do i need to start a combo with a modified move with Akira?

Discussion in 'Akira' started by steve, Oct 5, 2003.

  1. steve

    steve Active Member

    thanks for all comments
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    A modified move is just using a crouch dash instead of [2_]. So unless you're talking about using the shoulder ram as the combo starter then no. Modified moves are usually used DURING a combo where there isn't enough time to hold down long enough.

    [3][3][P] --> [P] --> [3][3][6][P]+[K] --> [3][3][4][6][P]

    That's an example of where to use modified moves, the shoulder ram and double palm have to have a crouch dash buffered in.

    You can also use a backwards crouch dash if you find this easier than a forwards one.
  3. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    You can use a good way to do [2_][4][6][P] in standing position to use same way as I used.
    It goes like this
    I'm not really sure if the buttons are right but I also think that this is useful only if you're playing with pad.
    Check out Ohsu's and HomeStay's videos in EVO's disc. They use the same way.
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Why bother mashing over four directions for a crouch dash when you can just tap the diagonal twice?
  5. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    Well. My version of that standing move may be better because it doesn't usually fail. But if you like that your version is better then it's okay for me.
  6. Cas

    Cas Active Member

    Because some people find it easier just to slip their thumb back and forth over the pad rather than repeatedly lifting and tapping down. I know that for me the [3][2][3][6][P]+[K] motion is the fastest way for me to do Goh's m-shrm, for example.

    I'd imagine this would be even more marked with a stick? I dunno. Never gotten the chance to use one. ._.
  7. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    That method is slow, messy and suited to people with spoons for thumbs. I'll stick with the best way.
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Ermmm its not at all.

    I always play on a stick and ALWAYS modify my dbpms as

    [1][2][1][4][6][P] unless I'm doing a forward CD into one.

    Like someone mentioned if you check Ohsu and Homestays data on the evo disc replays they frequently modify like this.

    Note there is no "best" way. Its solely up to the person playing and how they want to modify a move. Have more patience with people when you post. Oh and btw I find [1][2][1][4][6][P] on a stick far quick than [3][3][4][6][P] and last time I checked my thumbs are not spoons.
  9. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    My thumbs aren't spoons! You're right that it is pretty easy to do [2_][4][6][P] in standing position by doing it like [3][3][4][6][P] or [1][1][4][6][P]! I don't blame you for anything so relax. I already told you that I don't want to discuss about this crap anymore. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I take it you're replying to Elites post but I myself agree with you.
  11. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    I gotta agree too, Im also using [4][1][2][1][4][6], "messy way".
  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Four directions is still four directions and Chris, I was talking about on a pad. On a stick it may well be quicker to use the other method. The sliding method on a pad isn't as good (in my opinion). I used to use it when I first switched over from shitty Tekken. Once I got used to actually inputting the right directions it made things alot faster and easier eventually.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah I understand you use a pad and what you do on a pad but I think some of the posts before were being confused between pad and stick. However I have seen posts by pad players saying they don't tend to just use f or b CD to mod moves. I guess everyone should just stick to what they're happiest with. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    But actually to reply to the thread topic you could use a modified sgpm/dbpm/shrm into a wall to start a combo with Akira. Many options follow after a wall hit and the various types of stagger/knock down that result eg can follow dbpm wall hit with AS3 or knee or DBC sgpm wall hit with various stpm combos and shrm combos with several [P][G] s into say a dbpm or DBC or knee etc...
  14. steve

    steve Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    YohoA said:

    I gotta agree too, Im also using [4][1][2][1][4][6], "messy way".

    [/ QUOTE ]
    would i find the above method a lot easier for dbpm?
    as i always find when i do[1][1][4][6].
    it always tends to end up as a sgpm.
    yet i can do shrm with no problems.
    btw i am using a stick.
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    If you're getting singlepalm there you aren't getting the [4] in. For my 1P doublepalms to end most combos, I curl my middle finger around the stick, tap [1] then roll [1][4] and push [6]. The curling of the finger makes the pull from [1] to [4] happen seemlessly. I basically quit using [3][3][4][6] for dbpms in floats (except for stpm>p>dbpm for some reason...lately I've been a little schizophrenic & I've just followed whatever my hand wanted to do, sometimes it's one way, sometimes it's the other) since the curl is so sure for me. I say all this but I still think it is pretty important to have all your doublepalms...that is, from CD's either way on 1p & 2p...doublepalm is a really good move due mostly to it's range and speed out of movement & if you can only do doublepalm out of [1][1] or [3][3] or whatever then your Akira isn't as strong as he could be.

    But then again, who's Akira is as strong as he could be?
  16. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

  17. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Elite said:
    The sliding method on a pad isn't as good (in my opinion). and easier eventually.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dont fail with sliding method, 9999 times faster and trustable than [3][3] or [1][1], but that´s only my opinion.
  18. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    I enjoy being a friend of YohoA.
    Just right. It really do is faster than [3][3] or [1][1]! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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