Defend the North Results & Wrap Up

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by MadeManG74, Aug 18, 2019.

By MadeManG74 on Aug 18, 2019 at 5:37 AM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    The first of two major tournaments for Virtua Fighter this summer, Defend the North saw a fantastic turnout of players old and new. Jump in for videos, results and shoutouts!

    Footage of the top 8 for the event can be found here:

    A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into the organisation of this event, so before congratulating the winners, I'd like to extend a big thank you to @Harpooneer for spear-heading (*rimshot*) the tournament. Without him this would have been nowhere near the success it was.

    Without further ado, here is your top 3 for the event:
    1st) @Homestay Akira
    2nd) @Lucky_GT
    3rd) @Tricky

    Image source:

    Full breakdown of matches and results is here:

    Thank you to Strike First Gaming for assistance with setups and securing the amazing NYC Furby/Sabin for the streaming. Find him at

    Please do chime in with your thoughts on the tournament, memories, favourite matches and comments!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2019
    cobratron, Harpooneer, Jacko and 5 others like this.


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by MadeManG74, Aug 18, 2019.

    1. MadeManG74
      On a personal note, I really do want to thank @Harpooneer not only for this tireless efforts in making the tournament run smoothly, but for his normal and impeccable hospitality. I always feel so welcome in the NYC scene and he is a big part of that.

      It was great having Thursday Night Casuals with @Tricky, Harpooneer, @IcKY99, @Jacko , @ShinobiFist , @_Denkai_
      We managed to cram everyone into one room and play on an Xbox One with only one compatible stick while talking kung fu movies, anime and smashing Australian chocolates. One of my favourite memories of the event. Catching @cobratron later and the rest of the strike first team was also good fun until we got rained off the balcony.Tricky getting mistaken for @kori_maru was a first.

      It was also a pleasure to share the (bigger) room for the rest of the trip with @daRockReaper and @shadowmaster . Always great to catch up and talk pro-wrestling with Rock Reaper, we almost stretched ourselves thin enough to hit up the ROH show that was literally next door to DtN.

      Friday night it was great to finally meet @adamYUKI and @Lucky_GT at the new Next Level, while also seeing an almost unrecognisable @kungfusmurf (briefly) who somehow is aging backwards and @Terracrush. I managed to get more time playing Terra at Boston as well which was great.

      Tournament day was wild, and thanks to some Macguyver levels of quick thinking we managed to put together a ghetto full setup to stream and record the pools and not just top 8! Thanks to Icky for making use of his phone as a make-shift microphone. I also got to see old mate @VFhayato again for the first time since NYGX, always a pleasure never a chore.

      With my tournament completed early, I got to watch the top 8 where @Homestay Akira and @Tetsuko_Yamada tore up the finals alongside the amazing local USA talent. I hope you both had an amazing trip and got to enjoy some of New York while there! I have to know as well, where did @Shag get those hype sticks? Nice work doing the announcements for the finals!

      One of my favourite memories of the weekend though had to be the after hours, chatting with @cruzlink2 and @techmonkey about retro games, and even getting some fantastic advice from the masters themselves on solutions to my setups. It really was the perfect end to the big weekend, just shooting the shit about old games, local pizza joints and the weird Australian language I use. Again, thanks for always being so welcoming to the NY community.
      (As an aside, big congrats to Tech for taking out the ST tournament in an incredibly dominating performance! I had to watch that at the earliest opportunity, I don't know how you managed to make O. Sag look so free.)

      I'm almost certain I missed at least one or two people, I met so many people either for the first time, or for the first time in a long time. Had an excellent weekend, and hope we can do it all again before too long.
    2. Harpooneer
      Thanks, dude! Everyone reading this thread should know that @MadeManG74 was a real help, running brackets and organizing as well. This was my first major that actually had large numbers, and he and @IcKY99 were able to take a lot of pressure off so I could manage little hiccups that came up. I'm really excited to continue to run VF Events in NYC and the East Coast in general. Hopefully this successful event showed people that VF can still work in a large-scale environment.
      cobratron, adamYUKI and MadeManG74 like this.
    3. MadeManG74
      Photos of your DTN top 3! Courtesy of CobraKai Tone.

      DTN RS.jpg Dtn2 RS.jpg
      cobratron likes this.

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