Defense techniques in a large disadvantage

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Powerthash, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. Powerthash

    Powerthash Member


    Are there any techniques for defense in a large disadvantage (-20 frames and more)? For example, I am doing Akira's 466P+K and my attack is being blocked by opponent's guard which takes me to unfavor situation around -25 frames. Since fuzzy guard/evade are impossible in a such huge disadvantage then what options do I have?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  2. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    -10 disadvantage = Your opponent has a guaranteed throw opportunity
    -11 disadvantage = Characters with 11f attacks get guaranteed damage
    -12 and above disadvantage = Guaranteed damage for the whole cast

    At -25 disadvantage every character in the game can do their max punish launch combo. There is nothing you can do to escape it.

    Furthermore, here is a good thread detailing the defensive techniques in this game. If you're new, some of this might be a bit complicated, but it's still good knowledge to have.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
    Powerthash likes this.
  3. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    If [4][6][6][P][+][K] is being blocked by your opponent alot, I suggest that you use that move less. Otherwise you'll be too easy to defeat.

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