Do we need to see blood?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by berserker, Sep 27, 2002.

  1. berserker

    berserker Active Member

    I don´t know about you but I would like to see some blood in future VF series. That would be BIG change and I would like to see it. Is it too much too ask? Probably, but I´m not talking about "tons off blood all over the place" ala Mortal Kombat style. I was thinking maybe little blood on fighters face ( from nose and lips), little on fighters fists and little on floor. Ok, maybe that is "tons off blood all over the place" but who cares? It is for sure that SEGA wont add blood becouse off ratings.It is too much important for them too have 13+ ratings but hey, look at Street Fighter, it have blood and it is still rated Teen. If this is not going to happen "official" maybe whit Sony´s add on and Microsoft´s bild in hard disk and their internet plans fans can make downloadible fan made patch. It is happening on PC side. But seriosly Sega was always known as little more mature company then Nintendo and Sony and maybe it is time to add little REAL LIFE bleading into their big-name tittle. It would rock and they can always have blood off option. That way everyone would be happy. We must unite and invade Sega and AM2 whit demands for it. Power to the people. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  2. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    That would be more realistic, but it's kind of disturbing...I happen
    to love Aoi to pieces and I'd hate to see her blowing blood...though
    I have to admit a nice gore-streaked Jacky lying out-cold at her
    feet would be sweet.

    I don't know about blood, but maybe a little more drama and
    realism might be introduced with body damage points: if Vanessa
    breaks your neck, or Aoi breaks your arm, perhaps a loss of
    viable energy in that limb or in the fighter himself would add
    something to the match...I'm not suggesting a major downgrade in
    energy or stamina for the fighter after a broken limb, but a small
    decline in energy until, say, a major damage combo is performed on
    the opp. If you didn't have the skill to pull it off even with the
    energy decline, as in a real duel you would be weakened by
    the damage and lose. This would be a similar system as Shun's
    drink points, gaining and losing...he does not seem adversely affected
    except in damage %. But without the DPs he cannot perform as well
    as with 8 DPs and above.
  3. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't like to see blood. Virtua Fighter has always been about martial arts in its purest form and depth of gameplay, and never really about violence. Adding blood would bring a whole bunch of controversy, and would not be good for the series. It has always been about pure gameplay, and should be kept clean in my opinion.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    If the game is made better by the addition of blood, it wasn't good enough to begin with probably.

    I always did like how the first SF2 games had the characters puke after a good fierce hit to the gut. Ever notice diff characters get different color puke?
  5. berserker

    berserker Active Member

    But you could select blood-off option and every side would be happy.
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    But then you run the risk of attracting a whole new crowd of people that only like to see the blood & don't care how the game plays.
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think if done correctly, blood and visible damage would add a lot. Eyes and cheecks becomming puffy, maybe after a really hard hit to the face (or a few) a fighter might spit out a tooth, blood could run from cuts under/over the eyes, nose, and lips...things of that nature, if done realistically, could add to the tension and drama of the fight.
  8. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    you gotta be kidding...


    Well, this just gets back to the age old saying:

    It's a fighting *GAME* - not a fighting *SIMULATOR*.

    Ugh. VF with blood would, imo, destroy the game. There is absolutely no need for blood, puffy faces, cuts, bruises, etc.

    It's the gameplay of VF that we love so much - that's what makes it the best fighting game, imo. Read it again folks - GAMEPLAY. I could care less about the freakin storyline or if a character's fighting style fits with their 'profile', or if there's blood! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Give. it. up. already.

    Why is it that people feel the need to constantly create discussion around the theme of: "Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but do you know what would make it better?"...bla bla bla.

  9. Jotaro

    Jotaro Active Member

    Haha, this idea, seems not for VF's style, maybe Sweat is the most it'd go (But man who'd be noticing it in the heat of the battle) VF4 gave them more personality. Blood's definitely better only in Mortal Kombat or UFC, it just ain't right seeing VF characters bleed (neither will it be cool for DOA & Tekken Chars to bleed).
    After all VF's VF, Realistic martial arts (With lengthened vitality)
  10. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    The reason folks go on about these characters is the same
    reason that, to this day, I'll launch into a rant over why the
    Fantastic Four's Ben Grimm (the Thing) could and SHOULD be
    able to take out the Hulk in a one-on-one fight (Grimm always
    gets buried by the Hulk's limitless rage-induced strength, see?)...because it's
    what geeking out is all about: loving the characters. If you're
    creative or imaginative at all, you want to know what, who, why, and
    how these characters exist, in literary terms, and that's when geeking begins in
  11. Bl3h

    Bl3h Active Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    blood in a 3d beat em up just doesnt fit. every single 3dbeup that sported blood sucked. The VF-series got that clean shiny look, cant imagine blood in there.
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    If you're
    creative or imaginative at all, you want to know what, who, why, and
    how these characters exist, in literary terms, and that's when geeking begins in

