Different properties of jumping.

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by social_ruin, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    So i've noticed that a lot of good competition like to use the jump while i am rising to create a situation where it makes my rising attack whiff. This is usually done during some point of a tech roll, but it seems like sometimes they jump while i'm doing my rising attack and it makes me do the rising attack in the wrong direction.

    I was hoping someone could give some more specifics on how this is done. I would like to add it to my game.

    Also if u have any other things that can be accomplished by jumping, please share.

    This is very obvious, but i notice not many players take advantage of it. U can always do a jumping attack to crush a low rising attack. I know this is very simplistic, but... Also, it's pretty easy to jump at an opponent and only release the button if u see ur opponent doing a low rising, and just land if they do nothing.

    Something a little more under the radar i've found is this: U can press, for example, 9k to jump at an opponent. Then u can hold P and Release K, and u are still jumping. Now when u release punch u have executed ur fighters jump P, even though u used K to jump. Could be useful to jump and avoid big pounce attacks.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    As far as I know, The rising attack will only go in the wrong direction if the opponent doesn't roll to the side or backwards. If they do any of those the rising attack tracks, so it's best to jump over them only if you think they'll do the rising attack in place.

    EDIT: I've tried this in dojo and can't replicate it at all, the rising attacks always track when you jump over but against players online this stuff works a lot [​IMG]

    ...So now i'm thinking the timing of when the opponent starts inputting the rising attack and how late you jump over them might also play a part in it.

    It's nothing do with tech rolls or recovering in place, as you can't do a rising attack after those.
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    What the Hell does this say? ^_^

    I switch my fingers from [K] to [P]? Why bother releasing [K] at all?
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I wondered what he was asking there too but I couldn't understand it. Jumping isn't gonna avoid a heavy pounce cause you'd be on the floor...

    Was you talking about avoiding executing a heavy pounce if it's gonna miss, Social?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I understand it now. You're just saying you can input it like that if you're wanting to do a jumping [P] but want to avoid doing a rising attack also.

    Never tried that, could be useful [​IMG]
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I think so. You could just use [K] to jump and not pounce at all. I don't see why you would need to switch your fingers to [P].

    If you want option select, you could time [7_][P] and perform a pounce if the opponent doesn't recover, and jump back to a safe distance if they do. This is useful for when the opponent is knocked down and have one of their sides facing you. Sometimes you might need to kill frames in order to get this to work. For instance, when Brad's Ducking [K][+][G] connects, dash forward and then use [7_][P].
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    You mean like [9_][K]~[P]?
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah, also you don't have to release the [K] after like social said. just holding 9k then tapping the p works.

    You can only get the (in midair punch) from inputting a jumping P like this and it's really slow so I can't see any use in it when your opponent is on floor... it's really difficult to crush a rising attack with it.

    The jumping K works a lot better for crushing rising attacks.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    If opponent is lying on the ground at an angle, meaning not directly feet or head towards, you can jump over him with [9][K](hold) or [9][P](hold) making a rising kick whiff. Unless they delay the rising attack. Basically its best to jump only after they have started rising up.

    This situation happens after several throws for example.

    note: you cant jump over fullcircular rising attacks

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Something a little more under the radar i've found is this: U can press, for example, 9k to jump at an opponent. Then u can hold P and Release K, and u are still jumping. Now when u release punch u have executed ur fighters jump P, even though u used K to jump. Could be useful to jump and avoid big pounce attacks. </div></div>
    I havent got a clue what this says. If you want to avoid pounce, use the OTHER button than what the characters normal pounce is. Its usually either P or K. Lions pounce is [8][P]. If you want to jump and avoid pounce, use [9][K](hold).
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    This sounds pedantic, but the properties of jumping are not differing or variable. Applying a jump during okizeme may have differing results, but that's not because of the properties of the jump (which are constant), but more due to the variables of the opponent -- the direction and speed of their rise, along with the level and speed of their rising attack.

    The key thing that makes this all work is that once you've initiated the jump, you will continue to travel in a straight line and cannot track the opponent. The direction of your jump will be toward the opponent's position the moment you initated. So if they're rolling sideways, there's a good chance they'll be moving out of your path, and if you initiated it close enough, there's even a better chance you can get behind them.

    But depending on what they do, there's also a good chance that they'll wake up facing your back, so you need to be prepared to act accordingly.

    Due to the variability, and therefore, inconsistency of your opponent, successful jumping okizeme is not a foolproof tactic. You can get yourself in a jam very easily all because you tried to get fancy.

