Counterhit hit-check, and elbow hook kick question

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Bruno, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Bruno

    Bruno New Member

    Hi guys,

    This is my first post here, so let me thank all of you for the incredible quality of this website ! It definitely helps to share the knowledge of this awesome game, making the fights more and more tactical and...thrilling !

    As for me, I'm quite new to Virtua Fighter (only started in november) and I'm still learning how to play Sarah effectively on XBOX360. I've already met a lot of artists online, and would like to thank them for the challenge they are offering (guys, it still hurts..;-)

    I have 2 basic questions :

    1- what is the best / quickest way to hit check a counterhit ?
    I know that many things open up when you get one, meaning that you have to switch between different sets of options to get maximum advantage.
    But, on the fly, I still find it difficult to hit check on time to follow-up with maximum speed and efficiency.
    I didn't notice any special lights on X360. I guess many of you use the different sound of impact, or maybe "see" that the opponent was trying to strike at the same time ?
    Any advice ?

    2- When you do get a counterhit with an elbow with Sarah, hit check it, and then follow-up with 4K (to elbow hook kick) :

    - is the kick guaranteed of can the opponent retaliate when you launch it ?
    - do you ALWAYS enter flamingo stance with a counterhit advantage (+6), or is it possible that, afer the elbow counterhit, you only get a normal hit with the following kick (meaning thath you enter FS at +3 instead of +6)


  2. GoatCheeseBlues

    GoatCheeseBlues Well-Known Member

    Re: Counterhit hit-check, and elbow hook kick ques

    Hey Bruno!

    I'm glad you are enjoying VF. Its good to see new people picking the game up. I thought hit checking elbow for both normal hit and MC was impossible when I first started playing, but if you keep playing, the game will slow down, and you'll be able to see and react to it easily. That sounds ridiculous, but its true. I'd say that you are a few months away from your bullet time reflexes kicking in. Just keep playing with your friends or against the CPU and always make an effort to respond correctly to hitting your opponent. (attack if your opponent attacks back, or throw if they freeze up and block a lot) Even if you are too slow at first and you are hit out of your attack, keep going for it, you'll get it eventually.

    1.) Anyways, enough of the inspirational crap : ) I find the best way to hit check anything, is to expect your move to hit for a counter, and then to react to it being a normal hit or blocked. I mean if you don't think the elbows going to counter something, why are you doing it in the first place? and if its always blocked, you are elbowing at the wrong time, you need to throw or something. As you are doing elbow, have your finger over the kick button waiting for a counter hit flash. When it hits, you can kick at the fastest time. If its blocked, you still have enough time to react to it and to guard, or fuzzy, or evade. Whatever you want. I also think its helpful to watch videos of other players. Just pick one player and watch him really closely. See what he does when he gets a counter hit, and how he reacts to being counter hit. Not only will this help you recognize a counter, you'll pick up the basics of the game a lot faster.

    2.) The second kick is guaranteed, but it only hits for normal in that situation. That move would be too good otherwise. +3 with your leg in the air is still really strong though. FL,k will beat a lot of things.

    I hope that helps Bruno. Keep at it!
  3. Bruno

    Bruno New Member

    Re: Counterhit hit-check, and elbow hook kick ques

    Many thanks for the tips, which will help building my skills in the long run.

    I still need 2 clarifications, if possible :

    1- When you say « waiting for a counterhit flash », what do you mean exactly by flash? Maybe I misunderstand (I’m french..), but I only hear a different sound when I get a counterhit (a higher pitched sound, to be precise). Is is that different sound to wait for ? Or a different animation to see ? Because I see no special light (flash ?) when I play vs a human or CPU (xbox 360 version). I only see different color lights in the dojo, between high, mid and low hits. This question must be stupid, but, hey, I’m still confused about it. ;-))

    2- So how do you get a counterhit with the elbow hook kick (entering FS at +6) ? When you do not wait for hit confirmation after the elbow and chain the two moves (elbow, kick) at maximum speed input ?

    Thanks again

  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Re: Counterhit hit-check, and elbow hook kick ques

    If you pay attention to your hits their is a very quick flash of transparent yellow color surrounding the opponent on counterhit that distinguish it from normal hits (and yes, the sound of the hit becomes a bit more exaggerated). Side counterhits, your opponent will be quickly surrounded by a transparent blue color.
  5. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Re: Counterhit hit-check, and elbow hook kick ques

    You can get a counterhit hook kick, if your opponent tries to strike after blocking elbow, if you whiff elbow(or it possibly being sidestepped) and go into hook kick beating out your opponents strike, or if you delay the hook kick after the elbow beating your opponents inbetween attempt to strike.

    If there's anything in VF I can say I'm pretty decent at, hitchecking would definitely be it. So I'd personally say that one of the easiest ways to hitcheck for a counterhit would be getting your opponent to guard a previous strike first(a checking move like jab), and then with your next move if they failed to guard it, chances are your strike is a counterhit. It also gets you used to recognizing the popping sound, aswell as looking for the yellow flash.

    Hitchecking is essential.

    Once you react fast with it, then you can start hitchecking for normal hit, and can make good use of moves like the serpent.
  6. Bruno

    Bruno New Member

    Re: Counterhit hit-check, and elbow hook kick ques

    Thanks for your inputs !

    I now see the yellow flash light. I guess I was
    too far away from the TV... ;-)

    Well, a lot of work has still to be done to react accordingly...
    And I'll try to follow Slide's advice !

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