Daft Punk: Intestella 5555

Discussion in 'General' started by pkg_inc, Mar 11, 2004.

  1. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    I recently bought the dvd-pack, and I have to say I'm impressed! The dvd is sooo cool. I have fancied the music for a long, long time, and when the dvd hit my local store, I went down and grabbed it. But to get to the point: is there anyone else here who's got the dvd? I'd like to hear some opinons about the graphics/drawings. In a way, they're really cheap, with very few moving objects in the picture, but there is something that makes it look real-life, I can't explain it properly. So, if you've seen it, would you care to speak your mind? /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  2. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    I just bought this movie yesterday. Very odd that a post would appear so soon. (GET OUT OF MY HEAD AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH)

    This is an awesome DVD, plenty of extras and the movie itself is awesome. The animation was sweet and smooth (i mean its no monolithic anime achievement, but it goes perfectly to the music) and the music itself is awesome (if you like daft punk's discovery album). The plot to the movie is cheesy gold and works perfectly to the rest of the movie.

    All in all I would rate this movie a 4 out 5 . Definitely worth getting
  3. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    what do you think of the remixed disc?

    Imust admit I do not think very much of some of them. My favourite is of course aerodynamic (daft punk remix), but I think the aerodynamite (similar names, no?) is also very good. If you listen closely to the latter, you can hear that all the sounds are recorded backwards --> very stylish!!!

    If there are anyone here wondering if they should bu it, I think you would regret if you choose not to, imho.
  4. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I love Daft Punk so obviously I loved the film. I have a greater appreciation for the album now since I saw it. (Actually, I saw the film before the DVD came out at a film fest)

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