    My advice to anyone wanting to practice this is spend some time in dojo free training. Mess around with the CPU rising direction/ speed, rising attack level/speed and setup a knockdown produced by a throw. Choose a throw that gives you plenty of time to dash up close to them and jump as they start to roll.

    Remember that different throws result in different knockdown positions. As Manji noted, the throws that leave the opponent angled are usually easier to get past (or even over). Ideally, you want to find a couple of scenarios you can employ that also have a fail-safe escape. That is, if you're unsuccessful in exposing their back you want to be able to guard a potential rising attack, and not left really vulnerable eating a rising attack with your own back exposed.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Also if u have any other things that can be accomplished by jumping, please share.</div></div>
    Self Ring Outs over half fenced stages [​IMG]

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Something a little more under the radar i've found is this: U can press, for example, 9k to jump at an opponent. Then u can hold P and Release K, and u are still jumping. Now when u release punch u have executed ur fighters jump P, even though u used K to jump. Could be useful to jump and avoid big pounce attacks.</div></div>

    So your alternate method for a jumping [P] attack is:

    1. jump with a press and hold [K]
    2. while holding [K], press and hold [P]
    3. release [K]
    4. release [P] to initiate attack

    is overly complicating things when you can simply do this:

    1. jump with press and hold of [K]
    2. while holding [K], tap [P] to initiate attack

    This method of performing jump attacks has been around in the VF5 wiki - Jump Attacks section for a while now.
  10. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Hey social, I myself apply alot of jumping to avoiding low wr or crush a mid wr which is harder. The reason i do this, on most characters a "non" delayed wr Low or Mid wr is that on block ur only at usually around a +6 adv, so nothing is guaranteed. So if i think ur gonna do a wake up kick right away, i like to do the jumpking kick over ur low, or sometimes if im lucky crush ur mid wr. ON CH (float) jumping K, sometimes a 4 K or a buffered shoulder ram would work. Thats pretty good damage, instead of getting a plus 6 adv and making the best out of it after i block ur wr kicks. Delayed wr are usually punishable, usually about negative 15, which f P+K P is a good punisher, or if its early in the game and my pk BT is giving them alot of problems ILL do that since that PK BT flowchart can do massive damage. u can still apply the jump K on mid WR and low wr but i usually wont use that jumping strategy if i see u delaying mid wr since its a little harder to crush does. Social, goh also can go in for a low throw after a whiffed low kick, but i think a 2p may beat out the low trow after whiff low wr. As far as jumping over the opponent, i have tested that out.. and its hard to time.. I would rather do different setups like. Half circul PG throw ( or any other throw that leaves u in that position; basically positions that make the wr linear non delayed, and using the roll to get away from the wr kick ( Works best against non delayed WR, but it sometimes works against delayed ones too ). You can do that roll strategy, imo it works better than jumping over in my opinion, the roll has faster and better evasive properties. However, that half circular PG setup, doesnt always work because of the angle of how they are lieing on the ground. You should test it out, I cant explain the animation, but when they are kinda angled in a certain way, the wr kicks will be evaded with the roll. I dunno why the angles or positions change after that throw eachtime ( maybe because i did the throw in closed or open stance??), but if u can recognize that same angle.. ur roll will work evrytime. I posted about the roll before to get around the wr kicks, and ppl told me not to do it, cus its situational and theres no guarantee it works... but i found out that u just have to watch for the correct angle. it will evade all low or mid WR non delayed, so imo its better than jumping over someone. I also like to jump away to safety and do a FF K alot. its nice to jump away to safety, since some throws have bad recovery time, and i like to run away as soon as i can.
  11. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Hey thanks mack.
    BTW. Haha. I told u about jump away and FF K. [​IMG] it was on the voicechat that resulted in me sending u that youtube clip [​IMG]
    It was a setup i liked to do with lei [​IMG]
  12. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    ya i remember that, when i first started playing VF u took the time to youtube goh's back stagger combo. Much appreciated btw, i love doing that to ppl now
    ( :
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Jumping is fun. I used to sometimes try and get some jump kick sweeps in ala World Warrior. Or get that jump kick spam in there like Mortal Kombat for the KO.

    Then throw MYSELF into the Dead Pool(Aoi stage or something). What's good??
  14. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I'm jumpaholic. It's alot of fun using moves to exploit oki in general, too. Kage had some ill shenanigans in VF4. I like using Shun's 9p+k to go under mid risers and you can get good frame advantage if you time it right, and crazy frames on a face up head towards mid. Pai, Lau, and Kage's 7k and BT flips i use a bit too frequently, but the reward is big on the BT ones.

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