Does Virtua Fighter Still Exist?

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Technocrow, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    So I've always been interested in Virtua Fighter and wanted to get into it more competitively, but the scene seems pretty dead. Can someone prove me otherwise? Are there still active tournaments that people are playing at?
    Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
  2. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Short answer. Nope.

    As someone who attempted to organize offline events. Vf players are scarce and extremely dodgey. You will get a small 10 man tops side tourney once a year.

    Only real offline vf event is NYG
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Dead game with players that dodge money matches and unless you live in New York you can entirely forget about offline.
    nou and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    It's quite alive in NYC area and online through here. it just takes a little more effort to organize vf playdates. Watch the videos on the site and get real comfortable with dojo mode.
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Game is more dead than a vampire stabbed by a garlic-infused stake. Please look forward to SF5 next week.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    @Technocrow it might help if you let us know where you're from, and what your expectations are? VF5FS is currently not a popular fighting game outside of Japan, so its draw at major FGC tournaments is pretty low unless there's some corporate-injected prize money.

    Depending on where you live, you may be able to find decent competition, either offline or online, to play and improve against. But again, due to the lack of popularity, it may take some searching, planning and coordination to play with them.

    Good luck!
    Tricky, Tha_FeauchA, ToyDingo and 5 others like this.
  7. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    "The legend will never die"
    Swevicus, Tricky, ToyDingo and 2 others like this.
  8. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    VF seems to be a niche little game and I've always enjoyed the series. I am from upstate New York I've played other competitive fighters like King of Fighters and Super Smash Bros. Melee. The smash series has had tournaments all over the place and the community just seems to be growing. So in comparison VF seems kind of lack luster. I can still really respect you guys still being here on this website in 2016. I was hoping there would be kind of scene for this game because I used to play this game all the time. I'd prefer offline play over online play any day.
  9. og23

    og23 Well-Known Member

    NYC and Toronto are pretty much the only thriving offline scenes in NA to my knowledge, everywhere else is kinda dead. I know @VFhayato runs things at his store, maybe go check with him?
    BLACKSTAR and Ellis like this.
  10. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    It's an absolute shame that the scene is so dead. VF is one of the best 3D fighters of all time.
  11. Marlow

    Marlow Active Member

    It is a shame. I didn't start checking out VF until somewhat recently, and I was studying for the CPA exam at the time, so I really didn't have a chance to take the time to actually learn how to be a competent player. Now that I'm done with the CPA, I traded in my PS3 for a PS4 so I could pick up SFV. I really hope that some version of VF makes it's way onto PS4, I'd pick that game up in a heartbeat.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  12. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    Do you think a new game in the series might revive the scene? Or am I being to hopeful?
  13. Marlow

    Marlow Active Member

    It couldn't hurt, but I'm not overly hopeful for a VF6. Sega doesn't seem too interested in making another VF, and even if they were, the Sega that made solid VF games in the past is not the same Sega of today, so there's no gaurantee that a new VF would even be good. The 3D fighter scene seems pretty down lately, so I'm not sure how much demand there would be for a new VF, other than amongst current VF players. I think best case scenerio is that Tekken 7 comes out and reignites the 3D scene, and then some other company buys the rights to VF and makes a new VF game.
  14. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Sega hasn't supported it's products since 1993 and a new game isn't coming. They just toss out increasingly inferior products and then abandon them and wonder why they are failing. As sad as this is... A proven fact from Final Showdown's release is that SEGA will only sponser Street Fighter players instead of actual VF players like Denkai, GT, or others. So you have this horrid disaster of a company that doesn't care about it's own fans or products and absolutely will not support it's own players and you ask what hope is there for a new game or a larger scene? There is no hope unless Sega sells VF to a more competent company that actually knows how to promote a game and support it's players.
  15. Citrus

    Citrus Well-Known Member

    It's always a start.

    I wouldn't say this.
    It's just that things changed now and what made VF successful in the past isn't going to be enough now or wasn't enough for VF5 (even in Japan).
    That goes for any fighting games in general, adding tons of superficial and flashy stuff is what's primordial now.
    Not regarding the trivial crap, assuming there is a VF6 planned, I think the choices they made recently and the direction they took with FS shows at least that they are already aware they need to make changes.

    There is never a guarantee any new game is going to be good, see the feelings toward SF5 or Tekken 7 that are widely mixed, not that it means anything yet foretelling the series future, and most likely Tekken 7 can't profit to anything but it's own brand and SF, nothing that can hype up 3D fighters in general.

    There is a chance a new Virtua Fighter can work, Sega just needs to make the right decisions this time.
  16. Technocrow

    Technocrow Well-Known Member

    I am really just angry because it looks like I am far too late to be able to be part of the scene before it died. From the looks of it VF had a great fanbase for many years but it eventually died out over time. For what reason? Maybe simply because VF thrived on the freshness on new entries in the series? VF isn't particularly flashy compared to other fighters so maybe to some people this freshness compensated for that somewhat.
    Swevicus likes this.
  17. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    i live in buffalo if you wanna get some games in.
    Tricky likes this.
  18. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    VF IS STILL ALIVE IN OUR HEARTS [​IMG] At least in a heart of the japanese ranked mode where I often hang on since my internet is so OP. I may loose this opportunity in half a year though since I'm gonna move and that makes me sad.
    Ellis likes this.
  19. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    VF died bacause you let it die :mad:
    Stl_Tim, Ellis, Technocrow and 2 others like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    This is what happens when a publisher (SEGA) releases a game and doesnt support it.

    As compared to capcom and the MK guys, who constantly put in work with the press and espescially the community. Now, after years of hard work building themselves, their brands grow and they rake in a ton of money (last I heard, MK sold 10 MILLION, which is even more than the new batman game sold). Every FG publisher and the FGC benefits from their success too

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