
  11. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I would still say extremely. If you're actually just trying to test mechanics yourself, or do real input training, the dojo is almost as good. But the thing I really loved in Evo were, for example, the videos where it would show you ~3 guaranteed combos for each character. Back in the day, I was just playing VF4 with a couple friends, we never had any real competition, so that broke the game wide open for us. Stuff like Kage's TFT > knee combos, we had never realized was even possible until the Evo training showed us how to do it.
  12. davidd

    davidd Active Member

    yeah I got my Command Time Attack down to like 6 or 7 minutes. (from 15 lol) but still the d-pad is just to difficult..

    But yea i'd like some feedback on my input mechanics.. somethings im just not clear how it works.
    Like "during" does that mean during the execution? the hit? etc..

    Also.. the combos and stuff it showed you in VF4 Evo were great. I'd be glad to get some feedback on that.

    I also really need help on landing throws.. I CANT do it on live. ( think im experiencing lag as i cant counter ANYTHING unless i input the counter WAY pre-maturely.)
  13. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    "During" can be very unclear... I remember Evo having better notation. I think it almost always means during hit, and the window seems to extend to slightly after the hit, as far as I can tell (there are some notable exceptions... like Jeffry's splash mountain hit throw inputs are a decently long time after the attack hits, I believe). My best advice is to watch the little command input videos in command training (big yellow question mark ftw), those usually make it pretty clear. If you're still having trouble, feel free to post specific moves you can't do.

    For combo information, and such... there's a lot of info on this very site, just check the character specific forums... the "black book combo" threads are all very good.

    As far as not landing throws... it take some time to learn when they're safe. You can't just use a throw at any time... I think the easiest way to learn, is to throw on reaction after you block an opponent's combo. You'll need to put in a little time learning which moves leave the opponent vulnerable to a throw, however.

    And by counters... do you mean reversals? I noticed you mentioned "spamming" them earlier... that is never, ever a good idea. Reversals generally require you to either predict exactly what your opponent will do, or condition them to a specific response. It's going to be especially hard online, because when you're playing someone for the first time, prediction is difficult (you come from playing a small group of friends, it sounds like, same as me... so don't underestimate that difference). Also, many players don't play well enough or consistently enough yet to make conditioning actually work. I play Aoi myself, and I'm lucky if I pull off a single reversal per match. You should try focusing on winning without using reversals at all, first, and then go back and figure out how to effectively work them into your gameplay later.
  14. davidd

    davidd Active Member

    Yeah i Know spamming them is bad.. BUt i can usually catch a persons rising attack every time. Esp people that i notice always rise low.. or rise high.. But online I CANNOT do it.. It just seems to not react fast enough.

    I mean im aware of when some garunteed throw moves are.. But it seem slike i cant input a throw fast enough to make it land ever..

    I can do all the moves no problem. Its just my consitency is Poor. So i was looking for any help there (besides a joystick).

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