    This is insulting. If I'm creative at all, I don't have to channel that towards getting a stiffy over pai's halfassed role in what is essentially a big excuse for 13 characters to fight each other. I can channel it towards the gameplay, which by the way actually keeps on giving long after storyline wanking has played itself out.
  13. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    Players talk about gameplay, fans geek out about on what
    the characters are about. This thread speculates on viscera
    related to these virtual characters, blood adding dramatics to the
    gameplay. It's an asthetic question and concerns the character being
    a "real" person who WOULD bleed...and not merely a catalyst for
    the human player's skill, though that's what the characters are. Still,
    the coolness of the VF characters is that they are cool enough to invite
    such speculation, which is what I'm talking about. Not gameplay, which
    I don't have a proper outlet for anyway...and I could only masterbate to Aoi's
    second classic victory stance when she puts an arm behind her back and
    arches forward slightly, which is a highly sensual pose...actually, when I think of
    VF and the characters, I'm thinking about gameplay. The interesting aspects of
    the who the characters are is just what draws me to that character, but that's how
    my head works.
  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    I think you pretty much did all my work for me by talking about masturbating to aoi. That's pretty pathetic. The really geeky players get accused of masturbating to frame data, but usually that's a joke (and at least frame data is productive)...

    Anyway, have fun with your storyline.
  15. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    actually I said I COULD J.O. to Aoi, not that I DO.

    She just ain't real ENOUGH.
  16. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    Hmm, to me, just having a nice package is a sign of caring enough to do it. IN the long run, it does not do a HUGE amount, but it really does help attract people in the beginning. Story lines in a fighting game are not really nessisairy, but I think astehtic details are nice..hell, if your just gunna say that fanboys or whatnot bitch about graphics and shit like that, why don't we drop graphics all together and just have stick figures?
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    Don't we all start to play a fighting game because of the gameplay and graphics, and THEN wonder about storyline? It never happens backwards... I'm not gonna drive a serious distance to play a new fighting game because someone told me that it has a knockout story and the character intros and CG endings really complements it.

    Can you really say the storyline to VF has enriched your playing experience? Maybe this is just me, but If I want a good story, I read a book or watch a movie. If I want interactive fun, I play the game. I wouldn't look to VF for an interesting story any more than I'd worry about having popup illustrations in a good book. If I want good music, I don't get a bicycle and wish it had a CD player. If I want a screwdriver, I don't worry about whether or not it has tassels on it.
  18. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    Do you realize that your posts are really, really beginning to grate on me? The whole oversexed male attitude of yours is more than a little obnoxious. What amazes me is that your posts thus far have managed to be equally offensive to both the male and female folks present on this site.

    Here's some things to note:

    We really, really don't want to know which female game characters would theoretically feature into your masturbation fantasies, or what these would entail.
    Nobody cares what woman you are boinking.
    We are not concerned about where your Mr. Happy is or what it is doing at any given moment.

    On the topic at hand...
    Storyline in the fighting game is a secondary concern. Sure, it's there, it's fun, it has its appeal, and it enhances the game to a degree. But let's face it, how many people play fighters for the plot?
    VF's storyline is cheezy but it's good fun for total nerds like me who draw fanart and write. (I just finished drawing a Vanessa piece for the university manga club yesterday) If the game sucked, though, would I even care? Hell no, I'm not that superficial. IMO, if the gameplay is poor, not even the most sprawling epic storyline can save it. Just look at the RPG genre for plenty of examples of this.
    A lot of VF players don't care about the story. Fine by me, if the play and enjoy it the way they want to that's all spiffy. For us nerds, AM2's busy with the new GC VF game that will have more of a story focus. I say better to present the bulk of story in a separate game (and separate genre) entirely than have it interfere in the fighting.
  19. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: you gotta be kidding...

    creed has a very good point......try this. want a good story line play an RPG. want to beat the crap out of someone and take out some aggression, play a fighting game.....

    [6_][6_][4_][4_][4_] HP
  20. Demoniac

    Demoniac Member

    My Opinion

    Storyline matters only as an addition to the gameplay. It's far better to have a game like VF4 where the story is practically nonexistent but the gameplay is fabulous than a game where the story is great but the gameplay is crap.

    However, I think having a storyline is simply good marketing. Sure, it doesn't really matter and the gameplay is the important thing, but quite a few people enjoy "storylines" and they get more into the game because of it. Soul Calibur 2 is a good example of this.

    And on the original topic, aesthetics are very important in any game, but adding blood would not enhance VF4s look in any way, shape or form, and would if anything damage the customer base. So I don't think that should be added.

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